National Infantry Musuem (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 2, 2010
I was recently in Fort Moore for an exercise and had the opportunity to visit the National Infantry Musuem. I was very impressed with the quality of the museum. I highly recommend a visit. Here are a few photos of the life-sized diorama hall.


Had to pause for a moment to think where Ft Moore was having known it as Ft Benning all my life. The museum is outstanding and a similar one is at Quantico, VA for the Marines. Seems odd there is a National Museum of the Army under construction in Belvoir, VA.
Looks like a great place to visit. Really enjoy museums with creative displays such as this. Thanks for sharing.
Had to pause for a moment to think where Ft Moore was having known it as Ft Benning all my life. The museum is outstanding and a similar one is at Quantico, VA for the Marines. Seems odd there is a National Museum of the Army under construction in Belvoir, VA.
View attachment 346854
The USMC Museum is also on my must see list.

Thanks Brendan for sharing these pics. I'll have to put this place on my must-see list.
Looks like a great place to visit. Really enjoy museums with creative displays such as this. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Brendan for sharing these pics. I'll have to put this place on my must-see list.

You're welcome. For context, this is the entry gallery. The story of the US infantry is told in five other galleries plus one gallery for the US cavalry. I spent about 4 hours there and felt like I could have spent 10 times that.


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