New/want-to-be collector introducing and looking for some advice (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Feb 15, 2012

Although I have lurked on these forums for the diorama section a couple of times I decided to register due to growing interest in collecting soldiers.

When I was a kid I've always had deep interest in the American Civil War and Napoleonic Wars, hence I was only 7 years old. I collected plastic figures from Italeri mostly, painted them and had a 3*2 meters large diorama base. As I grew older I lost interest as the usual teenage interests came along. Last year I started collecting a few Forces of Valor diecast models on the 1:32 scale but sadly after gathering a couple of them I stopped that because I felt they were too big and too expensive as they're not available in my country and for each package the fees were quite pressing.

Since I'm moving into a new house next month with my new girlfriend I figured it would be better to sell the diecast models. However, I do still have an urge to collect "toys" based on history. I did some research and got my eyes glued onto the screen after seeing these soldiers from Britains and king & Country. Heck, they also cover my favorite history topics. So maybe why not? They take up far less space, thus easier to collect more. Ofcourse they are still highly priced if you look at them seperatly but its still half to a third the price of a diecast tank, making it a lot more interesting to spread out.

So what I'd like to know is a little advice on the diffirent brands of soldiers. It seems King & Country are very very limited on the ACW, where Britains has plenty. I have read that Britains does pump out a lot of new releases, retiring older series. That seems to put a much higher fun factor when collecting through 2nd hand markets like Ebay etc. But what about other manufactorers when it comes to quality? Any suggestions you folks want to make or am I right in focusing on Britains? Quality and correctness I value highly, price ofcourse as well, so perhaps the best bang for bucks.

Perhaps there're some members from Europe reading a long, any good suggestions on online and offline shops for The Netherlands, Belgium or perhaps German/Netherlands border area?

1 funny thing I found out. Some of the Britains collections from around 1986 have those distinct lightgreen rectangular bottomplates, am I right? I remember having bought a few of them in Austria when I was about 6 ot 7. My parents gave them to me after I couldn't stop talking about ACW for weeks.

Much regards and happy collecting!
Hello Kaap-
welcome to the forum. There is a pretty healthy contingent of Belgian/Dutch collectors so I believe you will find yourself well represented.

Admittedly, I do not collect ACW or Napoleonics though many of the companies offer these time periods as they are quite popular. I would recommend talking to some of the ACW/ Nap collectors here on the boards when you look at the dioramas they display. They are quite impressive.

Here's the information I would offer when getting started:

1.) Identify the time periods you are really interested in- sounds like you got that covered. A lot of collectors have a tendency to see the first offerings of a new range and buy buy buy and then realize they are spread too thin- that has happened to me. I have scaled back to strictly Rome and Modern warfare toy soldiers

2.) Realistically determine how much area you can afford to display your collection in- Space seems to be an issue for most collectors. I am a bit fortunate here as I have my entire basement at my disposal. Some collectors are able to alleviate this by only displaying some sets at one time and then boxing others up. They then rotate the figures on permanent display.

3.) Cost- this hobby has gotten expensive- and I think it has gotten darn near to the breaking point. Gotta admit, tough time to get involved. Realistically setup a budget- I have seen some guys get themselves in trouble with their families, wives, etc because they spend more than they should- run up credit card debts, etc. Please exercise caution here. Ebay and the forum for sale sections are great areas to find deals.

4.) History vs. fiction- do you wish to simply display figures recreating an actual battle or just simply display them in no particular order. I initially wanted to do particular battles and then just said the heck with it.

5.) Matte vs Gloss- this can be an issue for collectors- some guys like gloss, some like matte, some mix. This decision could drive which companies you go after.

Good luck and look forward to seeing what you do!!
Thank you!

I'm not out to build diorama's, I'm in for the display. In my livingroom is a displaycabinet with mostly glass. And in other rooms there is space as well. There are some mini-collections I would like to complete. 114th Pennsyl and the Iron Brigade for instance. With that in mind the budget isn't perse an issue, with that I mean I dont intend to spend hundreds of euro's per month. I dont need to either due to not having a diorama begging for completion. I think it's just more fun to find good deals over the internet and say you found a couple of nice deals, that brings a lot of satisfaction. I dont intend to have hundreds of soldiers within a year, so budget wise its really doable.

As for the matte and gloss part, I was looking into that but I couldn't find a clear example of the diffirences. The Britains look really good in my opinion. Realistic looks are fairly important to me.
Wilkom, Kaap, welcome (oder auch herzlich wilkommen!) to the Forum!

I second all of Chris' points (you're getting the drop on me today, Chris!), and add only that you might also get the bug and take up painting your own. There are many of us here who do. It's very enjoyable, and also, if the cost of finished figures is an issue, you can save a little by buying castings and kits, and finishing them yourself.

I collect specific subjects, too, especially the Seven Years War, and the Imperial German Army. But I have a lot of pieces that I picked up, because they caught my eye ;D The real secret is to enjoy yourself in the hobby.

