Normandy tank commander (5 Viewers)


Private 2
Aug 9, 2012
Just arrived today. Very nicely done but rather smallish/skinny compared to the paratroopers. hard to tell from the pictures but was immediately aware when pulling him from the box. Don't the same guys do all the WWII sculpts? Hope the new infantry matches up to the para's. Would like to hear your thoughts.

Regards, Tom


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Very nice looking figures. Taking into consideration that not everyone is the same height in the real world and that Tankers were recruited from shorter folks and Para uniforms have cargo pockets I think they look fine. Nice photo's thanks for sharing regards Gebhard
For once I do not agree with Geb

The tank commander doesnt look good to me. Look carefully at the length of the arms and you will see that they are way too long.

Ch eers


Very nice looking figures. Taking into consideration that not everyone is the same height in the real world and that Tankers were recruited from shorter folks and Para uniforms have cargo pockets I think they look fine. Nice photo's thanks for sharing regards Gebhard
For once I do not agree with Geb

The tank commander doesnt look good to me. Look carefully at the length of the arms and you will see that they are way too long.

Ch eers

Why are they to long ^&confuse
I think its just the angle I took the picture at. Any other way you look at the figure he looks fine.
The US tank commander is indeed a bit too skinny IMO....BUT... I think it's so that he can fit easily into the commaders hatch on the Sherman which is OK with me.....I hope that the new US 45th will be in proper scale or it will ruin compatibility of figures for FL WWII....This is something that FL needs to monitor carefully...."Scale Compatibility Matters"!!! within the WWII range.... We have seen some minor but definite SIZE discrepencies in scale with the German Fallschimjagers and the SS Germans and the German Stalingrad ranges.....and although they are not "way off" they are some SIZE compatibility issues.....Again something that FL NEEDS to MONITOR.....That's a major reason why I collect FL because they are consistent and reliable when it comes to scale.
The US tank commander is indeed a bit too skinny IMO....BUT... I think it's so that he can fit easily into the commaders hatch on the Sherman which is OK with me.....

This seems like a sensible explanation to me.

I don't find it particularly surprising that a figure designed to stand inside a tank might turn out a little "petite" or even slightly anatomically off.

The very long face (its so long it almost reminds me of a horse's head) suggests to me that the lean look (longish arms or whatever) of the figure may also relate to the style of the sculptor. Who knows, just a thought.
Yea, IMO there has been a difference..In regards to the German figures.. I think i wrote about this a few months ago.. The face/head sculpts are much better on the Stalingrad Germans than on the newer Waffen SS figures.. I will post a pic later in the week..Also, i think someone else on the forum complained about size differences Waffen SS and Stalingrad.. Anyway, when are we getting more WWII GERMANS!!! MATT ARE YOU LISTENING!!

For once I do not agree with Geb

The tank commander doesnt look good to me. Look carefully at the length of the arms and you will see that they are way too long.

Ch eers

Hi guys the first group of Stalingrad figures were shipped back in June of 2009 that's coming up on almost 6 YEARS ago. Matt has already said that these were sculpted by a sculptor and produced at factory that they no longer deal with, so of course there is a difference. We've all talked about it many many times on the Forums.

The way I see it (and I could be wrong) is that there have been at least three different sculptors over the years working on the German lines.

1. The Beginning of the Stalingrad line maybe the first 18 codes or so. (IMO the best WWII figures ever)

2. The what I call J Leno and the roundheads era

3. The new SS and Para figures which also have their own distinct thin long faced look.

Its unrealistic for us to think that different sculptors and factories could or would produce exactly the same looking product. I think its easy to see that the new Tank commander is continuing with the latest look. Which IMO pretty nice. regards Gebhard
I hope to see a German Normandy tank or Halftrack, to support the Panzer grenadiers. And to go against the Sherman tanks.
Almost reminds me of a Honour Bound sculpt.

With that long drawn out face, he almost reminds me of Gomer Pyle.

Given the jiving gunner that preceded this, I dread to think who might be atop the next FL Sherman......Mr Bean??

