Nijmegen range (8 Viewers)

Once again we have a classic example of one of the many myths surrounding the Battle of Arnhem aka Operation Market-Garden. The truth of this battle IS NOT to be found in the movie 'A Bridge to Far'. That movie was a huge distortion of the actual events and largely to blame for the continued discussions about the battle on this forum and elsewhere.
Dog and a bone mate, dog and a bone.:rolleyes::D
SAY WHAT??? Maybe there were some Jerries left in the suburbs or something, but that statement is a HUGE slap in the face to the US 82nd Airborne Division and the members of British XXX Corps who fought and died to seize the center of Nijmegen and the vital bridges over the Waal River. Ever watch "A Bridge Too Far" or read the book or read about the actions in Nijmegen? The British attacked the south end and paratroopers from the 82nd attacked across the river in broad daylght to seize the north end. The vital highway bridge was taken at considerable cost to the US paratroopers, to the British armor and infantry and the German SS defenders.

I couldn't let this go unanswered.


What people don't know is that British & commonwealth sappers crossed the river with 82nd & manned the boats & helped build the bridgehead
Once again we have a classic example of one of the many myths surrounding the Battle of Arnhem aka Operation Market-Garden. The truth of this battle IS NOT to be found in the movie 'A Bridge to Far'. That movie was a huge distortion of the actual events and largely to blame for the continued discussions about the battle on this forum and elsewhere.

"The worst mistake of the Arnhem plan was the failure to give priority to capturing the Nijmegen bridge. The capture would have been a walkover on D-Day (Day one of Market-Garden), yet the 82nd Airborne Division could spare only one battalion as they must at all costs secure the Groesbeck heights where the Corps HQ was to be sited" Major-General John Frost

I take nothing away from the bravery of the men in the 82nd but the fact is they wasted 36 hours securing their drop zone and gave little thought to actually securing their objective, the bridge(s), until it was to late. They landed in gliders so why didn't they land at both ends of the bridge on D-Day rather than have to wait for the British to bring up some boats from down the line. The congested traffic largely due to the fact that the bridge was still not taken after 36 hours and the following vehicles etc were backed up.

Your spot on M8
The battle was lost when the 82nd did not take the bridge on the first day
The biggest mistake in the planning was not taking the enemy into account
There are some very thick bones on the forum and I have to chew hard and often ;) :D
Apparently, bones are not the only thing; I can't help thinking about the story of the man who thought that if he said something often enough it would become true.;) Happy chewing.:)
"Apparently, bones are not the only thing; I can't help thinking about the story of the man who thought that if he said something often enough it would become true."

Reminds me of someone we all know who has asked for the same thing 90,000 times, I guess sooner or later like a blind squirrel, he too will find an acorn.

As Einstein (sp?) said "The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping the result will change"............yep, insane pretty muchy sums up those annoying want lists of his...............
Totally agree with you, but at some point between the endless want list and the endless complaints about color, size, paint scheme, ranges offered, offerings within a certain range, patience slips out the door....................
Totally agree with you, but at some point between the endless want list and the endless complaints about color, size, paint scheme, ranges offered, offerings within a certain range, patience slips out the door....................

Phew, and I thought it was only me who felt that way !!
"Phew, and I thought it was only me who felt that way !!"

No, far from it. Reminds me of a bad case of arthritis, some days it doesn't bother you, other days it drives you crazy, but the bottom line is it is there no matter what, so you learn to deal with it, some days are better than others.
Apparently, bones are not the only thing; I can't help thinking about the story of the man who thought that if he said something often enough it would become true.;) Happy chewing.:)

There's another story about a man who thought that if he told enough lies often enough he could conquer the world. It was lucky there were enough stubborn people around to chew on Herr Hitler long enough to stop him ;) :D

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