News Update August 19th, 2024 - Anglo-Zulu War (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Feb 2, 2011

The Battle of Gingindhlovu was fought on 2nd April 1879 between a British relief column sent to break the siege at Eshowe, and a Zulu impi of king Cetshwayo.

The British soldier would refer to it as the Battle of “GIN GIN I LOVE YOU”.

Charles Pearson had led No.1 column of the British invasion force across the Tugela River to establish an advanced base at Eshowe. Having set up a base at a deserted Norwegian mission station, the British found themselves besieged.
A relief column was organized by Lord Chelmsford and departed Fort Tenedos on 29th March to relieve the garrison.
Chelmsford’s relief force comprised 3,390 Europeans, and 2,280 Africans.

Lord Chelmsford ensured his men spent much time laagering and entrenching their camp at the end of each day, and kept ammunition boxes open and at the ready.
Although this was slow progress, Pearson’s observers at Eshowe were able to see the relief column entrenched on the south bank of the Neyzane, on the evening of the 1st April.

The Zulu impi was composed of 12,000 warriors, some of whom were Isandlwana veterans drawn from regiments in the main Zulu army, while the remainder were warriors who lived in the vicinity of Eshowe.
Many of the Zulu commanders wanted to attack the relief column that night, but Prince Dabulamanzi KaMpande, who was half brother to king Cetshwayo and commander of the impi’s right wing, convinced them to wait until morning.

At dawn on 2 April 1879, the morning sun revealed muddy ground and a heavy mist. Chelmsford had decided after hearing Dunn's report to not continue on toward Eshowe early the next morning. Instead, he would deploy units of the Natal Native Contingent to feel for the Zulus. As the NNC were preparing to advance shots were heard from the night pickets still on duty. The impi was advancing; the main force split into two columns before crossing the Ineyzane and assuming the "chest and horns" formation. The left horn sharply curved to the right to assault the laager's north-east corner, while the "chest" gently curved toward the north face of the laager.

The British regiments in the camp had stood to at 4am. A native soldier pointed to the skyline. ‘Impi’ he declared. The British officers stared at the hill top for some time, before realising that what they had taken to be a long smudge of vegetation was the mass of the advancing Zulu ‘chest’.

Another force passed Misi Hill and approached the laager, forming the impi’s right horn.
The buffalo formation came in at a run on the three sides of the laager as Chelmsford had wanted; at a range of 300–400 yd (270–370 m) the British infantry opened fire, supported by the Gatling guns and rockets.
The first attack was received on the north side of the British entrenchments by the 60th Rifles. One of the newly arrived regiments, the young soldiers of the 60th found the ordeal of the Zulu attack trying in the extreme and it took all the leadership of the battalion’s officers to keep their troops steady and firing. The Gatling guns at the ends of the line provided much needed support.
Under heavy fire from the British line, the Zulu charge faltered and flowed around to the west flank of the square, where the attack was renewed against the 99th Regiment. In the face of the volley firing from the two sides of the square the Zulu ‘chest’ finally went to ground in cover.
The ‘horns’ of the Zulu advance rushed around the British position expecting to find the rear open, as at Isandlwana, only to meet the volley firing of the 91st Highland Regiment and the 57th Regiment. Here too, the Zulus were forced into cover.
Zulu marksmen caused a few casualties within the laager, but the defenders kept the Zulus at bay.
Although the Zulu regiments made persistent rushes to get within stabbing range, their charges lacked the drive and spirit that had pushed them forward at Isandlwana and Rorke’s Drift.
The only zulu to reach the laager was a ten year old boy, who was immediately taken prisoner by members of the naval brigade and later served as a kind of mascot on their ship, Boadicea.

In the face of the sustained fire from the 91st and 57th, the attack on the rear of the laager ebbed away and Chelmsford ordered his mounted units out of the square to complete the victory. The mounted attack was premature and it was some time before the Zulu withdrawal took hold.
Soon after 7am, the battle was over and the Zulus in full retreat, pursued by the mounted troops and the native contingent. Large numbers of Zulu warriors were killed in the long pursuit.

Chelmsford had begun to avenge the Imperial dead of Isandlwana, but for the present he was content to relieve Pearson and return to Natal.
The outcome of the battle was a great relief to Chelmsford, showing him that his army’s confidence was re-established and enabling him to continue his advance to Pearson’s camp and on to defeat the Zulu King, Cetshwayo, at the Battle of Ulundi.

British casualties were 6 officers and 55 men; among the dead was Lieutenant Colonel Northey of the 60th Rifles. Zulu casualties were calculated at over 1,000.



This battalion was stationed at Colchester when, on 12th February 1879, it was ordered to Natal. Soon after its arrival it was attached to the column that was organized for the relief of Eshowe.
On 2nd April the battalion was engaged at the Battle of Gingindhlovu and took part in the subsequent relief of Eshowe.
Six companies of the 3rd Battalion of the 60th Regiment were to defend the north face of the laager at Gingindhlovu. The men of the 60th rifles manning the north face bore the brunt of the zulu ”Chest” attack, and were under enormous pressure. They were to hold their position, and at 06.40 am the Zulu chest confronting them began to retire into the long grass.
Chelmsford ordered Barrow’s Mounted Infantry and Natal Volunteers out of the north side of the laager in pursuit, but the zulu rallied and drove them back. The chest then circled to their right to reinforce the left division of the right horn attacking the laager’s western face.


