Napoleonic figures (1 Viewer)

Pat clued me in to this figure a while back. I've been toying with buying it ever since. Vlad Dracula:


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Pat clued me in to this figure a while back. I've been toying with buying it ever since. Vlad Dracula:

Hi Combat,

That figure does tend to get into your blood, doesn't it? :eek: You might remember it is a limited edition figure. It is only limited to a total of 100 pieces. Once it is sold out, it is gone forever. If you toy with purchasing it too long, the decision to include it or not include it in your collection may be made for you. I recommend you go for it before they are all gone! :rolleyes:

Thanks for posting that great picture!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat ;)
I really like the crazed look in the eye of Dracula's horse. A nice mix of the historical and supernatural legend. It's on my list Pat - along with john jenkins, Figarti V2....
I really like the crazed look in the eye of Dracula's horse. A nice mix of the historical and supernatural legend. It's on my list Pat - along with john jenkins, Figarti V2....

Hi Combat,

I clearly understand about "the list." My list is way, way too long! :D

Warmest personal regards,

Pat ;)
Andrea miniatures has some new releases. If anyone has done business with them - particularly in arranging top quality painting - I would appreciate any feedback on how it worked out:


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Interesting set featuring pre-WWI Germans (1909):


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Trumpeter, Horse Grenadiers Imperial Guard:


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One of Hannibal's pals:


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Some more:


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Naples Kingdom Guard:


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Roman Gallic Auxiliary 1st AD:


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Nice example of how additional historical info may increase collector interest in a particular figure:

History: The idea for the realisation of this figurine comes from the statue of the “warrior of Capestrano” which was found in Abbruzzo ( L’Aquila ) and is now kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Chieti. The armour is typical of the italic warriors living in the Apennines area. The Oscan-Sabellas language as well as the Sannitic language were common to these populations that historically had to withstand the Roman expansion between the VI and the III century b.C. The chest is protected by the kardiophylax (literally hart protector) a bronze disc (front and back) often showing an episema which is the mythogical representation of a doubled protome animal. The anchoring system is made out of both bronze and leather straps, with an odd support for the cross hilted sword, which has the shape of a lengthened willow leaf, whose sheath is also equipped with a scabbard for a dagger. An extra weapon could sometime be the straight axe slipped through the belt and mainly used as a sign of distinction for leaders. The abdomen is partially protected by a belt made out of bronze. The figurine wears a collar (turquis) which is also made out of bronze. The helmet is made out of bronze and is embellished by a multi coloured horsehair crest. The shield which could vary in shapes was made out of wood laminated with leather and often painted. The bronze umbo at a later date was made out of iron. Other typical weapons were, the javelin (pila) used during the initial skirmishes when the enemy was still distant, and the lance (hasta) used for close combat prior to utilize the dagger (or the sword). The boots are in leather. The tunic tightened at the waist by the belt is in pastel whitish colour or brown or red. Decorations of the rims could be painted in Greek fashion or in any other geometrical pattern.


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You must return here with a shrubbery... or else you will never
pass through this wood... alive.


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Chinese Warrior:


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New Andrea 90mm figure - Fallschimjäger. Monte Cassino, 1944:


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