I look forward to interacting with you here, and seeing your collection as you go forward.

Hello neighbor, :)

As a collector of mainly wwII figures, the realistic looks are for me also very important. I have (and collect) several brands like k&c, the collectors showcase etc, but my favourite brand (as it comes to realistic and affordable) is still k&c. Thats my humble opinion.

To answer your question were to buy these, I will sent you a pm. Dont want to brake any rules here.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

To echo what Chris has said set your budget and stay with it! This can be tough at times but if you want to remain a collector for the long term you will need to stick to your budget.

Another issue many new collectors face is trying acquire items that are retired. Dont fall into that trap. One of the very best feelings is when you find an item that you are seeking and also get it for the price you want. Sometimes its best to wait and look at the pages and pages of stuff you will see on ebay or other sites until you find the item for the best price. Take your time because this hobby isnt a sprint its a marathon.

I also advise you to try and get to a show or a store and look at several makers products before you make any major purchases. If you like ACW then you cant go wrong with WBritians they have a lot of variety and depth. Look at some of UKRebs photos in the ACW threads. There are many choices out there so enjoy!

If you are interested in Civil War, you should take a look at First Legion. They are Russian quality figures but not at Russian prices. They are a little more expensive than other companies though.
Hoi Kaap...Welkom op het Forum....Hi If you are into the American Civil War You just cannot go wrong if you choose for William Britains!!.
Since Ken Osen took over the reigns as sculptor the Series has improved in leaps and bounds and has developed into an extensive collection of Figures/Cavalry/Artillery. and many Tactical extras where one can create any Diorama or display case battlefield to his hearts content!!
WB has also a plus point in that they continue the line with regular new releases to keep the Series alive...pricewise and quality is very good
and since the introduction of those HORRIBLE!!!++ Clamshell packs at least one has the choice to buy just one or two figures. WB combine
also very well with Collectors Showcase..(also very good price/quality wise) and Little Legion..much more expensive, but excellent figures!!.
Hope this is of help in deciding which way to go with your collection...I also know of one shop in the Netherlands that has some WB. ACW
stuff send me a private mail if you want the address.

Hartelijke Groet Steve
Hello Kaap ,

Welcome to the forum...I mostly collect WW2 , but i do have some ACW...They are from , Ted is a great guy who makes & paints all his work from his place in Kentucky...Met him a couple of times at the toy soldier show in Chicago , Illinois...I personally own a confederate cavalry column & a butternut infantry set from him , beautifully done...I don't have any pictures available to show at this time online...But i can post some for you when i am able to...
Again welcome to the forum , I am also new to this forum...I have found alot of the members to be helpful & insightful especially Dave (DMNamiot) & Brad (theBaron)...

Hi Kaap,

I want to add my welcome to those you have already received. I also want to indicate my support for the advice you that Chris has provided. With a little careful thought and some budgetary discipline, you will discover endless pleasure with the hobby. Also, I want to encourage you to participate on this forum. Much of the joy found in the hobby is sharing your interest with other collectors who understand, appreciate, and experience your passion for the hobby.

The choice of which manufacturers' ACW products are the "best" to collect depends almost entirely on which figures capture your personal tastes. If you like the "realistic" look, then perhaps matte finished figures more appropriately match your tastes. If you enjoy shiny, traditional toy soldier appearences, then glossy finished figures are a very appropriate choice.

You might also give some thought to what interests you the most, figures representing ceremonial events, figures representing noncombat roles, or figures depicting combat? In my case, I prefer the glossy look for ceremonial displays and I will consider matte finished figures for combat displays. But, ultimately, the choice is yours. The most important feature of your choice should be what pleases you the most.

You will also find endless assistance and fellowship from other members of the forum, so please visit the forum often and post frequently. Doing so will significantly increase the pleasure you derive from the hobby.

Again, welcome. I look forward to your presence and participation on the forum.

Warmest personal regards,

Thanks to all for the warm welcome!

There sure are quite a lot of tips rolling in and I think I have a pretty decent idea of what I'm after.

I also know of one shop in the Netherlands that has some WB. ACW
stuff send me a private mail if you want the address.

Hartelijke Groet Steve
Message sent! A local shop would be really helpfull. Like those of you said to check out a show, our country doesn't really have shops and shows for collections like these. So to compare I have to totally go with what I find online. That's why I asked for some manufactorer advice.

So far Britains, Frontline and First Legion are the ones to focus on.
Hi Kaap

Welcome to the forum and thank you for the PM. It's always a pleasure to welcome another serious ACW collector to the forum albeit we are as rare as hens teeth. I cannot add much to the good advice comments that the guys have already posted as replies to your question- except maybe specifics and please bear in mind these are purely my personal likes and dislikes.

