Very nice. Can I get one of the unbroken AK 251s - yours seems to have thrown a track. Well I am for sure getting the AK version and Booster Pack. Can you say when they will be available?
The Normandy and Winter Horch with their radio operators and flags look good too. I am torn between them. No Brian, I am not made of money! Can't get them all!
The photo of the winter horch is not the winter horch, at least as of this posting.
Ordered my Normandy version from da dealer up noth from Beantown..Michael
I believe the damage is an option within the kit itself. You can either display with or without damage. -- lancerPlease tell me is the thrown track on each of the variations? Is there an option not to have the thrown track?
I like the look!
Please tell me is the thrown track on each of the variations? Is there an option not to have the thrown track?
I like the look!
Perhaps we need to put an explainer on the product.
But each unit comes with three tracks, one of which is the thrown track. This enables our diorama afficianados the ability to display the unit as enabled or disabled. Some would also refer to it as " value added!"