New NMA images of Sturmtigers (1 Viewer)

sceic2 said:
I didn't think of the season. So the question is changed to, did any of the sturmtigers make an appearance in the Battle for Berlin?

There were only a very limited number produced - less than 20. They saw action in the Warsaw uprising, but mostly on the western front. Not sure about Berlin - maybe someone else has a definitive answer. It was a powerful beast to contend with:

"In January 1945, a single round from a Sturmtiger reportedly destroyed three American M-4 Sherman tanks."
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I don't think the Sturmtiger was at Berlin, they saw action at 'The Bulge' and also at 'Remagen' (I think). They were first used at Warsaw in the uprising and as far as I can recollect only 18 were made from damaged Tiger MK1's. Still you could any town buildings to simulate Remagen or other towns in Germany where they would ahve been used.
Red Devil
Blake, the sturmtigers look great, nice to see a manufacturer doing something different, very different!:D I like the movable accessories, nice touch.

This all looks very good. But something disturbs me here: don't those sitting commanders look awfully familiar? Because, is it just me, or look exactly the same like the K&C Winter Tiger commander?
I suppose to make the sturmtiger complete, one would need the converted ammunition carrier as well. It would make an interesting display, the sturtiger getting rearmed and ready to fire into Warsaw and put down the rebelion or into the Ardenne against the US.:cool:
sceic2 said:
I suppose to make the sturmtiger complete, one would need the converted ammunition carrier as well. It would make an interesting display, the sturtiger getting rearmed and ready to fire into Warsaw and put down the rebelion or into the Ardenne against the US.:cool:

I totally support that suggestion.

Great looking model. I can't seem to stay ahead of all these great items.I'm overwhelmed. Great stuf.
Leadmen said:
Thanks for the links Pierre. I find that site very interesting and a help with modelling armor and where they were used. John

Hi John,

Great that it helps.

I realize how attached a cat can become. I have my "Napoleon" now for 18 years. He is getting skinny and tired now but still defends his territory. He watches the baby foxes I have in my back acre. Even a neighbor said he was fighting with a ferrel cat last week. I had a dog but I only have him and you sure get attached. He wandered into my life in 1988 as a kitten and been leading the good life since. John
Has anyone notice the similarities between KC's WS70 Winter Tiger figure and the NMA Sturmtigers' Figure? Coincidence?


P7280008.JPG P7280008 B.JPG
P7280012.JPG P7280012 B.JPG
I've pointed this out on the thread before, but apparently nobody reacted to it, or seemed to take notice. It was the first thing that caught my attention, and it reminded me of the fuzz around the SdKfz. vehicle, which to some resembled a whole lot like the original K&C one.

Maybe people just weren't aware, since they were caught in superlatives for the improving NMA-products. Anyways it disturbs me a lot, if manufacturers do not have enough inspiration, and just nick ideas/figures from others...

I think Mike from NMA has to state a responseon this one, and I hope he has a reasonable explanation for this.
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I've had a look at my K&C figure and the "similar" NMA one on your images (plus the ones I took at London) and yes they are a similar pose. However, I asked an independent assessor ( my Wife, who firstly said "What's a Sturmtiger" and secondly "Oh, I suppose we going to have that one next then?") and she said that the pose is similar but the sculpting is different (certainly different sculptor). She's the artist/craftlady after all.

I remember the slating NMA SdKfz received a few months ago, and couldn't believe the venom directed towards it, after all if you model a Tiger, its going to look like a Tiger and therefore should be similar to other people's Tiger. I also remember the furore about NMA's prototype Infantry squad which had a standing rifleman firing, and guess what K&C already had one and everyone said it was a copy. How many variations of a standing rifleman firing can there be? Take away the odd bit of equipment and there might be the odd difference but if NMA's research is as good as K&Cs then they are going to very much alike.

So going back to the initial question, yes they are similar but in the same way as any figure from any company could be. Just because one company puts out a figure sitting with leg up and looking through binos, then why shouldn't another? As long as they are not copies, and you can tell this is not a copy then so what? After all, in the end you don't have to buy this figure. ( I'm not by the way I'm buying the other Sturmtiger).

I suppose Mike or Blake are now going to tell me that it is the same figure from the same sculptor. At least then I'll be able to prove the missus wrong for the first time. But, I doubt it.

What am I buying next? The other NMA Sturmtiger, K&C Meyer's Halftrack and Kubelwagon, and the Honour Bound Winter Panther followed by Britains WWI Brits and Civil War. I love choice.

Best Wishes

UK_BOD said:

I've had a look at my K&C figure and the "similar" NMA one on your images (plus the ones I took at London) and yes they are a similar pose. However, I asked an independent assessor ( my Wife, who firstly said "What's a Sturmtiger" and secondly "Oh, I suppose we going to have that one next then?") and she said that the pose is similar but the sculpting is different (certainly different sculptor). She's the artist/craftlady after all.

I remember the slating NMA SdKfz received a few months ago, and couldn't believe the venom directed towards it, after all if you model a Tiger, its going to look like a Tiger and therefore should be similar to other people's Tiger. I also remember the furore about NMA's prototype Infantry squad which had a standing rifleman firing, and guess what K&C already had one and everyone said it was a copy. How many variations of a standing rifleman firing can there be? Take away the odd bit of equipment and there might be the odd difference but if NMA's research is as good as K&Cs then they are going to very much alike.

So going back to the initial question, yes they are similar but in the same way as any figure from any company could be. Just because one company puts out a figure sitting with leg up and looking through binos, then why shouldn't another? As long as they are not copies, and you can tell this is not a copy then so what? After all, in the end you don't have to buy this figure. ( I'm not by the way I'm buying the other Sturmtiger).

I suppose Mike or Blake are now going to tell me that it is the same figure from the same sculptor. At least then I'll be able to prove the missus wrong for the first time. But, I doubt it.

What am I buying next? The other NMA Sturmtiger, K&C Meyer's Halftrack and Kubelwagon, and the Honour Bound Winter Panther followed by Britains WWI Brits and Civil War. I love choice.

Best Wishes


Bravo, Andy. I seriously doubt every figure of K&C's or anyone else's for that matter are completely unique.

In my opinion (and I hadn't paid attention to this particular issue before), that's too close to be accidental. There are different poses you could choose from -- such as reversing the positioning of the legs. This is more than mere coincidence just as the tracks in my view are mere coincidence. The Sturmtiger does look like a nice tank but I wish they'd done differently with the figure.

On a lighter note, what Andy's wife said just cracked me up. :)
Who cares on the similar pose of the 2 figures. We have all complained ad nausium, that we wanted other mfg. figures to match up to K.C. Well now, they match up...Michael

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