New Hetzer (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Jul 16, 2011
Picked up the new Hetzer from Peter Nathans Toy Soldiers in Sydney this morning: brilliant paint-job. far superior to any other Collectorsshowcase item with the possible exception of the Normandy Tiger released a few months earlier. To be honest i was a bit concerned with the first "Made in the US" release. First versions of anything are usually a little bit hit and miss. This is very definatly a HIT. The only complaint:

No spare tracks (as illustrated on the web site)
No certificate of authenticity in the box
Picked up the new Hetzer from Peter Nathans Toy Soldiers in Sydney this morning: brilliant paint-job. far superior to any other Collectorsshowcase item with the possible exception of the Normandy Tiger released a few months earlier. To be honest i was a bit concerned with the first "Made in the US" release. First versions of anything are usually a little bit hit and miss. This is very definatly a HIT. The only complaint:

No spare tracks (as illustrated on the web site)
No certificate of authenticity in the box

The spare track could not be made to work well with the angled sides of the chassis on the Hetzer, unfortunately this we realized quite late in production. We realized this may be an issue with some collectors so we would decided to offer a free foot figure, of any from our catalog, as remuneration for the expected thrown track. Contact us at the company we'll get some details and send your choice along on us.

Glad you like the piece, we here in Austin were very pleased with the way the first pieces came out, and have incorporated even more thoughtfulness in design and weathering in the next AFV which is in production right now!


The spare track could not be made to work well with the angled sides of the chassis on the Hetzer, unfortunately this we realized quite late in production. We realized this may be an issue with some collectors so we would decided to offer a free foot figure, of any from our catalog, as remuneration for the expected thrown track. Contact us at the company we'll get some details and send your choice along on us.

Glad you like the piece, we here in Austin were very pleased with the way the first pieces came out, and have incorporated even more thoughtfulness in design and weathering in the next AFV which is in production right now!



That's service. Simmo.
Not if you like the thrown track option......................^&grin
Yeah a good deal but now people who don't usually buy German Armour but buy TCS for the damaged vehicle won't,probably won't matter just a thought,still a good looking vehicle.
Pity about the option track, that's a feature I like in the TCS military vehicles, mine should be on it's way this week, nice to hear the paint scheme is so good, cheers, Robin.
I think if all of the releases have the thrown track feature then it just becomes sort of common. Makes the ones that do have it exclusive in their own right.
Just my opinion though, not the end all....


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Picked up the new Hetzer from Peter Nathans Toy Soldiers in Sydney this morning: brilliant paint-job. far superior to any other Collectorsshowcase item with the possible exception of the Normandy Tiger released a few months earlier. To be honest i was a bit concerned with the first "Made in the US" release. First versions of anything are usually a little bit hit and miss. This is very definatly a HIT. The only complaint:

No spare tracks (as illustrated on the web site)
No certificate of authenticity in the box

You think... Got my new Hetzer about a week ago and i'm not to happy with the paint, (To glossy) or the wood barrel! The figure seems really small. (Normandy version) Will post some pics if I can find the USB cable for my camera.
You think... Got my new Hetzer about a week ago and i'm not to happy with the paint, (To glossy) or the wood barrel! The figure seems really small. (Normandy version) Will post some pics if I can find the USB cable for my camera.

Wood barrel? Please elaborate? Is the barrel made out of wood not plastic?

Also, pictures would be most welcome, as I prefer to see picks of the paint jobs since the real AFVs paintjobs always seem to differ slightly than the marleting literature. Thanks in advance.
The spare track could not be made to work well with the angled sides of the chassis on the Hetzer, unfortunately this we realized quite late in production. We realized this may be an issue with some collectors so we would decided to offer a free foot figure, of any from our catalog, as remuneration for the expected thrown track. Contact us at the company we'll get some details and send your choice along on us.

Glad you like the piece, we here in Austin were very pleased with the way the first pieces came out, and have incorporated even more thoughtfulness in design and weathering in the next AFV which is in production right now!



from your original advert:

Pre-order our Hetzer with any number of excellent TCS dealers worldwide and receive a special celebratory grand opening gift. The Hetzer is priced at just $159.00 and available with our May catalog.

So what is the celebratory grand opening gift??

Wood barrel? Please elaborate? Is the barrel made out of wood not plastic?

Also, pictures would be most welcome, as I prefer to see picks of the paint jobs since the real AFVs paintjobs always seem to differ slightly than the marleting literature. Thanks in advance.

Hand carved wooden tank barrel? hmm now that is a is getting interesting... Would be very cool but pretty labor intensive I'm afraid ^&grin

Nah, just good old fashioned resin.


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Hand carved wooden tank barrel? hmm now that is a is getting interesting... Would be very cool but pretty labor intensive I'm afraid ^&grin

Nah, just good old fashioned resin.



