New figures on the Britains site (2 Viewers)

Figures are looking better and better! Great stuff!

I personally cannot wait to get my hands on 12 each of the kneeling and standing firing figures and an officer for my own collection. I plan on building a small scenic for these with trees, grass and a stone fence.
I thought some of you might enjoy seeing images of the original sculpts before I sent them off for duplication.



All the best,
The other set that is a 'must have' for me is the 6th Wisconsin advancing through Miller's cornfield at Antietam. I plan on combining this with other Iron Brigade figures I have to simulate the scope of the painting and diorama at the Wisconsin Veteran's Museum. This will include removing any Corp badges that might be on my figures for 1863. An easy fix here anyway...
Here are a few figures from this new 'Art of War' set right after I finished them. The light yellow or cream colored parts are resin copies of earlier figure I sculpted, and the metal parts are metal pre production parts. This allows me to use parts from previous figures for speed and consistency. The light gray is the Epoxy putty that I use to sculpt with. I was first introduced to this type of material in the mid 1970s by world class sculptor, Shep Paine of Chicago. Some additional detailing was done with tin foil and wire on the sleeve.



I hope you enjoy seeing these originals,
All very nice looking Ken but as you are well aware of I am really partial to the Iron Brigade boys . . .
:smile2: Mike
Hi Ken,

Thank you for sharing these photos and for providing information regarding the manner in which your prepare the figures. Your discussion is very informative and I appreciate the images and the information very much!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Thanks for sharing the pictures of the sculpts Ken; those AWI figures in a word are stunning, really happy for collectors of that period to be getting so many great releases to add to their collections.

Like Mike, I am also a huge fan of the Iron Brigade, they were boyhood heros for me.

Love the subject of the 1862 anniversary based on that spectacular diorama at the museum in Wisconsin, I've got to get there prior to OTSN one of these trips.

Would have been great to see the subject based on the Rocco painting "Kernstown" with the Union troops in greatcoats or "Always ready" with the 9th NY Hawkins Zouaves depicted; that said, The Iron Brigade is a great choice for sure.

I know this may be out in left field, but I'd love to see some troops and scenery based on the painting "Decision at the Crossroads" during the siege and Battle of Corinth, specifically cotton bales, the Tishomingo Hotel and also distinctively unique flag of The Army of the West (Van Dorn's Corps).

Union and Confederate troops for the Western theatre would be a great addition; again, just my own ideas for that it's worth...............
Richard- is that Loyalist a future release? I did not see it on the sight.... Also, are the new redoubt sections the same as the AWI released earlier, just without the figures? And if they are, why are they twice the price (different material?)? But I LOVE these new releases (esp. Sudan), though the Titanic really caught me off guard.
Richard- is that Loyalist a future release? I did not see it on the sight.... Also, are the new redoubt sections the same as the AWI released earlier, just without the figures? And if they are, why are they twice the price (different material?)? But I LOVE these new releases (esp. Sudan), though the Titanic really caught me off guard.

Hi Sandor:

The loyalist is a special for the OMSS (Ontario Model Soldier Society) 50th AnNniversary show in September. It can be pruchased only directly from Scott J. Dummit Presents and Henry Chow in Canada.
The AWI redoubts are the same as those released in 2006 - with the base cut outs so you can put figures on the outside of the redoubt. We have changed the material and sadly, like many things, the price has gone up.

Hope you are having a great summer so far.
Hi Sandor:

The loyalist is a special for the OMSS (Ontario Model Soldier Society) 50th AnNniversary show in September. It can be pruchased only directly from Scott J. Dummit Presents and Henry Chow in Canada.
The AWI redoubts are the same as those released in 2006 - with the base cut outs so you can put figures on the outside of the redoubt. We have changed the material and sadly, like many things, the price has gone up.

Hope you are having a great summer so far.

Thanks for the info! Luckily I picked up a ton of the sections from TF and sold the figures, so I got them for pretty cheap.
I actually just got back from West Point's summer program, so yeah, I'm doing pretty good^&grin.
Hope you're doing well, and hope to see you at some show in the next year!
My AWI Britain trench system still missing a corner piece and I am happy to see a new corner and small straight releases.
However to complete my trench square I’d prefer a corner in the previous (heavy) material.
As in the Britain site the old 17752 section is considered ‘temporarily out of stock’ I’d like to know if it will be still available or if the new 51027 replace it.
Thank you

My AWI Britain trench system still missing a corner piece and I am happy to see a new corner and small straight releases.
However to complete my trench square I’d prefer a corner in the previous (heavy) material.
As in the Britain site the old 17752 section is considered ‘temporarily out of stock’ I’d like to know if it will be still available or if the new 51027 replace it.
Thank you


Hi Carlo - we will be re-running 17752, but it will be in the new lighter material. Available end of this year/early next year again.
Thank you!

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