'NEW' FOB Bedford Truck doesn't have....... (1 Viewer)

K&C and other companies that produce toy soldiers in China and price their sets in U.S. dollars have lost 10% just from the depreciation of the U.S. Dollar vs. the Chinese Yuan over the last ten months and close to 20% over the last 2 years.:( In addition to the losses from currency depreciation, the huge increases in the cost of packing foam (oil-based so almost tripled in price in last 8 months), metal alloy (30% or more depending on metal), and labor (basic labor cost plus higher cost of adding the details required by current collectors) has resulted in the prices increases. It is only going to get worst.:(

I guess the only small positive as far as toy soldiers go is the higher
prices are not being applied to existing figures and vehicles only too
new items.
I guess the only small positive as far as toy soldiers go is the higher
prices are not being applied to existing figures and vehicles only too
new items.

That's a great positive. I know if things carry on I'm not going to be able to continue collecting as I have in the past 3 years. I'm just going to have to be more cautious that I just buy the items I really want rather than buying things for the completist in me.
The credit crunch is becoming the toy soldier crunch!
K&C and other companies that produce toy soldiers in China and price their sets in U.S. dollars have lost 10% just from the depreciation of the U.S. Dollar vs. the Chinese Yuan over the last ten months and close to 20% over the last 2 years.:( In addition to the losses from currency depreciation, the huge increases in the cost of packing foam (oil-based so almost tripled in price in last 8 months), metal alloy (30% or more depending on metal), and labor (basic labor cost plus higher cost of adding the details required by current collectors) has resulted in the prices increases. It is only going to get worst.:(


well, this CPA understands that language unfortunately, maybe you should have been in my business, I always wanted to be a lawyer, can we switch????
thanks for the explanation,

As far as price increases go, my crystal ball says, "we an't seen noth'in yet." Wait till oil gets really expensive.
Yeah if you look at this picture close enough you will see it in the picture. Strange hugh. Never seen the truck till now.

That's a great positive. I know if things carry on I'm not going to be able to continue collecting as I have in the past 3 years. I'm just going to have to be more cautious that I just buy the items I really want rather than buying things for the completist in me.
The credit crunch is becoming the toy soldier crunch!

I agree.And the holding of existing prices does allow catch up at an affordable price.Don't you just hate having to budget your collecting habit,its so unfair,if i was a crack addict i'd probably get assistance from the government.Don't they know Toy soldiers are just as addictive!;)

And its this time of the month in the run up to dispatches that the hobby is at its most addictive,can't wait to see whats coming next and whats being retired.

The great thing about this forum is that you soon discover that all over the world other guys are going through the same collecting experience as you,some to a greater degree and some to a lesser degree.A collecting Brotherhood if you will!:)

if i was a crack addict i'd probably get assistance from the government.Don't they know Toy soldiers are just as addictive!;)


I thought that's what TSA, Toy Soldier Administration, was when I supported its creation:confused:? You mean I've been bamboozled-hoodwinked:mad:%#*@*! Wouldn't be the first time:D.
I wonder if K & C will make a late war Austin K5 Truck :confused:
It would be nice if they made one with it towing a cannon.

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