That's what I figured. The other posters comment just struck me as odd.
Picked up the new Hetzer from Peter Nathans Toy Soldiers in Sydney this morning: brilliant paint-job. far superior to any other Collectorsshowcase item with the possible exception of the Normandy Tiger released a few months earlier. To be honest i was a bit concerned with the first "Made in the US" release. First versions of anything are usually a little bit hit and miss. This is very definatly a HIT. The only complaint:

No spare tracks (as illustrated on the web site)
No certificate of authenticity in the box

I have also just received the Normandy Hetzer and was not quite pleased with the painting. Overall the camo scheme is good but the actual paint was not. The beginners mistake of not thoroughly mixing the paint so that the dulling agent allows for a true flat finish was apparent. I am also not pleased about the blown track as I bought this vehicle for that particular feature of bthe Hetzer as part of a Normandy diorama. I believe that CS knew about this flaw early and should have informed their prospective customers prior to shipment so that they could decide about buying the tank or not. Now the problem falls back to the retailers of taking back the Herzer and making good for their customers.

Overall, NOT pleased and am considering not buying future CS tanks!
I have also just received the Normandy Hetzer and was not quite pleased with the painting. Overall the camo scheme is good but the actual paint was not. The beginners mistake of not thoroughly mixing the paint so that the dulling agent allows for a true flat finish was apparent. I am also not pleased about the blown track as I bought this vehicle for that particular feature of bthe Hetzer as part of a Normandy diorama. I believe that CS knew about this flaw early and should have informed their prospective customers prior to shipment so that they could decide about buying the tank or not. Now the problem falls back to the retailers of taking back the Herzer and making good for their customers.

Overall, NOT pleased and am considering not buying future CS tanks!

Do you own any other TCS pieces? I'm with you on the paint, it stands out like a shore thumb on the shelf with all my other TCS tanks. Don't get me wrong guys I like the tank a lot, just not the paint. I think the figure could have been a lot better to.
Do you own any other TCS pieces? I'm with you on the paint, it stands out like a shore thumb on the shelf with all my other TCS tanks. Don't get me wrong guys I like the tank a lot, just not the paint. I think the figure could have been a lot better to.

I have in the past purchased a Tiger I and a Panther in the Normandy scheme. The painting on these IMO were marginal as they appeared too bright. Both pieces were sold. The only tanks I am very pleased with and kept were the US Army M-8, M-20 and Sherman and all the DAK. I believe that manufacturers should be upfront with their customers. If there was a problem with the blown track it should have been stated on the FORUM. CS's last post indicated that the blown track was a feature of its Hetzer. This lack of providing information if it was known for a period of time is a form of deceit IMO.
Can someone please post a picture of the Hetzer (preferably without using a flash and next to another TCS tank) so we can see the paint job/model and decide for ourselves?

It would be much appreciated. I have found without visual reference, personal preference factors in an awful lot. All too often a paint job/sculpt/AFV size etc. gets describes as poor when its just a preference issue.

Can someone please post a picture of the Hetzer (preferably without using a flash and next to another TCS tank) so we can see the paint job/model and decide for ourselves?

It would be much appreciated. I have found without visual reference, personal preference factors in an awful lot. All too often a paint job/sculpt/AFV size etc. gets describes as poor when its just a preference issue.


Remember when you first started to make and paint models and failed to mix the flat paint thoroughly? The result when the paint dried was glossy finish; that is what the CS Hetzer is! It is not just a preference but a poor paint job. This could be fixed by spraying with DullKote but for the money one should not have to do that.
Remember when you first started to make and paint models and failed to mix the flat paint thoroughly? The result when the paint dried was glossy finish; that is what the CS Hetzer is! It is not just a preference but a poor paint job. This could be fixed by spraying with DullKote but for the money one should not have to do that.

The original poster loved the paint job, describing it as fantastic. You do not like it. Who is right? Without pictures so others can decide for themselves it IS just personal preference/one man's opinion.

Its like the earlier post where someone did not like the paint job on the Normandy Panther. I have the Normandy Panther with Zimm. and think it looks great and the closest to real life colors of all the panthers I have seen (especially when compared to reference from Duel in the Mist).

That's why pictures are important, worth a thousand words, and seeing is believing. ,

Just finished opening both of the Hetzers....Excellent work and made in the USA !.......The track assembly ( That was for the thrown track I assume ) and skirt came off but I glued them back on NP. Keep up the good work. OH the Shermans were cool also. Alex
The glossy parts are not a big deal. Just give the whole thing an over all flat coat of spray paint. This will also help with the decals. It will tie the whole paint job together. Bummed about the thrown track but there you are. Remember how crude the first K&C vehicles were? This is a far cry better first attempt. There is some minor glitches but most of it can be taken care of with a little effort. If anybody wants they can send them to me. I will flat coat them and weather the hell out of them for you. For a reasonable fee of course. Looking forward to getting my brushes on these guys{sm2}{sm3}{sm3}{sm4}

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