Next weeks dispatches? (2 Viewers)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Can't wait for the show/evening a week tommorow.I guess dispatches may be late as Andy will be in London?.I wonder if he prepares these in advance when going away?.

Any ideas of waht we may see in them when they do arrive?:)


Tammi and Helen keep good tabs on things and if i remember before Andy did them before London. In fact he has/is already left for the US......then London.........then France

Cheers Tony.Eight days to go,you must be pretty busy now?

OUr phone is like the bat phone with a mass of 30+ 8year olds phoneing forgetting the show and their show orders!

actually funny as we have two lines and there are messages on each when we get off.................itsssssssss greeeeat!

I believe Andy is in Texas now.

As far as 8 year olds, I believe we have a surfeit of them on this Forum :)
I'll be nine in May i'll have you know!:D

Tony,you do realise i'm going to miss Strictly come dan.....i mean the Football next Saturday night don't you;):D!

The K&C Dispatches will be "live" from the The Toy Soldier Show Correct?
Thats a good question,i guess Bob will be roaming the halls filming,not sure if he and Andy will be able to stop and film a longish interview?.

Well if theres no WW2 in Jan it'll give me a chance for catch up.

Perhaps Andy and Helen will be snapping photos of all the fine looking Treefroggers in London...then coming out with the 'Exclusive Treefrogger Series,' a line of STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL figures for us to entice our wives into the hobby (lucky me, my wife is already the queen of it!).

Here are some of the exclusive poses that I expect to see:

  • Tony eating a Mars Bar (with Mars Bars sticking out of his pockets)
  • Rob in his trench coat and dark glasses (with lumps of K&C boxes protruding from under the coat)
  • Italian John Gambale looking ominous with a list of 'simple requests'
  • An 'Ultimate Fighting Cage Diorama' - several members can be added inside the fence for realistic fighting action (names excluded to protect the not so innocent :cool:)
  • Pandagen with a camera
  • Warrior (George) complete with table of goodies (what WOULD miniature versions of K&C miniatures look like??)
  • Louis - complete with baby in his arms, surrounded by small warbird miniatures
  • A small Streets of Hong Kong dio, complete with Bob Neville towering over the crowd with his video camera
  • Mike Neville driving the K&C UK 'van of goodies' to the London Show
  • Jazzeum with a whip to keep everyone in line
  • Oz holding a Fosters in front of an Outback Steakhouse facade with a look of 'You guys call THIS Australian??' on his face
  • Harry in front of a computer (how DOES he have time for all those posts :rolleyes:)
  • Ron (our resident lobbyist) at lunch with a congressman, in a set entitled, "Subsidies for the Toy Soldier Industry"
  • Also available will be the 'I love my nation' series. Included will be the national flag along with a 'premium' selection of forum members from that nation (I suspect the South African set will be a wee bit smaller than some of the others...;)). Canada, Australia, USA, UK, China, SA, New Zealand....all available

Yes, this will be a VERY popular series...
Perhaps Andy and Helen will be snapping photos of all the fine looking Treefroggers in London...then coming out with the 'Exclusive Treefrogger Series,' a line of STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL figures for us to entice our wives into the hobby (lucky me, my wife is already the queen of it!).

Here are some of the exclusive poses that I expect to see:

  • Tony eating a Mars Bar (with Mars Bars sticking out of his pockets)
  • Rob in his trench coat and dark glasses (with lumps of K&C boxes protruding from under the coat)
  • Italian John Gambale looking ominous with a list of 'simple requests'
  • An 'Ultimate Fighting Cage Diorama' - several members can be added inside the fence for realistic fighting action (names excluded to protect the not so innocent :cool:)
  • Pandagen with a camera
  • Warrior (George) complete with table of goodies (what WOULD miniature versions of K&C miniatures look like??)
  • Louis - complete with baby in his arms, surrounded by small warbird miniatures
  • A small Streets of Hong Kong dio, complete with Bob Neville towering over the crowd with his video camera
  • Mike Neville driving the K&C UK 'van of goodies' to the London Show
  • Jazzeum with a whip to keep everyone in line
  • Oz holding a Fosters in front of an Outback Steakhouse facade with a look of 'You guys call THIS Australian??' on his face
  • Harry in front of a computer (how DOES he have time for all those posts :rolleyes:)
  • Ron (our resident lobbyist) at lunch with a congressman, in a set entitled, "Subsidies for the Toy Soldier Industry"
  • Also available will be the 'I love my nation' series. Included will be the national flag along with a 'premium' selection of forum members from that nation (I suspect the South African set will be a wee bit smaller than some of the others...;)). Canada, Australia, USA, UK, China, SA, New Zealand....all available

Yes, this will be a VERY popular series...

Very good indeed.Now theres a man who knows this forum inside out!!!:D;)
Perhaps Andy and Helen will be snapping photos of all the fine looking Treefroggers in London...then coming out with the 'Exclusive Treefrogger Series,' a line of STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL figures for us to entice our wives into the hobby (lucky me, my wife is already the queen of it!).

Here are some of the exclusive poses that I expect to see:

  • Tony eating a Mars Bar (with Mars Bars sticking out of his pockets)
  • Rob in his trench coat and dark glasses (with lumps of K&C boxes protruding from under the coat)
  • Italian John Gambale looking ominous with a list of 'simple requests'
  • An 'Ultimate Fighting Cage Diorama' - several members can be added inside the fence for realistic fighting action (names excluded to protect the not so innocent :cool:)
  • Pandagen with a camera
  • Warrior (George) complete with table of goodies (what WOULD miniature versions of K&C miniatures look like??)
  • Louis - complete with baby in his arms, surrounded by small warbird miniatures
  • A small Streets of Hong Kong dio, complete with Bob Neville towering over the crowd with his video camera
  • Mike Neville driving the K&C UK 'van of goodies' to the London Show
  • Jazzeum with a whip to keep everyone in line
  • Oz holding a Fosters in front of an Outback Steakhouse facade with a look of 'You guys call THIS Australian??' on his face
  • Harry in front of a computer (how DOES he have time for all those posts :rolleyes:)
  • Ron (our resident lobbyist) at lunch with a congressman, in a set entitled, "Subsidies for the Toy Soldier Industry"
  • Also available will be the 'I love my nation' series. Included will be the national flag along with a 'premium' selection of forum members from that nation (I suspect the South African set will be a wee bit smaller than some of the others...;)). Canada, Australia, USA, UK, China, SA, New Zealand....all available

Yes, this will be a VERY popular series...

Hi Pete,

What a great lineup for your "Exclusive Treefrogger Series!" However, you forgot to mention the set that features the contributions of Kilted Vampire and Fishhead. May I assume that the Vamp/Fish set will be a Strictly Limited Edition?

Warmest personal regards,

Pat ;)

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