NOR013-NOR025 Waffen-SS for the Battle of Normandy!! (1 Viewer)

OK Gebs, I know you don't like taking pics but once you have reviewed your new SS sets please post a few photos for us other guys, as I will be waiting a few weeks for mine I'm really anxious to set what other collectors think of them, even though it usually follows the trend that they look even better in person then the photos I'm sure will or hope will be the review:)...Sammy

Hi Sammy,
Yea I'm not much on taking photo's unless they are Vacation pics :wink2: but I'll tell ya what I will do when they arrive I will take a couple of pictures using a few Original Waffen SS Camo items from my personal collection as back drops just to highlight the patterns and colors .. regards Gebhard
Hi Sammy,
Yea I'm not much on taking photo's unless they are Vacation pics :wink2: but I'll tell ya what I will do when they arrive I will take a couple of pictures using a few Original Waffen SS Camo items from my personal collection as back drops just to highlight the patterns and colors .. regards Gebhard

I will be waiting to see those pics!!! speaking of pics Gebs check out the baseball thread in the chat area and take a looky at what my wife bought me for a aniversary present!!!!:):)...Sammy
It is called Gettysburg Toy Soldier. Located in of course Gettysburg :) He said he has had guys pick up entire regiments of FL or the entire Artillery piece and crew. During the 150th. He sold so much FL he had to put in a special order to refill. Although he was crazy busy. He is a good guy. Very nice. And you are right. I am sure I will pick up some of the Waffen SS. :) But I still like those Stalingrad Germans too!

Sounds like a really nice shop, do you have a link for it?? I am in the works for planning a return trip (possible) this Fall back East to Virginia and if I do my sister and I want to go to Gettysburg, and picking up some First Legion troops would just be the icing on the cake:)...Sammy
Would love to see some photos of your new gun Gebhard

Wow, that's great the hear ! I was concerned it would have an 'airsoft feel' to it. MP40...yikes !

Oh yeah, the figures, awesome looking to say the least. I'm still working on the 'Stalingrad' range, but these guys will be going on my wish list.

Hi Guys,
Sorry for the delay in posting some shots, it comes in a very cool crate made by the Amish :) even has a tag that says so:wink2:. I had some time today and was able to try it out at the range and was pretty impressed... very cool. Its only a 22 but for the price of a real one its worth the compromise. Anyway my Waffen SS figures arrive tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to checking them out the Sniper with Scoped STG 44 looks super cool.. hey anyone have a ZF41 or ZF4 for sale :wink2:. regards Gebhard


Hi Guys,
Sorry for the delay in posting some shots, it comes in a very cool crate made by the Amish :) even has a tag that says so:wink2:. I had some time today and was able to try it out at the range and was pretty impressed... very cool. Its only a 22 but for the price of a real one its worth the compromise. Anyway my Waffen SS figures arrive tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to checking them out the Sniper with Scoped STG 44 looks super cool.. hey anyone have a ZF41 or ZF4 for sale :wink2:. regards Gebhard

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Hi Gebs, awesome looking gun!!!!!!!!!!! would love to have one of my own, how did it shoot at the range?? anyway, thanks for sharing and look forward to your new SS pics!!...Sammy
Hi Gebs, awesome looking gun!!!!!!!!!!! would love to have one of my own, how did it shoot at the range?? anyway, thanks for sharing and look forward to your new SS pics!!...Sammy

Hi Sammy,
I usually prefer something with a little more power but with the prices of ammo going up up up I have been shooting 22's a lot more as of late. It shoots pretty nice and was very accurate, the thing that stands out is the weight it is almost exactly like an original because like others I thought it would feel like a toy. Here is a link should be no trouble for you to get one where you live and I say go for it, a fun gun and like I said with the Originals bringing like 50Grand well ya know . Today is the Day my figures come, I'm on the road to Gettysburg for lunch with some friends so it will be late before I can get a look at em when home again. Will try and post some photo's with the Original Camo tomorrow after the Bayern vs Barca Game .. Best Gebhard
Hi Guys,
Sorry for the delay in posting some shots, it comes in a very cool crate made by the Amish :) even has a tag that says so:wink2:. I had some time today and was able to try it out at the range and was pretty impressed... very cool. Its only a 22 but for the price of a real one its worth the compromise. Anyway my Waffen SS figures arrive tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to checking them out the Sniper with Scoped STG 44 looks super cool.. hey anyone have a ZF41 or ZF4 for sale :wink2:. regards Gebhard

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Nice looking mp44 Gebhard, bet you can't wait to get on the range
Nice looking mp44 Gebhard, bet you can't wait to get on the range

