Normandy Jagdpanther: WOW!!! (1 Viewer)

Hunter Rose

Master Sergeant
Mar 8, 2010
I know pics of this beauty have been posted before, but I know I love it when others throw up pictures of AFVs I don't (especially when I am thinking about buying them!) so I figured I'd post some of mine.

Just got this beauty in from a fellow forum member, and it looks great. The paint job on this thing is absolutely beautiful. King and Country, I think you have nailed the German Tri-Color camo look with this Jagdpanther, so please continue to use these colors on the rest of your German vehicles.

Does the Normandy Panzer IV have the same dark coloring? If so, I will be picking one up.

My only gripes are I wish the hatches would open/close and that it had some schürzen panels, but that's it. All in all it's a great looking vehicle with crisp detail (the zimmerit is especially well done). King and Country seems to have stepped up their game a bit as of late. I'v been very impressed with this tank destroyer and the Winter Panzer IV.

Now onto the pics:





My favourite tank with great camo, thank you for sharing.^&cool, Robin.
How does it compare in size to the, HB and TCS Jagdpanthers.

Does the tank measure in the 1/30th scale or in the 1/28th scale?



I know pics of this beauty have been posted before, but I know I love it when others throw up pictures of AFVs I don't (especially when I am thinking about buying them!) so I figured I'd post some of mine.

Just got this beauty in from a fellow forum member, and it looks great. The paint job on this thing is absolutely beautiful. King and Country, I think you have nailed the German Tri-Color camo look with this Jagdpanther, so please continue to use these colors on the rest of your German vehicles.

Does the Normandy Panzer IV have the same dark coloring? If so, I will be picking one up.

My only gripes are I wish the hatches would open/close and that it had some schürzen panels, but that's it. All in all it's a great looking vehicle with crisp detail (the zimmerit is especially well done). King and Country seems to have stepped up their game a bit as of late. I'v been very impressed with this tank destroyer and the Winter Panzer IV.

Now onto the pics:





How does it compare in size to the, HB and TCS Jagdpanthers.

Ask and you shall receive! (Pardon the poor pictures, as the sun just set and my office is not the most brightly lit; I also don't have an HB Jagdpanther, so I substituted the HB Panther since the chassis & tracks are the same)

Size-wise the KC Jagdpanther measures out to a very accurate 1/30 scale. The HB Panther I hold as the benchmark for an accurate 1/30 Panther, and as you can see they match up extremely well. There are very subtle differences, but they are so small as to be inconsequential IMO. The TCS Jagdpanther is bigger than it, as is most TCS armor. While the heights look comparable, realize that the TCS Panther sits very low to the ground; it has very little hull ground clearance. The HB & KC models are more accurate in the track/hull relationship. If the TCS panther had the same hull ground clearance as the KC or HB model, its larger size would be much more readily apparent.





Nice pick up and pic's mate. Here is a pic from my collection and I think the camo scheme on the Normandy Panzer IV matches up very well with the Jagdpanther, hence me displaying both vehicles together. The camo scheme on the Puma Armoured car also matches up quite well I think.



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Hunter Rose, Congrats on your new addition. Sounds like you like it as much as I like mine .................^&grin
2 great looking vehicles,if only you could put the K&C Hull on the collectors showcase chassis.

Hunter ,

Great pick-up...I always enjoy seeing pic's of item's other collector's pick-up...Because the stock photo's are usually not so good...
I heard you mention the K&C winter Pz IV , would it be possible for you to post a pic of it...Thinking about picking it up , i just bought a TGM Winter Hetzer & got bit by the winter camo bug...Since i am mostly into the desert campaign DAK & 8th Army & early war Wehrmacht period...

Hunter ,

Great pick-up...I always enjoy seeing pic's of item's other collector's pick-up...Because the stock photo's are usually not so good...
I heard you mention the K&C winter Pz IV , would it be possible for you to post a pic of it...Thinking about picking it up , i just bought a TGM Winter Hetzer & got bit by the winter camo bug...Since i am mostly into the desert campaign DAK & 8th Army & early war Wehrmacht period...


Here you go Joe. I think it's a superb looking vehicle and I prefer it a little more than the Normandy version. I also think it displays well with the Figarti Nebelwerfer Halftrack and TG AFV's.



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Here you go Joe. I think it's a superb looking vehicle and I prefer it a little more than the Normandy version. I also think it displays well with the Figarti Nebelwerfer Halftrack and TG AFV's.


Tom ,

Thank you for that !! I hadn't purchased any winter troops or AFV's since 2000 , when i purchased the K&C Stalingrad German range...
I was looking @ the new K&C Pz IV & thought the same thing , that the winter version just looked better...

Thanks ,

Wonderful photo's fella's, thanks for posting. I'm interested in purchasing both the Jagdpanther & Panzer IV at some stage, so it's great to see them displayed.

Also Tom, thanks for posting the 'group' pic of your display again, the Puma also looks a beauty as well.


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