Napoleonic Regiment ID help please (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Oct 16, 2008
Does anyone recognize the Regiment this figure depicts? I am trying to find out for a mate, have no fear I have no intention of collecting Naps ^&grin



Does anyone recognize the Regiment this figure depicts? I am trying to find out for a mate, have no fear I have no intention of collecting Naps ^&grin




Not sure what regiment??? but he is a light infantry voltiger. The regiment number would be on the shako plate(the silver plate on his hat) if it has that detail is visable on the figure???
Not sure what regiment??? but he is a light infantry voltiger. The regiment number would be on the shako plate(the silver plate on his hat) if it has that detail is visable on the figure???

Many thanks for your reply, unfortunately there isn't that detail. Trophy did many Light Infantry Voltiger sets in their Napoleonic series and listed quite a few with detailed uniform descriptions in their catalogues but unfortunately not in the case of this particular one.


Hi Martyn,

Trophy's sets WA7, 8, and 9 from about 20 years ago were French Light Infantry wearing all blue uniforms. I had some of these sets, but ultimately sold them when I decided not to collect Trophy's Napoleonic War line. It is possible that the afore mentioned sets may have been generic light infantry rather than specific to a particular regiment. I don't recall what the colors were on their plumes. I have Stone Castle Imports catalog for these sets, but their description doesn't mention the plumes and their photos are, unfortunately, in black and white.

Hi Martyn,

Trophy's sets WA7, 8, and 9 from about 20 years ago were French Light Infantry wearing all blue uniforms. I had some of these sets, but ultimately sold them when I decided not to collect Trophy's Napoleonic War line. It is possible that the afore mentioned sets may have been generic light infantry rather than specific to a particular regiment. I don't recall what the colors were on their plumes. I have Stone Castle Imports catalog for these sets, but their description doesn't mention the plumes and their photos are, unfortunately, in black and white.


Many thanks for your info Mike, I will pass this all over to my mate :salute::


I have one boxed set which I bought on ebay a long time ago. The label states: WA 9V Voltigeurs. This is a very nice set.

Another boxed set was sold on ebay a few years ago that had the flag bearer. It sold for a very high price.
I have known a few people who while collecting trophy napoleonic sets have asked for custom paint jobs, this may be one of them?^&grin

Hope this helps^&grin
I have one boxed set which I bought on ebay a long time ago. The label states: WA 9V Voltigeurs. This is a very nice set.

Another boxed set was sold on ebay a few years ago that had the flag bearer. It sold for a very high price.

Many thanks Tebear98

I have known a few people who while collecting trophy napoleonic sets have asked for custom paint jobs, this may be one of them?^&grin

Hope this helps^&grin

I think you have hit the nail on the head Scott :salute::


Did you try asking Len, Martyn?


First Port of Call Brad, but no joy, Len painted loads of "Specials" over the years including one or two for me :wink2:, but doesn't have a record of them all


Definitely not one of the four regimets that mike has listed at trophy of texas. Looks to be a special order scenario. I have seen this paticular regiment offered 4 times over the last 5 years on ebay. I have a couple of special order sets myself. One interesting one is a regt of chasseurs that have yellow facings and hats. Also have some agryl highlanders for the napoleonic wars
Definitely not one of the four regimets that mike has listed at trophy of texas. Looks to be a special order scenario. I have seen this paticular regiment offered 4 times over the last 5 years on ebay. I have a couple of special order sets myself. One interesting one is a regt of chasseurs that have yellow facings and hats. Also have some agryl highlanders for the napoleonic wars

Many thanks for your reply :salute::, they are more than likely a special order that Len produced


The three sets (18 figures) sold for a total of $1012.24



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