Numbers, numbers, numbers (2 Viewers)

It depends on which era we are talking about but I think the standard answer is - a Legion consisted of 10 Cohorts. Each Cohort consisted of 6 Centuria. Each Centuria had 80 men.

So there were 480 men per Cohort and 4800 men per Legion.

When you add all the support people - like doctors, cooks, blacksmiths etc. a Legion could provide for itself and probably had around 6000 men.
There you go. That's exactly right. Many people get thrown off by the century or as you say the centuria. which many believe to be 100. Do you perhaps also know the name of the smallest unit in a Legion?

Bill W
There you go. That's exactly right. Many people get thrown off by the century or as you say the centuria. which many believe to be 100. Do you perhaps also know the name of the smallest unit in a Legion?

Bill W
Legionnaire?^&grin:rolleyes2:^&grin -- Al
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It depends on which era we are talking about but I think the standard answer is - a Legion consisted of 10 Cohorts. Each Cohort consisted of 6 Centuria. Each Centuria had 80 men.

I thought there was a change at about 70 AD in the Imperial Legion to 59 centuries. Wasn't the First Cohort changed from 6 centuries to 5 double-strength ones?

Do you perhaps also know the name of the smallest unit in a Legion?

How about a conturbernium?

What did they ever do for us? Coming over here, building their walls!^&grin^&grin^&grin

I thought there was a change at about 70 AD in the Imperial Legion to 59 centuries. Wasn't the First Cohort changed from 6 centuries to 5 double-strength ones?

Hello Noah

you are correct though several legions weren't fully on board with using them. You are also correct on the "double" strength cohorts. Much of this question hinges on time period.

In addition, you forgot the "camp followers" who trekked along with the legions. ^&grin
Hello Noah

you are correct though several legions weren't fully on board with using them. You are also correct on the "double" strength cohorts. Much of this question hinges on time period

I had always assumed this change in the First Cohort was one of those things that may have been ordered, but not fully implemented in every legion. I wouldn't imagine there was full compliance with every organizational order to come out of Rome!

I had always assumed this change in the First Cohort was one of those things that may have been ordered, but not fully implemented in every legion. I wouldn't imagine there was full compliance with every organizational order to come out of Rome!


Hey Noah- believe it or not, it was more the exception than the norm. The Romans were exceptionally disciplined and fully understood that their strenght lay in being unflinchingly obedient to orders. Where "double" cohorts fell through was really more a function of low manpower numbers in the legion or that the legates didn't trust the auxiliaries (not very often).
I am REALLY surprised that you Romany lot haven't been using Roman Numerals!
This is already post #XVII - and haven't seen a glimpse yet. Can't you lot count???
Johnnybach the IIIrd^&grin%^V
Reposted with Roman Numerals -

It depends on which era we are talking about but I think the standard answer is - a Legion consisted of X Cohorts. Each Cohort consisted of VI Centuria. Each Centuria had LXXX men.

So there were CDLXXX men per Cohort and MMMMDCCC men per Legion.

When you add all the support people - like doctors, cooks, blacksmiths etc. a Legion could provide for itself and probably had around VM men.

Please don't ask for it in Latin!
Wow! - that took you a time! - Thank goodness for the Internet eh?:smile2:

Seriously though - well done! That's more like it. NOW you're having fun!^&grin

That's the reason we have XV's in Rugby, bach! johnnybach III %^V
Wow! - that took you a time! - Thank goodness for the Internet eh?:smile2:

Seriously though - well done! That's more like it. NOW you're having fun!^&grin

That's the reason we have XV's in Rugby, bach! johnnybach III %^V

Give me a little more credit than just surfing skills. :)

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