New lines or favorite lines in 2012 (1 Viewer)

I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the day!!! Its hard planning a budget when the unknown sits on your mind so heavily.
I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the day!!! Its hard planning a budget when the unknown sits on your mind so heavily.

I know what your saying ....I was just thinking this very thing as I was looking at my full cart over on the FL website . I do understand Matts need to play things a bit closer to the vest as they say ...with a certain company whos turn around is like a couple of days always trying to get the jump on em . I have a feeling whatever comes out it will be done BIG and right ....not just one or two figures . Regards Gebhard
I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the day!!!

You and me both!

I have a feeling whatever comes out it will be done BIG and right ....not just one or two figures .

That's one thing we can always count on with First Legion. They never do anything half-way. I am always impressed with the large regimental releases, which are usually about 20 figures all engaged in the same general activity. I don't like releases that feature 2-3 figures are marching, 2-3 are firing, 2-3 are standing at attention, ect. That is just personal preference, but it is an important element for me. I would much rather be able to put together a coherent group that has a larger number of unique poses. First Legion excels at that very thing, which is just one reason I love this company!

You and me both!

That's one thing we can always count on with First Legion. They never do anything half-way. I am always impressed with the large regimental releases, which are usually about 20 figures all engaged in the same general activity. I don't like releases that feature 2-3 figures are marching, 2-3 are firing, 2-3 are standing at attention, ect. That is just personal preference, but it is an important element for me. I would much rather be able to put together a coherent group that has a larger number of unique poses. First Legion excels at that very thing, which is just one reason I love this company!


still nothing..
You and me both!

That's one thing we can always count on with First Legion. They never do anything half-way. I am always impressed with the large regimental releases, which are usually about 20 figures all engaged in the same general activity. I don't like releases that feature 2-3 figures are marching, 2-3 are firing, 2-3 are standing at attention, ect. That is just personal preference, but it is an important element for me. I would much rather be able to put together a coherent group that has a larger number of unique poses. First Legion excels at that very thing, which is just one reason I love this company!


Very well said...Totally Agree.
Also agree with you...Keep it in the EAST.

Sorry Frank, gonna disagree with you on this, even though I love my Stalingrad range and will continue to collect it no matter what line comes out I'm waiting on that Western Front line to appear some day, like we have all said, First legion WWII is totally different then the other companies and I can only imagine how some Paras/G.I.S/Brits etc..would look, so keep the beast in the East alive, but hoping for a Western Front!! I guess you could say everyone wants thier own slice of the pie sort of speak, I just think a Western Front want be deeelish!!!:)...Sammy
I agree with you Sammy on the Western Front. I would like to see some GI's and Brits and I think they would do very well.
You and me both!

That's one thing we can always count on with First Legion. They never do anything half-way. I am always impressed with the large regimental releases, which are usually about 20 figures all engaged in the same general activity. I don't like releases that feature 2-3 figures are marching, 2-3 are firing, 2-3 are standing at attention, ect. That is just personal preference, but it is an important element for me. I would much rather be able to put together a coherent group that has a larger number of unique poses. First Legion excels at that very thing, which is just one reason I love this company!


Hi Noah ,
I couldn't have said it better myself , I think that we agree First Legion are changing the way alot of collectors look at TS's the old days of buying 20 of one figure to try and portray a firing line are gone at least for me . First Legion had me as a fan with the first Bavarian Standard Bearer I bought and they have just been improving since then IMO .The way they are portraying the French Line is just ground breaking . I know you have moved on to the AWI line and I think that while not the flag ship that line has been very successful and will continue to grow for years to come .. its fun for me to see you guys enjoying your collections . Regards Gebhard
still waiting, i can't take it anymore!
Do you think we will ever get any Italians in the "AFRIKA KORPS" series?

Hi Noah ,
I couldn't have said it better myself , I think that we agree First Legion are changing the way alot of collectors look at TS's the old days of buying 20 of one figure to try and portray a firing line are gone at least for me . First Legion had me as a fan with the first Bavarian Standard Bearer I bought and they have just been improving since then IMO .The way they are portraying the French Line is just ground breaking . I know you have moved on to the AWI line and I think that while not the flag ship that line has been very successful and will continue to grow for years to come .. its fun for me to see you guys enjoying your collections . Regards Gebhard
still waiting, i can't take it anymore!
Do you think we will ever get any Italians in the "AFRIKA KORPS" series?

YES .... when ?? I don't have any idea, I'm already way behind in the lines I collect and Afrika Korps isn't one of em . But if it was I'd be interested in seeing what would be next as well . Regards Gebhard
Hopefully the announcement of the new NAPS means that we will get some more pre-order announcements and news of a new line or 2 tonight.
Don't hold your breath.Maybe he had production problems and that's what's delaying it.
Don't hold your breath.Maybe he had production problems and that's what's delaying it.

Well maybe Ill get lucky and there will be some sort of announcement by my Bday on the 15th.
I am really Loving FL style as for WW2 still too much Eastern Front & AK to cover. And from those two
Alone you can open a hole new can of worm's. Oh well what ever is to come can't wait :p
I thought I would chime in here briefly to ask you all to please be patient. Everything is progressing quite well and, as can hopefully be seen by how many different figures we've released lately, our productions are running along smoothly and on schedule. In the past we feel that we have announced our new ranges too far in advance of actual figure availability and we'd like to shorten up that cycle a bit by announcing much closer to when you can actually purchase and receive the figures. We promised four new ranges in 2012 and we will absolutely deliver four new ranges this year. However, that doesn't mean it will be one every 3 months simply because we're doing 4 ranges and there are 12 months in a year! On the contrary, all four will probably be announced and for sale over a single 3-4 month period of the year if that makes sense. So please keep your powder dry a bit longer, some amazing figures from a diverse set of historical periods are just on the horizon! ^&grin

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