There are a number of problematic things about this thread.
First, it is really unfair to K&C. I happen to think their figures are excellent, even if I would never collect them for previously stated reasons.
Second, I want to defend Andy from any suggestion of affinity with the Nazis. Like some here, I would NEVER collect Nazi parade figures, and I think companies should not produce them. That said, I don't see many other companies (R4A is the only other one I know of) who have produced Israeli lines. Producing '67 figures not only involved significant financial risk, but significant political risk. While I disagree with the decision to produce Nazi parade figures, I don't for a second think this has any deeper meaning. I have never met Andy, but he is welcome at my Seder table any time.
Third, there is a significant different between producing combat and parade SS figures. Combat figures are needed to depict the war as it happened. Parade figures depict the Nazi political machine.
Fourth, FL has made what I assume is a principled decision not to produce Nazi parade figures. How would producing Berchtesgaden figures, which are meant to depict Hitler's personal life, be any different to them?