New Artillery figures (1 Viewer)

Saw this diorama set with artillery set at the Mananas visitor's center in early June. Anyone seen anything similar at other battlefields?


That diorama is the work of Ken Osen. Earlier this year Richard Walker, and I believe Ken also, made visits to many different ACW national parks and set up diorama displays for them. Many of the on-site park museums/gift shops sell WB ACW figures and are really big retailers of WB figures.
:) Mike
Hi All!
This is one of 10 dioramas we have built and placed in various NPS Civil War sites this last year. We have also built a few for other institutions so you might stumble across one if you are visiting historic sites in the East or South. All of these were built with pedestals and Plexiglas covers and then figures that represented the inventory the site was going to carry were glued in place at the site.
Here are a couple before we packed them up for the last road trip.



These were fun road trips and it looks like we are up for another one this Spring!
I like the earthworks diorama because you have the sods placed back on the excavated earth. There were "riveted sod" works in the Mahan's book, built in the War of 1812 and the CW here in Gloucester. These used sod like bricks, when it was available. Sod was also used to stabilize the earth on top as you have shown. Conte has a Petersburg earthwork like that, that made me "look it up."

I also like that you account for seasons in the other two of the three.
Thanks Scott.
I patterned these earthworks for W. Britain and incorporated one into the NPS gift shop display. I also patterned the Conte ones you mentioned some time ago. Some where around here I have some pictures of the original patterns before I shipped them. As I recall TSSD offered some of these Conte moldings last year too.

I have been experimenting in building a custom diorama of earthworks with sod in place rather than the molded Polyurethane foam or resin castings as currently offered. The results look pretty good but are very time consuming so I still have my thinking cap on!

That was your earthwork as well. Nice pieces. You have to take seasons and time in dioramas of earthworks.

Off topic...
I've seen the letter from a local land owner trying to get the US Government to pay for his sod that was used on the fort on his property. It was valuable.

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