Non Combat Positions…” K&C style. (2 Viewers)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

I just got back to HK last evening from a long and very enjoyable working trip to the U.S. (on which I’ll report later).

In the meantime I saw a little post on another thread about a request for the above style figures…

Speaking for K&C at least… we’ve done many “Non Combat Poses” over the years… Off the top of my head I can think of Afrika Korps soldiers talking, drinking, taking photos, questioning prisoners etc., etc. There’s more than a couple of Eigth Army soldiers also in non fighting poses.

Similarly, our “Napoleon in Egypt” is, so far anyway, all “non combat”. Even the D. Day series has plenty of guys in non fighting positions. As does Battle of the Bulge.

On the German side there is no shortage of guys doing a lot more besides killing each other.

So, whilst I think there’s always room for more the situation and the suggestion is not quite as desperate as some might think.

All the best and… happy collecting!

Andy C.​
Hi Andy

Hope you had an enjoyable and fruitful trip. Cant wait to read your report ... hopefully including any titbits that you can share with us presently. :)

PS. When are you and Helen coming around to the store in S'pore ? {sm4}

non combat poses are more useful to the dio maker than collectors in general. IMO they are nice to have but, I would think that releasing lots of these would not be big sellers. similar with the asking of TG I am sure more people want action poses than non action around the world.
For a dio maker, non combat positions are O so important . More important than action poses and Andy I have every non combat figure of BBG and BBA and most of the DD ones (just look at my dios !!! - I am not into Eight Army and Napoleon)What I would like to see is what the soldiers (on the front line) are doing while waiting for their next assignment ( drinking, playing cards, shaving, doing their laundry, having a clean up, preparing a meal, sleeping, cleaning their arms, getting extra ammo and food, etc, etc : the possibilities are endless but O so needed. If today I use a TG vehicle I have to mix it with K&C figures if I want to turn the scene into a dio, which I am doing today and which for me is not a problem. It would be much nicer to use K&C AFV's, tanks etc .. with K&C foot soldiers ( no problem here) and TG AFV's, tanks, etc .... with TG foot soldiers because, to the trained eye, there is always a difference in the physical appearance and the painting of TS's belonging to different brands; ( that is the reason of my thread on the TG forum)
For a dio maker, non combat positions are O so important . More important than action poses and Andy I have every non combat figure of BBG and BBA and most of the DD ones (just look at my dios !!! - I am not into Eight Army and Napoleon)What I would like to see is what the soldiers (on the front line) are doing while waiting for their next assignment ( drinking, playing cards, shaving, doing their laundry, having a clean up, preparing a meal, sleeping, cleaning their arms, getting extra ammo and food, etc, etc : the possibilities are endless but O so needed. If today I use a TG vehicle I have to mix it with K&C figures if I want to turn the scene into a dio, which I am doing today and which for me is not a problem. It would be much nicer to use K&C AFV's, tanks etc .. with K&C foot soldiers ( no problem here) and TG AFV's, tanks, etc .... with TG foot soldiers because, to the trained eye, there is always a difference in the physical appearance and the painting of TS's belonging to different brands; ( that is the reason of my thread on the TG forum)

Here is an example
20.03.2010 020.jpg
I have to give K&C credit I do believe they have done the most non combat positions. Alex
K&C does lots of non-combat figures. I think a lot more than people realize. Take the AK Range as an example. Including AK013 to AK090, there are 123 figures and only 41 of them are in combat poses. 33 are riding in vehicles, 12 are walking, and 37 are in other non-combat poses. (None are marching/parade poses) The EA series has 122 figures of which only 42 are combat, 26 are riding, 10 are walking, 20 are parade and 24 are other non-combat.

Even if you consider only other non-combat as really doing the day-to-day poses, there are still quite a few - somewhere between 1/5th and 1/3rd.

In the meantime I saw a little post on another thread about a request for the above style figures…

Speaking for K&C at least… we’ve done many “Non Combat Poses” over the years… Off the top of my head I can think of Afrika Korps soldiers talking, drinking, taking photos, questioning prisoners etc., etc. There’s more than a couple of Eigth Army soldiers also in non fighting poses.