From the photos I've seen, the tank itself looks very impressive though.
Faces are not the issue with FL figures....They are just fine and no manufacturer makes good faces....What FL needs to address is scale/size compatibility within the range is the more significant issue
Very nice looking figures. Taking into consideration that not everyone is the same height in the real world and that Tankers were recruited from shorter folks and Para uniforms have cargo pockets I think they look fine. Nice photo's thanks for sharing regards Gebhard

Agree with you. The tanker looks fine size wise.
Faces are not the issue with FL figures....They are just fine and no manufacturer makes good faces....What FL needs to address is scale/size compatibility within the range is the more significant issue

Frank I love ya man but what are you talking about ??? "No manufacture makes good faces" are you freaking kidding me ???? What are you buying ??? Please post a Photo of your figures to show your scale/size compatibility within the range issues. Don't you think all the newer figures are compatible ?
Frank I love ya man but what are you talking about ??? "No manufacture makes good faces" are you freaking kidding me ???? What are you buying ??? Please post a Photo of your figures to show your scale/size compatibility within the range issues. Don't you think all the newer figures are compatible ?

Gebs, I luv ya also man,:cool: ....but.... many guys on this forum always like to complain about FL faces{sm4} etc, etc...PLEASE...No manufacturer makes very good faces in the WWII Range:rolleyes2:.... but I will say that FL WWII faces are as good or even better then most others....That said....My major concerns are NOT FACES.... rather size and scale compatibility within the FL WWII range....The recent FL Fallschrimjagers were alot smaller in size then the SS Waffen figures....That's for CERTAIN and was discussed and debated in this forum at length when they were released....also some guys said that some the of the US Para's were also somewhat larger then then the original grey Stalingrad Germans....Again this is something that FL needs to monitor if they are to maintain consistency of scale for which they are noted.....I just want FL to maintain reliability and not become complacent about scale accuracy within the WWII range.
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Just arrived today. Very nicely done but rather smallish/skinny compared to the paratroopers. hard to tell from the pictures but was immediately aware when pulling him from the box. Don't the same guys do all the WWII sculpts? Hope the new infantry matches up to the para's. Would like to hear your thoughts.

Regards, Tom

I agree with you Tom and I also have similar concerns. I hope that FL is on top of this in regards to the new 4th infantry figures....All WWII figures should be in harmonious scale/size and should work well together....SSWaffen(somewhat large), Stallingrad(Perfect), Fallschrimjagers (somewhat small), Russians(a mix), US para's (larger) etc. etc....Most are in the acceptable range for variance but some are a bit off IMO......That said FL is still the most consistent in scale compared to the others.
Thanks for your input, I'm sure he'll look just fine when he is in the tank, as he won't be standing next to anyone. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I can test this theory! It's funny, my usual reaction when I get a figure is "Wow, this guy is cool", but for this figure it was, "Wow, this guy is skinny!" Anyway, I love First Legion so any minor size/scale issues are not a problem for me.
Read through the thread and noticed a problem. A completely uniformed, third-party could view the posts and come away pretty confused. I suggest this because the same fella would be exposed to two veins of thought. One holds that FL WW2 figures are generally great, while the other holds that the many of the same sets are poorly proportioned and inconsistent in scale. Amid all this well-intentioned opinion, there's an almost complete absence of images for comparison's sake. Thus far, this is all that there is to go on:


I think that the tank commander looks fine. I'd explain why, but other posters have already shared their analysis and rationale for their opinions.

On the other hand, branching out into all manner of criticism regarding additional product just leaves me scratching my head.^&confuse Can't see the point in it without pics and precise, thoughtful comment. As is, the overall impact of these posts is essentially a draw, as the substance behind much of the comment is so ill-defined. Please, If you feel strongly enough about the about the matter to post criticism, then follow through with some pics to support your position. You'll be doing everyone a favor in the process.

Just received FL tank commander and offer the following size comparisons without comment. From right to left (using manufacturers scale) :

Britains 1/32_____________________ Kronprinz 1/30______________FL 1/30 tank comm.______________1/35 Oryon______________1/32 FOV
IMG_3005 (1024x768).jpg


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