New pic of Naps on web site (1 Viewer)


Aug 24, 2006
View attachment 3484Just saw this tonight i like the way it all comes together with the the old guard included. I look forward to adding these to my collection. Keep up the good work!
They are scheduled for mid February and probably will reach overseas dealers by end of the month or early March. There'll be 3 singles and a small vignette.
Here are the individual photos.
And further information will be sent dealers shortly.

"Good Comrade"


Last edited:

Those figures are truly grand. Excellent, excellent work!

Warmest personal regards,

I agree with everyone else. These figures are great looking!! Are there any plans to add some mounted figures to the Napoleon line?

Also, does Patriot anticipate expanding beyond the 3 lines it currently has (Ancient China/WW2/Napoleon)? I was hoping for maybe an American War of Independence series;) . I would love to see my favorite era done in this fine craftsmanship.

I agree, these are really superb figures.

Robert, do you have an UK dealer yet?

Best regards

Thanks guys,
Yes, there are plans for the cavalry in the future.
We have thought about adding other lines but no decision has been made yet.
Independance War is great, I like their uniforms and head gears as well as those of American Civil War. I am afraid we won't be doing these in the Very near future because there are already a lot of them being offered by different manufacturers on today's market. But again, who knows, perhaps we'll find a little niche in those areas ...:)
Jeff, unfortunately not in the UK yet.
I think the boxer rebelion has a great varity in nations and uniforms involved and is something that no one else has realy done. I think that could be great new line. Take a look into all the great 19th century uniforms from the various nations involved and you,ll see what I mean.
Tim, you must have an incredible knowledge and interest in History. Yes, there were 9 nations involved in it.
This could be another option too, bringing all the super powers at that time to Beijing.
I think the boxer rebelion has a great varity in nations and uniforms involved and is something that no one else has realy done. I think that could be great new line. Take a look into all the great 19th century uniforms from the various nations involved and you,ll see what I mean.


I think your suggestion of the Boxer Rebellion is a great one. I would like to see Patriot begin such a line and I have no doubt that the figures would be spectacular.

I do believe, however, that Trophy Military Miniatures of Wales has produced a nice line of Boxer Rebellion figures. Since Trophy has changed ownership, I do not know if their Boxer Rebellion line will be continued, but the existing figures are well worth a look, in my opinion.

Warmest personal regards,

I think the boxer rebelion has a great varity in nations and uniforms involved and is something that no one else has realy done. I think that could be great new line. Take a look into all the great 19th century uniforms from the various nations involved and you,ll see what I mean.

Excellent suggestion.

Imagine what could be release with Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Qing China, Russia, United Kingdom and United States involved in that particular era (end of XIX century - beginning of XX century). As you wrote, great uniforms.

Have the Patriot figures grown, or have the K & C guys shrunk to 1/32 scale?

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