New figures. (2 Viewers)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007


Great figures

The way the Buffalo Soldiers have been sculpted, particularly with the with extreme red lips, is perplexing in that they do not look like African Americans but sterotypes from the days of Jim Crow. They look like something out of Little Black Sambo.

As you can see from the below photos, Buffalo Soldiers were all types, not Stepin Fetchit characters.


Fob142 is a must have !!!!!
great figure
The way the Buffalo Soldiers have been sculpted, particularly with the with extreme red lips, is perplexing in that they do not look like African Americans but sterotypes from the days of Jim Crow. They look like something out of Little Black Sambo.

As you can see from the below photos, Buffalo Soldiers were all types, not Stepin Fetchit characters.

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Forgive me in advance Brad, for disagreeing with you...But I think your review betrays your liberal left point of view...Our Buffalo Soldiers are a very fair representation of American soldiers of African descent.

They certainly have certain distinct Negroid features but we are working with small scale figurines that should be recognisably black, coloured, people of colour, African American...Take your pick. And they are nothing to do with 'Jim Crow' except in your own particular opinion.

Best wishes, Andy.
This has nothing to do with liberal, conservative, what have you, but representing how people look and how you represented them was as a stereotype, which you yourself admitted in a different venue and I quote, "And yes, I do agree...They are indeed stereotypical African in their appearance, that was my intention."

I have nothing further to add.
They certainly have certain distinct Negroid features but we are working with small scale figurines that should be recognisably black, coloured, people of colour, African American...Take your pick. And they are nothing to do with 'Jim Crow' except in your own particular opinion.

The smart thing to have done is simply not to have manufactured the figures. For the better part of a decade, satirical cartoonists have been unable to render a critical likeness of Barack Obama for risk of being robbed of their livelihood. That's a sad fact, but it's an accurate statement, nonetheless.

Did anyone notice that the movie poster made Woody Strode over to appear more Caucasian in appearance:


Instead of looking like someone with roots in Africa, the fella on the left looks sorta like Jeffrey's rather more athletic cousin. Here's the real Woody Strode:


One has to wonder if there'd be no stink had Andy made his figures look more like the artist's rendition on the poster. I'd argue that to do so truly would have been racist, in that I implies that there's something objectionable about the appearance of what Andy correctly characterizes as "Negroid" features. Of course, I'm no fan of the caprices of Marxist cultural analysis, either, knowing how destructive that it is of the ties that bind, not to mention its frequently tenuous ties to proportion or scale, not to mention...well...reality.

A final thought on the movie poster...note that Woody Strode's name doesn't get top billing among the cast. This is a shame in that he gave a fine, believable performance. Most importantly, his was a character which engendered sympathy in an era when African-Americans were deserving of every break that came there way. However, that was also 60 years ago. Attempts to superimpose the struggle of a bygone era on the world of Toy Soldiers is pointless and divisive. Hopefully, Andy can continue to render "African-American Troops" for collectors who wish to purchase them. I've got his "Tuskegee Airmen":cool: sets, and wouldn't want to see him shrink from making more.

Unfortunately the Buffalo Soldier figures play right into a stereotype that most people would object to today. Here is an antique coin bank that probably wouldn't be manufactured today and certainly not under it's original title of N***r Bank. The figure of Buddy Archer AF023 is done much better and more realisticly


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What is an African American ??

An American was or is of African descent. It is weird as in the US the norm seems to use the heritage as the prefix ie Italian American. Irish American. Can't say I have ever seen this used in other countries? Certainly not in Canada or the UK.
How Black people are referred to or how they refer to themselves has changed over time. Up until the became late 1800s, Negro, the "n" word or Black was in vogue. I'm not sure exactly when, but the word Colored began to be used probably in the late 1800s; hence the NAACP, which still uses the word Colored in its name today. In the 20th Century, Negro and Colored were replaced by Black in the 1960s; as a teenager, we would snicker when people from the older generations would use the word Colored. I'd say that African American started to be used beginning in the late 70s or early 80s.

Using the word "American" as a descriptor of your heritage is not unique. We have Native Americans and I've heard or seen ethnic groups such as Jews, Italians and Poles, among others, refer to themselves as Jewish Americans, Italian Americans, Polish Americans and the like. I think it's natural to do so in a country where we are one big melting pot.
Yeah but I've very rarely heard Canadians,Australians or New Zealanders refer to themselves that way.
I was wrong about one,The French-Canadians.:salute::
How Black people are referred to or how they refer to themselves has changed over time. Up until the became late 1800s, Negro, the "n" word or Black was in vogue. I'm not sure exactly when, but the word Colored began to be used probably in the late 1800s; hence the NAACP, which still uses the word Colored in its name today. In the 20th Century, Negro and Colored were replaced by Black in the 1960s; as a teenager, we would snicker when people from the older generations would use the word Colored. I'd say that African American started to be used beginning in the late 70s or early 80s.

Using the word "American" as a descriptor of your heritage is not unique. We have Native Americans and I've heard or seen ethnic groups such as Jews, Italians and Poles, among others, refer to themselves as Jewish Americans, Italian Americans, Polish Americans and the like. I think it's natural to do so in a country where we are one big melting pot.

Strangely enough Scots, Welsh and English immigrants that moved to America never seemed to feel the need to label themselves 'Scottish American' or 'Welsh American' or 'English American' or even collectively 'British American'....They were just happy and proud to become...'Americans'.
In the 1600s and up through the 1840s or so when they were the only groups in this country and ruling over races that they lorded over such as Black slaves and Native Americans that was probably true but thereafter we had a flow of immigrants from all over the world and immigrants identified with where they had come from, particularly when the English who ruled this country wouldn't let them forget where they came from, e.g., the Irish, who, if anything, stayed together, so they could grab some political power from their rulers of scot, Welsh and English ancestry.

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