At 7 am the right division of the right horn began a determined assault on the laager’s southern face under Dabulamanzi’s leadership. Chelmsford ordered two companies of the 60th out of the north face in support of the hard pressed 91st regiment.
Dabulamanzi’s attack stalled under the heavy fire, rolling around for a brief and unsuccessful attempt at the eastern face of the laager.

During the second invasion of Zululand the battalion formed part of the 2nd Brigade of Crealock’s 1st Division.



The 99th were stationed at Chatham when, at the end of November 1878 they received orders to embark for South Africa. During the first invasion of Zululand they were attached to Colonel Pearson’s No.1 Column.
The headquarters and three companies of the Regiment were at Eshowe during the investment until relieved on 3rd April by Lord Chelmsford’s column, which included five companies of the 99th.
The five companies of the 99th Regiment were part of the 1st Brigade of the Eshowe relief column, and defended part of the west face of the laager alongside the two companies of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Regiment.

A well known photograph of a company of the 99th Regiment cross into Zululand by pont at the Lower Thukela Drift, 12 January 1879


During the second invasion, the regiment was attached to the 1st Brigade of Crealock’s 1st Division along with the Buffs and the Connaught Rangers.
The regiment’s principal occupation until the middle of June was convoy duty.


Towards the end of 1878, the headquarters and five companies of the Buffs, which had been scattered over a wide area of Natal, were ordered to concentrate at Thring’s Post, near the mouth of the Tugela river.
Early in November three more companies arrived from Mauritius, at which time they were ordered to construct an earthwork on the right bank of the river, near the mouth, which subsequently became known as Fort Pearson, after the commander of the first column of the field force.
From 4-12 January 1879, the Buffs assisted the Naval Brigade in completing the arrangements for the crossing of Pearson’s column, of which they formed part.
Two companies of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Regiment were part of the 1st Brigade of the Eshowe relief column, and defended part of the west face of the laager alongside the five companies of the 99th Regiment.


Please note there will be 6 more poses added to this regiment



The regiment was stationed in Ceylon when in February 1879, it received orders to proceed to Natal. On its journey it joined the 1st Brigade of the column that was being formed for the relief of Eshowe.
They held the right flank face of the laager at Gingindhlovu and assisted in repelling the first enemy attack.
During the second invasion of Zululand they were in the 2nd Brigade of Crealock’s 1st Division.

Please note there will be 6 more poses added to this regiment


Best wishes,
john jenkins
Wow, really liking what I'm seeing so far. - A great variety of British troops, as well as some easy conversion possibilities if you want to portray a different regiment or battle. - Can't wait to see some Zulus.
des figurines exceptionnelles !
des poses originales et variées qui présentent un ensemble tout à fait cohérent...
Les amoureux de ce thème ont de la chance !
ce qui est bien avec JJD c'est que c'est de mieux en mieux et de plus en plus varié !
Je n'avais jamais vu un bataillon britannique dans cet uniforme vert ! époustouflant !
Wow, finally someone is doing the Zulu War. Other makers have made Rorkes Drift and a few Isanndlawana figures. This make 5 Regts. and its only the start. There goes my budget, but happy about that.
Holy cow, this is just incredible news!! I'm with you Jason, definitely need a second job.
I cannot wait for tommorows announcement. I am hoping i get my Highlanders in the mail this week
It must be like Christmas Eve for some of you guys, i have been thinking the same and JJD have been teasing about Zulus for a while, but i am waiting for another battle, i am waiting to see the new Jacobites.
You say Jacobites and i hope you are right but i only recall the one set … the wounded Jacobite beinghelped by a mate. I hope we get more cavalry and artillery
Every Monday is just a fantastic trip into history. Don't really care what John puts out as I am drawn to it all and happy for him to take me on this incredible journey in any order he likes.
This is a pedant’s post but the East Kent regiment’s earlier pattern frock did indeed have a single loop on the cuff and the entire collar was in the facing colour. The undress frock in 1879 had the trefoil detail on the cuff and according to Ian Knight the facing colour didn’t cover the entire collar but just that part either side of it, much like the 24th’s. There is a photo of 5 soldiers from the Buffs taken during the war and you can just discern the trefoil detail.
You say Jacobites and i hope you are right but i only recall the one set … the wounded Jacobite beinghelped by a mate. I hope we get more cavalry and artillery
I hope also for multiple sets, knew there was only a 2 figure set highlighted hence the 'Jacobites', was not trying to suggest anything else. Like you hoping for more, could see cavalry but think we would be lucky, very, to get artillery, like you i would be very happy. We will both have to wait, some 2 piece sets in action 1 Jacobite and 1 Government figure etc would add to my collection.
Every Monday is just a fantastic trip into history. Don't really care what John puts out as I am drawn to it all and happy for him to take me on this incredible journey in any order he likes.
I agree with you Gary, John is giving Monday's less of a Boomtowns Rats feel. Even if it is something i do not collect, the undates are always a pleasure to see.
I agree with both of you, Gary and Barkman, the thing is its exciting, the big weekly announcement. The excitement of waiting to see the subject and the figures. If its something you like, thats great. Otherwise, like Barkman said, its an interesting history lesson.

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