New baby added to SOHK display! (1 Viewer)

Iron Brigade

Command Sergeant Major
Jul 27, 2007
For my wife's (Karen) birthday on July 21st I gave her a K&C set HK225 "Lullaby" of a brand new baby in a basket with it's mother sitting on a small stool with a fan and a baby rattle. Putting the baby and it's mother in a sampan boat was her idea and it shows up well in the Streets of Old Hong Kong harbor area of the display that is at about 85 by 29 inches in total display area. I have attached just one photo of the new and most current SOHK series set from King & Country. The Streets of Old Hong Kong display has grown a lot from the time I first started it back in 1994 and it is my wife's favorite display.

I have also attached in the next posting by me another five photos giving overviews of the entire display from the right side to the left side of the display. Hope you enjoy this one photo and the five photos in my next posting to this new Thread.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

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Wonderful series, this latest gift is a lot cheaper than the real thing though, thank goodness. Robin.
Here are the five photos giving an overview of my entire Streets of Old Hong Kong display. I recently did a bit of consolidating when making room for my new K&C 2001 made "Rough Riders" series of sets and I sold a K&C set HK 135 "Stone Mason" and HK 074 "Pagoda". I will also be selling set HK 098 "Street Doctor" soon.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

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Gary as I've said many many times your and Karens collection is amazing. As good as the pictures are you have to see it in person. Thanks for posting again my friend.

SOHK is my FAVORITE and (sniff, sniff) I am so happy for you! All of my SOHK in in bins as I am moving soon, boo hoo. The pics are great and when you get ready to sell any piece please let me they will go to a good home.

John from Texas
That's a very impressive display Gary. Thanks for posting.
Hi Gary,

The K&C HK225 "Lullaby" set is a very nice addition to your excellent "Streets of Old Hong Kong" display. I always spend some time studying your photographs to appreciate the lovely figures and facades which are a great mix of the retired and current sets. As advised, I reviewed the pictures in sequence to appreciate a right to left overview of your entire display. It was a very enjoyable start to my Sunday morning here local time.

Thanks, Raymond.

everytime one of you guys posts pics of your SOHK collection...I get so have an especially nice SOHK collection...I wish I had started on this years ago...but I missed the boat and it's too deep...too rare and too retired for it to be financially practical for me to try and complete...but I do enjoy looking at yours...
I want to thank all 8 members who have left individual comments and the 10 members who left "Likes". Also thanks to any other members who may yet post a "Like" or make a comment.

As a result of my recent consolidation of #3 displays of SOHK sets into just #2 my former Hong Kong Park diorama with park, Pagoda and children playing by a lake is now a park with just the Chinese Wedding Party passing by aside of the lake with the "Gateway" in back of the diorama. This diorama has a display area of about 16 inches by 22 inches. See one overview photo below.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

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I collect that line too
Love the peacefulness of it for a change
Very colorful too
Mine not as nice as urs
U did a very nice job my freind
Maple Leaf

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