Similarly, our “Napoleon in Egypt” is, so far anyway, all “non combat”. Even the D. Day series has plenty of guys in non fighting positions. As does Battle of the Bulge.

On the German side there is no shortage of guys doing a lot more besides killing each other.

So, whilst I think there’s always room for more the situation and the suggestion is not quite as desperate as some might think.

Can't argue with that or can we?.....{sm4}

K&C have made and continue to make some fantastic non-combat figures.
I have no interest in the Napoleon in Egypt series but there are many K&C series that I would love to own. Life of Jesus and Streets of Hong Kong among them.
I commented on the thread in question about K&C's marching troops and for that matter First Legion's.

Now here's the problem.

The reason I added my non-combat wants list to the TG thread was simple. I can't afford K&C and FL Napoleonic's but I can afford TG, JJD, CSC and WB just about.

I would love to put a wants list on a K&C and FL thread but what's the point? If K&C produced what I wanted I wouldn't be able to afford to buy them anyway.{sm2}

So in my little world of limited budget and resources for my hobby there is a great need for "affordable" non-combat poses and "affordable" soldiers.
Many thanks
Can't argue with that or can we?.....{sm4}

K&C have made and continue to make some fantastic non-combat figures.
I have no interest in the Napoleon in Egypt series but there are many K&C series that I would love to own. Life of Jesus and Streets of Hong Kong among them.
I commented on the thread in question about K&C's marching troops and for that matter First Legion's.

Now here's the problem.

The reason I added my non-combat wants list to the TG thread was simple. I can't afford K&C and FL Napoleonic's but I can afford TG, JJD, CSC and WB just about.

I would love to put a wants list on a K&C and FL thread but what's the point? If K&C produced what I wanted I wouldn't be able to afford to buy them anyway.{sm2}

So in my little world of limited budget and resources for my hobby there is a great need for "affordable" non-combat poses and "affordable" soldiers.
Many thanks

I understand your point of view completely Paul
From my own viewpoint King&Country "has" done many figure releases in non combat poses along with those in
Fighting poses in a pretty level balance. We have seen from the WWII side soldier figures standing, chatting,sitting,
Smoking, drinking,Dead, wounded,walking, marching,urinating, and even the other bodily function. !
Seems eventually most poses do get done in a reasonable time frame.
For my own wish list I would like a few Russian casualty figures as the Germans took a heavy toll on the Soviets
Along with a few fighters to go along with the new grey Germans. Just goes to show the list has numerous
Possibilities for numerous ranges and eras.
Yes, I would always welcome more non combat poses, but as Andy said, K&C has done many of these poses over the years, probably more so than most of the other companies and for that I'm thankful. To me they do a good job of producing a nice balance of different poses. Keep up the good work Andy.
Here is one of my newest non combat pose figures as depicted in another thread


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When I first started collecting WWII in the early years, KC were making mostly non-combat poses. So when Conte came on the scene, I bought alot of their product, but I still liked KC's larger size and sculpting. Well, my Conte are now boxed up and KC is in my display cabinet. (Conte has always put out great stuff. I just don't collect them anymore).
I've always preferred non-combat poses in figures, especially WWII ones. I tend to pick up casualty/medic combo's, walking patrols and tank riders. I find they compliment my AFV's the best. With the recent air force series being released the possibilities for non-combat figures has dramatically increased to compliment the airplanes. I find that dioramas with combatants from both sides usually look pretty contrived and unrealistic especially WWII which due to the weapons technology was often fought over distances greater than can usually be depicted on a diorama. Sometimes portraying one side only fighting the "unseen" enemy diorama looks/feels better. I think K&C have a great balance of combat vs non combat poses due to their huge catalogue. :)
I own both of these series...they are two of my favorites...I don't think there is a weapon raised in anger or a combat pose in either series...the "peaceful poses" are easy to use in dioramas...


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I own both of these series...they are two of my favorites...I don't think there is a weapon raised in anger or a combat pose in either series...the "peaceful poses" are easy to use in dioramas...

Are the cows also made of metal or resins/plastic ?

Is he thumbing a ride or giving the bird.......................^&grin

great pics mike.

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