NJJA - No - this is not the new server!
The current web host is currently showing us why they will soon be the former host.
In working to back up the Forum database, I found that for some odd reason I do not have the permission to back it up myself (due to the size). The tech person I called did not have permission either. So I'm impatiently awaiting a 'top level' person who apparently has permission to do it - but I have no clue when they'll get around to it. It's been on their desk for 4 days now.
Once we hear from them, we will probably have to close the Forum for a time while we switch it to the new server.
I sure hope it's soon. I agree, this is getting painful.
John and Pete,
If you think you are frustrated with the server, think of those of us who must access it through dial-up. I have been trying to work my way through today's postings for over two hours! Golly, I hope the problems are soon resolved!
Warmest personal regards,
Dial up........come on!
No one has dial up.......
No.....thats just impossible!
Pat your not serious!!!
Pat, I well remember the bad old days of dialup when my wife cursed me for cuting into her telephone use, and I cursed posters with multiple pics on their posts![]()
Is satellite an option where you are? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_Internet_access
I also recommend you get 'Mozilla - Firefox' which allows the opening of pages in tabs so you don't have to reopen/reload pages so often which slows you down more, it is also a faster than Internet Explorer: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/
This is like waiting for a baby to arrive when the due date has come and gone!
NJJA - No - this is not the new server!
The current web host is currently showing us why they will soon be the former host.
Can you imagine if our televisions behaved the same way as computers? Taking forever to load when you turn it on or change the channel. Freezing in the middle of the super bowl because too many people are watching or getting a virus when watching that makes it unusable. I'm no expert, but have always suspected that a major problem is that computers and systems are designed to do every conceivable thing when most people use them only for basic things.