Napoleonic Wish List for 2020 (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 2, 2010
I received the "Napoleon at War" booklet with a recent K&C order and looking through it and past publications, it's impressive the depth that K&C has covered the British and French armies of the Napoleonic Wars.

Still, I have a few things on my wish list. I'm hoping that K&C produces figures of British infantry campaigning like they have done with the French 7th Hussars. I'm also hoping to see some French Imperial Guard artillery since I missed out on the Imperial Guard gunners released a few years ago.

What do other Napoleonic collectors hope to see this year?


I'd love to see a Royal Navy landing party and early war British Marines from the 1790s... I know it's a long shot
I would have loved to see K&C do the Early Empire, perhaps focusing on the Battle of Austerlitz, Jena and Auerstaedt.
They never produced Austrians and Prussians.
Even the Peninsula War was limited to French and British with no regular Spanish army or Guerrillas and no Portuguese.

As Andy once told me "Waterloo sells" and British and French sell.
Still whatever they did produce was done well with plenty to choose from in that time period. And they did do Russians from

I just got tired of only getting Waterloo themed figures.
I just got tired of only getting Waterloo themed figures.

I agree, particularly with only 3 major armies there, and K&C never produced Prussians, I think we need others.

As far as French go, line Chasseurs a cheval would be good and light infantry both French and British.

But I'd like to see more for the Peninsular Wars, with the many European allies included, but we need the troops in campaign clothing NOT 'on parade' !!

Also camp scenes, wounded getting treated, camp followers and baggage trains ... the list is endless.....!!

What about a figure of Napoleon? We have not had one for at least 3 months,...………………………….. just joking, but would like to see some more British regiments, cavalry especially. Plus there are very few non-actions British when compared to the French at rest figures.

In this range British and French sell, very few of the other nations do, look at the Dutch mounted, I do not think they went well, cannot really see Portuguese figures selling or Spanish and not Eastern European, German or Austrian as well. They have to sell, simple as that and I support Andy in his point of view on French or British, some British Light cavalry would be my choice.
What about a figure of Napoleon? We have not had one for at least 3 months,...………………………….. just joking, but would like to see some more British regiments, cavalry especially. Plus there are very few non-actions British when compared to the French at rest figures.

In this range British and French sell, very few of the other nations do, look at the Dutch mounted, I do not think they went well, cannot really see Portuguese figures selling or Spanish and not Eastern European, German or Austrian as well. They have to sell, simple as that and I support Andy in his point of view on French or British, some British Light cavalry would be my choice.

Over the years I have spoke to many dealers in many places about Napoleonics...And almost to a man they say that the vast majority of the ‘Napoleonics’ that they sell and what they get asked for is either ‘French’ or ‘British’...
That being said it’s good to dabble occasionally in the other countries involved... Which is something K&C is doing with a little future project right now.
Best wishes,
That being said it’s good to dabble occasionally in the other countries involved... Which is something K&C is doing with a little future project right now.
Best wishes,

Oh ???? That sounds VERY interesting :confused::confused::confused:

Although many a time, this has proven rather futile ... How could l resist not posting on this subject ?
i have collected K&C Naps since I started back in 2006 ... The one faction I long for most is The Polish Legion, faithful if not tragic ally of Imperial France to the end.

Andy, thanks for the great news and looking forward to their release.

Over the years I have spoke to many dealers in many places about Napoleonics...And almost to a man they say that the vast majority of the ‘Napoleonics’ that they sell and what they get asked for is either ‘French’ or ‘British’...
That being said it’s good to dabble occasionally in the other countries involved... Which is something K&C is doing with a little future project right now.
Best wishes,

Is it Grouchy or Prussians, and will they be in Landrovers? Asking for a Friend ^&grin
Over the years I have spoke to many dealers in many places about Napoleonics...And almost to a man they say that the vast majority of the ‘Napoleonics’ that they sell and what they get asked for is either ‘French’ or ‘British’...
That being said it’s good to dabble occasionally in the other countries involved... Which is something K&C is doing with a little future project right now.
Best wishes,

Were you never told it is rude to tease people...…………….. But then again it could be called an 'up date'.
I would love to see a return to Peninsular War figures. Or a new british infantry regiment like the 52nd. British camp life soldiers would be fantastic, or a surgeon and casualties.
Would like to see some Prussians and Austrians and maybe new Russians. Armies that fought in the Battle of Leipzig.

French Army during the Retreat from Moscow and some more Camp Scenes, maybe Ambulance with wounded Soldiers.

Best Regards
i would love to see a return to peninsular war figures. Or a new british infantry regiment like the 52nd. British camp life soldiers would be fantastic, or a surgeon and casualties.

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For me, it is 'The Black Brunswickers" that I would like to see. Or maybe something akin to a little vignette of the famous John Everett Millais painting (
I think this would fit in with other "farewell" type figures that K&C has produced over the years. In the meantime I have some KGL Cavalry to acquire!
I would love to see a return to Peninsular War figures. Or a new british infantry regiment like the 52nd. British camp life soldiers would be fantastic, or a surgeon and casualties.

Lots of support for these sort of figures ..... so bring them on ???

I will always get Peninsular figures. I would also love to see some British or French engineers and sappers building a pontoon bridge.
Lots of support for these sort of figures ..... so bring them on ???


I hope so. I don't understand why Waterloo enthusiasts wouldn't also be Peninsular war enthusiasts but I'm sure there are lots of reasons beyond me...I'm biased because it's my area of interest. I'm not a rivet counter so I often use a variety of figures—realistically the soldiers would've looked nothing like the idealised but beautiful toy soldiers after some time on campaign. I'm re-reading Douglas's memoirs of the Peninsular and the amounts of times they are neck deep in mud I can only imagine the states of the uniforms, dye running, lost clothing replaced by whatever they could lay their hands on, lack of shoes and so on.

That being said, it would be great to see line infantry wearing the regular pre 1812 pattern shako plate. If I really dream I'd hope for all sorts of 'obscure' items, Portuguese, civilians, more mounted dragoons, and personalities. Crawfurd, Picton, Massena. Then again if these were all produced I'd also be bankrupt. It's an addiction.

Some Sharpe characters would be fantastic too! Obadiah, Loup, chosen me, Sharpe and Harper. K&C have done such a good job with other film and TV characters

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