Interesting that you raise this point. does it not require a ''imminent danger'' a ''very high risk of death to other'' and a ''wanton indifference to human life or a depravity of mind''??
I don't recal when this was introduced into US law but, retrospectively using law to try and ascertain a conviction on 1918 actions seems likely to always prove guilt and support ones stance. I would think it would be really hard to convict anyone from 1918 and in that time on such laws. Nowadays, its all very much easier to retrospectively address actions with new laws (especially in the UK from the Homicide act 1957 with recklessness and such laws) and, get what ones moral stance requires.
Hell, one could use this statute to convict all personal in such a stupid war as WWI but, I don't think its helpful or appropriate. I even said the worst case from this documentary was the US officer wanting baths for him and his men that seems really wasteful and, even actionable to those who wish. but, then Currahhee Chris said something telling, to me, a civillian, that battlefield hygeine is very important to troops in the field. so, my view of this incident and the on the face of it ''wanton disregard for life'' is changed, as I have never been in a battlefield situation so, who am I to judge the military reasoning behind such decisions.
I agree, that the deaths were avoidable as everyone could have sat out the last few hours and rode out the war. Its the emotion that its senseless as its the final day of the war that provokes response. For me, the talks new what was coming and, that the germans knew very early on they were not getting anything they wanted from the allies so, a day before even two days all those actions and deaths could also be argued as pointless.
However, sadly, that was not the case for many reasons some understandable some not so but, in a war where nothing from the reasons it started to the tactics deployed made sense I try not to make such legal and moral distinctions from the warmth of my armchair but, can see why others do. To call for executions and murderers for me, means where do we stop if, these actions are, then every action in the war could be classified as such