I had some time to go to the range on Monday and it shot very well very I was very impressed with the performance, if you ever make it to may little part of the planet well take it to the range and you can try it out {bravo}}. Its a cool piece and we both know what a real one brings so its a compromise I can live with. Next year they will do an MP40 which I plan on getting as well. I received my new Waffen SS figures from FL yesterday and I think they are very very nice, with first impression the Camo is the best I have seen on any factory figure and the equipment looks very nice as well. Will have more time to look at them and post some pictures later today I'm gearing up for the Bayern vs Barca Game in 40min. best Gebhard
I had some time to go to the range on Monday and it shot very well very I was very impressed with the performance, if you ever make it to may little part of the planet well take it to the range and you can try it out {bravo}}. Its a cool piece and we both know what a real one brings so its a compromise I can live with. Next year they will do an MP40 which I plan on getting as well. I received my new Waffen SS figures from FL yesterday and I think they are very very nice, with first impression the Camo is the best I have seen on any factory figure and the equipment looks very nice as well. Will have more time to look at them and post some pictures later today I'm gearing up for the Bayern vs Barca Game in 40min. best Gebhard

Thank for the kind offer mate and think going to the USA will be my only chance of firing one !like this video of a mp40 being fired {sm4}
Thank for the kind offer mate and think going to the USA will be my only chance of firing one !like this video of a mp40 being fired {sm4}

{eek3}LMAO... WOW seems you found some rare footage of one of the few serving members of the Sturmrollstuhlfahrer Regiment, I thought they had all perished in the defence of Berlin.:wink2: GOD bless America regards Gebhard
I had some time to go to the range on Monday and it shot very well very I was very impressed with the performance, if you ever make it to may little part of the planet well take it to the range and you can try it out {bravo}}. Its a cool piece and we both know what a real one brings so its a compromise I can live with. Next year they will do an MP40 which I plan on getting as well. I received my new Waffen SS figures from FL yesterday and I think they are very very nice, with first impression the Camo is the best I have seen on any factory figure and the equipment looks very nice as well. Will have more time to look at them and post some pictures later today I'm gearing up for the Bayern vs Barca Game in 40min. best Gebhard

OK Gebs, I have been waiting for a week for someone to post a few pics of the new SS :)'s about it good mate??...Sammy
OK Gebs, I have been waiting for a week for someone to post a few pics of the new SS :)'s about it good mate??...Sammy

Hi Sammy,
Here ya go ... I added a few things from my collection as backgrounds for fellow Militaria Collectors or guys who may be interested ..Excellent figures the Camo and equipment are superb {bravo}}I hope they will expand on them to cover the Foreign Legions a subject of interest to me ... regards Gebhard








Hello Gebs,

Wow!!! what to say?? the SS sets speak for themselves!! as it's been nice to see the photos of them on the website it just shows how much better they look in real time, thanks again Gebs for posting these pictures, again as you said the camo, guns, equipment all look spot on, my Goodness, if anyone is or was on the fence about this range these few pics should help you make your mind up :) Also thanks for sharing part of your SS miltary collection as well, as you have some fantastic pieces there also!!...ok Gebs, what First legion SS sets will you be getting next??...Sammy
Thank you for posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They look awesome! Brad

Hi Sammy,
Here ya go ... I added a few things from my collection as backgrounds for fellow Militaria Collectors or guys who may be interested ..Excellent figures the Camo and equipment are superb {bravo}}I hope they will expand on them to cover the Foreign Legions a subject of interest to me ... regards Gebhard









Thanks for posting the pictures of some of the new Waffen SS figures. The overall quality of the figures is amazing and they are in a class all their own! I am looking forward to future Battle of Normandy releases from Matt and the First Legion team. Hail First Legion!!!

Alex :smile2:
Thanks Gebs to share pics of your last acquisitions. Excellent camo :salute:::salute::
I just pass an order for two Waffen SS sets.
Congratulations for your militaria collection !
Best regards
Hi Guys,
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my post and pictures :salute:: I have been collecting Militaria since childhood with being given things family members wore during the War or brought back. It has grown and expanded to an addiction like all our Hobbies :redface2:. Anyway these figures are really nice and as a collector of the real thing its amazing to see the detail First Legion have achieved. For me that's one of the things that draws me to collect First Legion, the Devils in the details and they really try to get it right down to the hobnails and heel plates on the boots and the buckles on the gaiters not to mention the color's and patterns of the cammo . I would highly recommend these as wonderful additions to any serious WWII collection. regards Gebhard

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