New Spring 2012 Issue of Collector is UP (1 Viewer)

Great page 21!!!...But forget all the figures...i"ll take the Cowboy Boots!!!

Hi Oberstoskar. There would have been subtle differences between the uniforms but they would be very hard to pick out in the picture in question. For instance, the kepi being worn is correct for 1914 as it was adopted for wear in 1884. The rest of the 1914 uniform was adopted post 1885 but is similar in appearence. The double-breasted greatcoat being worn in the picture is indistinguishable from the one adopted in 1887, except for the red color tabs of the later model. All the equipment being used in 1914 was of post 1885 design, such as the rifle (1886), the pack (1893), the boots (1893), the braces (1892), the ammo pouches (1888, modified again in 1905). The only piece of kit that would be the same, besides the kepi, would be the canteen, designed in 1877. It is easy to see that the French Army of 1914 went to war in antiquated uniforms that were not so different from the 1885 uniform and only slightly more advanced than the uniform of 1870. The KC picture, while dated 1885, isn't inaccurate in general appearence. -- Al

wow thanks you know a lot of stuff

There are 3 figures that I need help to identify on the photo... maybe new figures?

1 the Khaki uniform officer (holding a tropical sun helmet on his right hand) standing on the Left of Robert E Lee... A new WW1 Lawrence of Arabia Officer?

2 The Confederate Officer (without hat and resting on a sword) Behind the Khaki uniform officer, standing on the left of the retired confederate officer?

3 The Knight holding a red flag standing just in front of the boot and to the Left of the saluting US MP?
Wow! Those new Albatros look beautiful!!! Can't wait to get these along with the Fokkers!
View attachment 87773

There are 3 figures that I need help to identify on the photo... maybe new figures?

1 the Khaki uniform officer (holding a tropical sun helmet on his right hand) standing on the Left of Robert E Lee... A new WW1 Lawrence of Arabia Officer?

2 The Confederate Officer (without hat and resting on a sword) Behind the Khaki uniform officer, standing on the left of the retired confederate officer?

3 The Knight holding a red flag standing just in front of the boot and to the Left of the saluting US MP?

You have a sharp eye, oberstoskar {bravo}}
Very interesting to see some new figures in the mix.
Is that Jim Bowie playing the fiddle on the boot? Future RTA issue?



I'm just loading last page and did a double take when I saw my name on it !!!{eek3}^&grin



Thanks for posting these great shots with some pretty amazing dio ideas for not only K&C collectors but for everyone who enjoys constructing them.

But in the Gone to Texas page do my eyes deceive me or is that a new hatless Reb officer/general standing next to Jackson? If it is "I ain't got 'im". At a guess from what little I can see he just could be my avatar Sam Hood-Texas Brigade which is a link Gone To Texas.

Any of guys got any info on him ie Is he a collectors piece?

You're welcome Bob, some real building skills on show in those dioramas . I thought you'd spot that one, he's not a collector figure so I'm guessing he is a sneak peek of something on the way, would be nice if it were Sam hood eh Bob.



Thanks for posting these great shots with some pretty amazing dio ideas for not only K&C collectors but for everyone who enjoys constructing them.

But in the Gone to Texas page do my eyes deceive me or is that a new hatless Reb officer/general standing next to Jackson? If it is "I ain't got 'im". At a guess from what little I can see he just could be my avatar Sam Hood-Texas Brigade which is a link Gone To Texas.

Any of guys got any info on him ie Is he a collectors piece?

I still haven't received my copy of collector from k&c. Someone else didn't receiveid their copy yet?

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