Northwestern Frontier Barrack drill.... (1 Viewer)

Dear Luiz

The poor Mahdists have no chance against your heavy weapons and the batteries (impressive I have to say)
You are right about Ken and 1st Sudan war. But now he moved into Boxer Rebellion which gives opportunity for a variety of troops and uniforms and endless Chinese. For the time being i have his 3 barricades. I collected almost all the Britain's Zulu War sets until know except the last ones because I am tired. I believe Britains is also tired with the subject. The last sets with the British troops carrying dead Zulus clearly show that Britains must bring the series to an end. The same applies to Sudan war. I have all the sets including the gunboat. But I don't get the Tel el kebir sets.
The sailor defending the limber is Britain's set 27055 and it 8s designed to be displayed with the sailor on the limber.

Best wishes
Hi Thanasis67,
Thanks for the kind words and conclusion that the Mahadists can come en force that they will be wiped out....{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}...that was the intention :cool::cool:
Also, thanks for the note on the Britains set 27055, I have now set my sights on getting one after seeing how well in blends with the other sets.
I was not aware that Ken had moved on to the Boxer Rebellion, that is great news for we will start seeing troops with magazine rifles and machine guns ( Maxims ) and some more modern artillery slowly moving away from the smoothbores...
Have you started collecting this new series?
I have to be fair to say that I left the Zulu series quite a while ago when I decided to focus on Victorian wars of the late 1800´ as to " satisfy my crave {sm4}{sm4}..for automatic/magazine fed weapons ...hahaha"...
Having said so, my Zulu´s are a mix of Stadden, Britains, Little Legion, Trophy and Imperial....they all match well and one complements the other.....
As to the Britains series - Nile and Sudan, I have purchased a few of the Mahadists to complement the ones I have from Stadden, JJD and Mariela, but did not venture into the British Army side of the conflict as I preferred to focus on the English/Irish infantry battalions that took part of the second expedition and Britains focused mainly of the Cammel Corps, Naval Contingency and some Infantry but not the Battalion I was wanting to use, not to mention that they were all related to the Relief Column to try and save Gordon and that was the forst expedition. But I have to say that they are of a very good quality and will be picking some individual sets that can be absorbed into the second expedition without damaging the historical period of the uniform/weaponary involved.....
Once again thanks for sharing so great info and getting to know someone it the group that has similar interest, that is great!
Sometime this week I will be adding a few more pictures of some Asset manufactured sets that I know will be arriving this coming more to come..

Dear Luiz

The poor Mahdists have no chance against your heavy weapons and the batteries (impressive I have to say)
You are right about Ken and 1st Sudan war. But now he moved into Boxer Rebellion which gives an opportunity for a variety of troops and uniforms and endless Chinese. For the time being, I have his 3 barricades. I collected almost all the Britain's Zulu War sets until now except the last ones because I am tired. I believe Britains is also tired with the subject. The last sets with the British troops carrying dead Zulus clearly show that Britains must bring the series to an end. The same applies to Sudan war. I have all the sets including the gunboat. But I don't get the Tel el kebir sets.
The sailor defending the limber is Britain's set 27055 and it 8s designed to be displayed with the sailor on the limber.

Best wishes
A couple of pics of some relief troops to support the engaged battalion.:salute:::salute::
These are all Asset kits assembled by Obee...
Great sets! Full of life and detail...


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Dear Luiz

Your new Asset figures are great. I like Asset and I have a lot of its figures. Asset also made for me and a friend as a special comission Greek Navy Bands. Its Sudan campaign range gives opportunities and basically it is excellent to make a column on the move with different marching soldiers, mules etc. I am posting an Asset camel corps figure that i paintrd from this range. As for Ken's Boxer Rebellion until now I got just the Barricades. All the best



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Great Camel Corps.....
Wow Ken did a good job on the barricades...even the piano got thrown in..{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
Hi All,
Fresh from the troop ship coming from down under the latest Jock Battalion has arrived, this time with the HQs officers.
Along the marching contingent and officers, Obee also sent me a squad ready to repel an assault to the square section allotted to the Scot´s to hold while their Sgt has some time to enjoy his pipe....
This Stadden Scottish Regiment now taking form has grown substantially these months thanks to Obee´s great expertise and dedication...Without Obee, these over 30 years old sets would be sitting lost at the Virginian fair from which they were rescued and given new life in the New World.......

To be fair there are two Tradition From London in the group, just to show how these two brands complemented each other, they blend very well indeed...
More to come.....And looking forward to taking pics of the whole Battalion together in field maneuvers soon....


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