NOR036-NOR046 US 4th Infantry Division Pre-Order! (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
We continue to expand our coverage of USA forces for our “Battle of Normandy” range with the US 4th Infantry Division! The 4th Infantry, nicknamed the “Ivy” Division, landed at Utah beach on D-Day and quickly hooked up inland with the US 82nd and 101st Airborne. They fought their way through the hedgerows of the Cotentin peninsula and took part in the capture of Cherbourg in near continuous combat from the day of the landing until the 28th of June. They were then shifted south and along with the 2nd Armored Division spearheaded the assault at St Lo. They were also the first Americans to enter Paris, fought in the Hurtgen Forest and battle of the Bulge, and participated in every major campaign spending 199 straight days in contact with the enemy. Overall the division suffered 34,000 casualties and is one of the storied divisions of the US Army. Of a more personal note, my grandfather served in the 4th Infantry Division, so when it came time to select US Infantry, for me there was no other choice. We sincerely hope you enjoy them and welcome this addition to our ever expanding World War II figure range.

NOR036 US 4th ID Captain with Colt $59.95
NOR037 US 4th ID Sergeant with Thompson SMG $59.95
NOR038 US 4th ID Private Running with M1 Garand $59.95
NOR039 US 4th ID Private Standing with M1 Garand $59.95
NOR040 US 4th ID Private Advancing Low with M1 Garand $59.95
NOR041 US 4th ID Private Fixing Bayonet on M1 Garand $59.95
NOR042 US 4th ID Private Standing Firing M1 Garand $59.95
NOR043 US 4th ID Private with Bazooka and M1 Garand $59.95
NOR044 US 4th ID Private Laying Firing BAR $64.95
NOR045 US 4th ID Medic Treating Wounded Private $119.95
NOR046 US 4th ID Private Pulling Grenade Pin with M1 Carbine $59.95
Shipping Early June





















Memorial day just got better!!! You can believe all of these sets are a must have!!! ...Sammy
Very nice to finally see this release! God Bless all those who gave their lives for us on this Memorial Day.
Uniforms look good, but FL seriously needs a new face sculptor for there more recent WW2 items..
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I agree with the need for better face sculpts. The new Napoleonic figures are definitely leaps and bounds better than the faces of these figures. I actually was planning to buy at least a few. But now... Its a few at the most. I hate to jump into another manufacturer, but my next buys will be the SU-76 sets for KC. Was not planning to but now.....
Many times we have discussed the difference between FL in marketing photos and in hand. I have a few of my Stalingrad Germans and Russians at eye height right now, and boy do they look great. The faces are so life like and expressive.

I say go ahead and pick up a few, but I doubt you will stop there once you have them.
$60.00 for a metal WW2 Grunt? To me,the only 'new' pose is the fella layin'low fixin' bayonets.
All the rest are rehashes.I mean $60.00 ...really?Too many here look like direct rip-offs of Conte's
plastic G.I.s.How about a pose that nobody touches like firing a rifle grenade from an '03 Springfield,
M1 Garand ,even an M1 Carbine for cryin'out loud.G.I.s getting cut to pieces(War is Hell),follow-through
on a grenade toss,clearing a jam on a Garand,prone taking a long pull on a canteen.Same old ,same old.Make some/all of these in resin/plastic will ya already.No wonder the hobby is dying.How many kids out
there even know who bombed Pearl Harbor? rant and I will retire peaceably into the night.
If you were able to see these in person, I'm sure you would feel differently. These are Russian-like figures, without the Russian price. I have a number of First Legion figures and they are some of the best figures I own. Unfortunately, their photos don't often do them justice and you have to see them in person to appreciate the quality.
The other thing about FL figures when viewed in person is they are quite a bit smaller than the largest manufacturer. If that is to your liking, then OK, but something to know.
If you were able to see these in person, I'm sure you would feel differently. These are Russian-like figures, without the Russian price. I have a number of First Legion figures and they are some of the best figures I own. Unfortunately, their photos don't often do them justice and you have to see them in person to appreciate the quality.

I agree except for their WWII figures. Most of FL's WWII figures aren't quite as good as figures from their other ranges. Just compare the faces of the new Naps to the faces of the new GI's. I see a big difference.

I agree with Joe on that point except maybe the first german figures.
Also, The saracens (the early ones at least) are much bigger than the napoleonic figures and in my book, not as good.

I have also now two riding napoleonics which are falling on themselves.
I remember that we talked about that issue with russian figures when there are only one or two contact points between the horse and the base. And I can tell you now, that with time, some of these figures will fall including FL horses. I will post pictures very soon. I have used hard foam under the horses to prevent further damage.

I will never ever buy another mounted figure when the horse is not supported by at least 3 of its legs.



I agree except for their WWII figures. Most of FL's WWII figures aren't quite as good as figures from their other ranges. Just compare the faces of the new Naps to the faces of the new GI's. I see a big difference.

I agree with Joe on that point except maybe the first german figures.
Also, The saracens (the early ones at least) are much bigger than the napoleonic figures and in my book, not as good.

I have also now two riding napoleonics which are falling on themselves.
I remember that we talked about that issue with russian figures when there are only one or two contact points between the horse and the base. And I can tell you now, that with time, some of these figures will fall including FL horses. I will post pictures very soon. I have used hard foam under the horses to prevent further damage.

I will never ever buy another mounted figure when the horse is not supported by at least 3 of its legs.



I have had a similar experience with one of the 101st Para's (NOR008) where the figure was in a running pose with only one foot in contact with the base. That one foot was also in its tip toes. It was very unstable and soon snapped right off the base. I avoid any figures who are in extreme poses with their tip toes being the only contact point.
I'm sorry to hear that you have two mounted Napoleonic pieces that are toppling over. That would indeed be very disappointing. Perhaps you could get replacements from FL?


I agree with Joe on that point except maybe the first german figures.
Also, The saracens (the early ones at least) are much bigger than the napoleonic figures and in my book, not as good.

I have also now two riding napoleonics which are falling on themselves.
I remember that we talked about that issue with russian figures when there are only one or two contact points between the horse and the base. And I can tell you now, that with time, some of these figures will fall including FL horses. I will post pictures very soon. I have used hard foam under the horses to prevent further damage.

I will never ever buy another mounted figure when the horse is not supported by at least 3 of its legs.


I'm actually surprised they are that price. The way the pricing pattern has been going I figured 74.95 to 79.95 for some of new series.
It's Dorsenne and one of the cuirassier. I will post pictures as soon as I can get my camera out. Maybe with the added support the fall will stop. We'll see in the future.

I'm sorry to hear that you have two mounted Napoleonic pieces that are toppling over. That would indeed be very disappointing. Perhaps you could get replacements from FL?

I just wish that the ones that sculpts the Napoleonic sets would be the ones that would make the WW2 sets, maybe they would make better faces. That will make it more than perfect.
If you were able to see these in person, I'm sure you would feel differently. These are Russian-like figures, without the Russian price. I have a number of First Legion figures and they are some of the best figures I own. Unfortunately, their photos don't often do them justice and you have to see them in person to appreciate the quality.

These 1:30th scale US WWII infantry figures look GREAT:salute::....ORDER PLACED.{sm4}....If you want accurate 1:30th scale high quality figures this is the TS company that produces them.....Well done FL.

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