Great, will we get a turtle?
Was reading up and found out that the 30th was raised in 103 AD by Emperor Trajan in support of his ongoing war in Dacia. Stationed on the Danube the 30th took its title from the emperor’s family name, Ulpia. Would be nice that the opposition TG creates for these figures would be the Dacians.Some thing different than Gauls,Germans,and Celts.
Cool idea, great sculpts, excellent painting! Unfortunately not my cup of tea. Lots of potential here...Praetorians, siege engines/artillery, personalities: Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Maximus Decimus Meridius....
I really like the look of these figures, can anyone give me any idea of what the red shield represent?
No question these will look striking on mass. Robin.
First I wanna say how pleased I was with the first offering of Romans. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the figures were done. The sculpt and paint work are really fantastic and I'm glad I picked them up. My question is with this next set on the horizon why the shift in the color of breeches/trousers? I see that blue is being adapted on these figures. Why not stay consistent and keep the breeches the same as your previous releases? Blue was not a common dye and it was hard to come by. Also I just noticed the shin protection. I will have to do a bit of research but I believe this was fairly uncommon. The Scutum provided much of the necessary leg protection needed.
First I wanna say how pleased I was with the first offering of Romans. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the figures were done. The sculpt and paint work are really fantastic and I'm glad I picked them up. My question is with this next set on the horizon why the shift in the color of breeches/trousers? I see that blue is being adapted on these figures. Why not stay consistent and keep the breeches the same as your previous releases? Blue was not a common dye and it was hard to come by. Also I just noticed the shin protection. I will have to do a bit of research but I believe this was fairly uncommon. The Scutum provided much of the necessary leg protection needed.
Just going through some old posts and I agree with this post in as much that I didn't go for this particular set because of the blue leggings and greaves, they didn't go with the 001 and 005 sets. Hopefully one day a set more in line with the earlier releases will come about but not yet as I'm still building my century with those said earlier pieces!
I concur with some of the other suggestions i.e. marching into combat with shield and gladius to the front as per the image below........(for want of a much better image!)
There will be a new version of ROM004 without the leg greaves and in the more conventional muted trouser colour, there will also be a slight change in the pose so its not an exact replica of ROM004.
There may even be some more Romans in this pose but a different uniform to add some variety to peoples collections.
Kind Regards Vicki