I only collect matte figures as I prefer buliding dios rather than displaying in cabinets as with over 1500 figures in my collection I would need a hell of a lot of domestic display area coupled with a very understanding better half. My man cave is my converted loft where I spend many enjoyable hours constructing various scenes from the ACW. Although I quite like looking at glossy ACW figures I personally do not collect them. The following is just my critique of the various matte ACW figures.

You are quite correct with your observation of the K&C ACW series you have to wait almost a full twelve months in between releases. However, their Confederate horse soldiers and casualty sets I believe to be amongst some of the finest figures in my collection-Authentic? doubtful. Too brightly coloured? Yes- but I dull them with a coat of matte varnish to get a more realistic look. Scale wise they match Collectors Showcase perfectly but not Britains/Conte/or First Legion.

After a pretty dodgy start CSC are now producing some great animated/posed figures- in particular their artillery sets and marching/cheering Rebs which I am a great fan of. Authentic? 50/50

Conte figures I have always admired for their action animation and it was this company that got me collecting but when comparing some of their early releases to what's available today I now find them lacking in detail but their casualty sets still remain the finest on the market and if you are lucky enough to find a set on-line you will be paying big bucks for them. They have recently released a Zouave series (not my particular bag) and unfortunately have not yet announced any further ACW releases.

Frontline-I do have maybe a dozen or so but am definitely not a fan-the facials/horses are too comic-cuts for me and the figures expressions are nearly always identical whether they are marching/firing or dying. Plus they have not released many new ACW figures for years. One plus though is they did at least have various flag-bearers carrying regimental/state banners which is a bit of a rarity with other manufacturers.

First Legion-Superb figures although authenticity of their Rebs and Buford's Yankee cavalry is debateable but it's early days yet and hopefully their next releases they'll get it exactly right. But be in no doubt the sculpt/painting/detail is second to none and imo all other figures placed against them look to be just toy soldiers. The big downer for anyone in Europe who wants to collect them is the price eg 15 dismounted cavalry figures will cost you in excess of £750/870 Euros and you will never find them cheaper on European e-bay sites. However, once you have them in your collection especially in cabinet display mode I doubt whether you would want to collect any other ACW product.

Britains will most probably will be the way you go-Wide variety; authentically sculpted and painted, reasonably priced with a plethora of them always available on e-bay but again in Europe be aware- some on-line dealers are asking silly money for these and you will have to diligently search to find a real bargain these days.

Hope that helps but I repeat other forum members will most probably disagree with my above comments as they are just my personal tastes after almost 15 years of collecting. Whatever you decide I'm sure you'll enjoy hunting down the figures on-line and I'll watch with interest your progress. Good Luck

Thank you Bob foryour kind reply and opinion on the various manufactorers. I have a fairly good idea now on which brands to focus on.

And I'm looking forward to do some debating with you in the future about our beloved conflict. It's been a few years when I last put time into the ACW but a few weeks ago I started re-reading my copy of "Battlefields of the Civil War" by William C. Davis to freshen up on some of the more bigger battles.

I still miss my old Sid Meier's Gettysburg/Antietam though...

As for shopping, yes, it seems to be a pain. Ebay has plenty of resources as are there enough online shops. Googling for European shops is a pain. I'm still waiting for a reply from Aidman (Steve) about that 1 lost shop in The Netherlands. But I'm quite good at comparing prices, it's just a matter of finding the right deal.

Welcome to the Forum Kaap. Frontline Figures has/had an extensive ACW line which were very reasonably priced at 108 USD for a boxed set of six figures. The artillery sets were about 125 USD. I have at least 100 of their ACW figures in my collection. Here is a sample which includes the 20th Maine, 5th New York, 6th Wisconsin, and 1st (Berdan's) Sharpshooters among others.


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As promised i took some quick pictures before i left for work...So i did not really have a chance to spread them out...But these are from , They are glossy..but are very nice...They are handmade by Ted of TEDTOY in Kentucky...Also for your consideration...


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I agree with Joe. TEDTOY makes the finest glossy ACW figures to be found.
Welcome to the Forum Kaap. Frontline Figures has/had an extensive ACW line which were very reasonably priced at 108 USD for a boxed set of six figures. The artillery sets were about 125 USD. I have at least 100 of their ACW figures in my collection. Here is a sample which includes the 20th Maine, 5th New York, 6th Wisconsin, and 1st (Berdan's) Sharpshooters among others.
*drool* Very very nice! Frontline is definitatly on my list.
As promised i took some quick pictures before i left for work...So i did not really have a chance to spread them out...But these are from , They are glossy..but are very nice...They are handmade by Ted of TEDTOY in Kentucky...Also for your consideration...


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I dont like the looks of glossy at all. The matte figures look a lot more sharp and realistisc so rather go for that. But it's good to have some high quality comparing material, thanks for that!
I dont like the looks of glossy at all. The matte figures look a lot more sharp and realistisc so rather go for that. But it's good to have some high quality comparing material, thanks for that!

Kaap...No problem , just giving you a look at what i believe to be a high quality line of glossy in ACW...
good luck in your collecting...


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