Open Email to Oberstoskar (6 Viewers)

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As a new collector this thread is pants !!!

I want to talk soldiers, discuss new sets we all want and look at some amazing pics. It was after seeing some great diorama's on here, a month or so ago, that made me start to be a collector.

But I did not realise that collecting toy soldiers meant I was expected to return to the school playground with he said / she said nonsense.

Let's return to talking I shall start a new thread

As a new collector this thread is pants !!!

I want to talk soldiers, discuss new sets we all want and look at some amazing pics. It was after seeing some great diorama's on here, a month or so ago, that made me start to be a collector.

But I did not realise that collecting toy soldiers meant I was expected to return to the school playground with he said / she said nonsense.

Let's return to talking I shall start a new thread
You're right.....this ridiculous thread has been given way too much attention already......On with the show.....
It seems to me, that the moderators should never have let this thread get started ,with any mfg. trying to bully the posters..The fact that this forum is owned by friends of Andy does not excuse the lack of trying to rein him in....PM to the poster would have been appropriate. To have wasted all this space ,over a comment on another mfg. thread, shows that this is nothing more than an attempt to control the forum with all things K/C..Andy, get over it...You are making money and you control the marketplace and I can reasonbly guess the the monikers of all those " who PMed you with their attaboys"...And so, you have a devoted following..What else do you need?..Michael Newton aka MADDADICUS...
I don't think it unreasonable to ask someone that insults you or your product to identify themselves. In the US you have the right to confront your accuser.
I assume you are referring to the so called confrontation clause of the Sixth Amendment which provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the be confronted with the witnesses against him."? Did Oberstoskar accuse Andy of a crime?:eek: I know this whole tread is bollucks but a little levity might help.:D
I read Combat's post to impart the view shared by many of us that the initial post was ill advised and it has gone down hill from there. If it's true that product criticism goes with the territory than why the excess reaction to the criticism of the brochure? It was in fact just an observation by the poster that he did not care for that aspect of K&C's production.

I don't see how that follows. Again, it was a criticism of one small aspect of K&C's production; in fact one that is immaterial to the vast majority of K&C's consuming public. As I understand it, very little of K&C's revenue derives from its editorial operations. In fact, I think the intent of the use of the term was reasonably explained by the critic but even without that, the word amateurish is hardly an observation that something is garbage.

I would think that anyone of us would have the right to respond to any criticism by another and certainly that would include any figure producer. However, there are many more appropriate and constructive ways of doing that than to question the virility of the critic or demand that he reveal his identity to the full forum. I am not sure how either of those things is necessary to refute the validity of any disparagement. Frankly I remain amazed that this part of the initial post was allowed to survive. I guess it is one of those double standard things. In any event, this thread deserves a burial, without honors.

Here Here and a resounding YES!..... you hit the nail right on the head..... there is obviously a double standard on this forum.............APPLAUSE!!.....
People I just checked and No One Is Required To Read This Thread!

Those complaining it is taking up to much time......why not just ignore it?

Those complaining it is highjacking the Forum.......or taking time from other

Manufacters.......why not just ignore it?

Isn't this another form of censorship?

I don't like this no one should read it, or comment, or spend


Pure Rubbish!

Andy wants to make a comment......why not? Isn't he a member of the


His supporters......really should be the only people interested, and reading

the thread.

All those feeling King & Country gets to much attention......Are you kidding?

I rarely even bother to read threads on manufacters I don't collect. I mean

why bother? Should I be telling their collectors what I don't like about the


Only way this thread is a waste of your valuable if you read

something that doesn't interest you!:)
Hi Guys,

Well Simmo, appreciate your thoughts but why should I allow someone to call me and my work ‘amateurish’?

My main point which you have not addressed is about the ‘anonymity’ of the ‘sniper’. My ‘bone of contention’ with ‘Oberstoskar’ is not about him taking pot shots at me (or anyone else) as I said earlier he’s free to do that anytime he likes. At least have the decency to put your real name to your post and not hide behind a convenient ‘nom-de-plume’.

As for making a fuss about it, I and all of us at K&C work bloody hard at what we do and I can assure everyone else that we take it darn seriously and professionally. Believe me, there is nothing ‘amateur’ about our approach, research or the way we do what we do. I’m sure the vast majority of collectors… and our competitors know that all too well.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.
Hi Andy thanks for the reply.It seems to me this guy and others at times have gotton under your skin.Cheap pot shots at you from a unknown hidden position can be a pain in the bum.Weren't you a Royal marine when you were in the army and you should no how to take the prone position sometimes.I only collect K&C because they are the best I have seen.I pondered about starting to collect for 6 months before I did asking questions about this and that to my local dealer Brett at the Military Workshop .He carefully steared me to the leaflets and the collector mag and they are the things that got me started.So take notice it was your work on youre leaflets that has cost me a arm and leg .So lets end this fuss in a positive note Andy and let us into some secerets on when you are going to do the Turks & Australians for WW1.Simmo.:p
Hi Andy thanks for the reply.It seems to me this guy and others at times have gotton under your skin.Cheap pot shots at you from a unknown hidden position can be a pain in the bum.Weren't you a Royal marine when you were in the army and you should no how to take the prone position sometimes.I only collect K&C because they are the best I have seen.I pondered about starting to collect for 6 months before I did asking questions about this and that to my local dealer Brett at the Military Workshop .He carefully steared me to the leaflets and the collector mag and they are the things that got me started.So take notice it was your work on youre leaflets that has cost me a arm and leg .So lets end this fuss in a positive note Andy and let us into some secerets on when you are going to do the Turks & Australians for WW1.Simmo.:p

I'd like to see some Brits for Gallipoli too,often forgotten we lost a lot of men there as well as the ANZACS.

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The funny thing about this thread now is the people who say they are tried of the thread and think it is stupid to read it - are the very ones keeping it going ! ;)
The funny thing about this thread now is the people who say they are tried of the thread and think it is stupid to read it - are the very ones keeping it going ! ;)
Yes, well for better or worse, any dialogue continues so long as there is something said (posted) on one side that someone on the other side feels compelled to address.;) Thus sometimes the largest of turkeys will continue to fly.;):D
Yes, well for better or worse, any dialogue continues so long as there is something said (posted) on one side that someone on the other side feels compelled to address.;) Thus sometimes the largest of turkeys will continue to fly.;):D

Mmmmm Turkeys!.Roll on Christmas!!;)

Wow - this thread has been a bit of a roller coaster.

It appears that what needs to be said has been we are locking it from further posting.

I am, however, raising the general question of anonymity in the Miscellaneous section of the forum. Feel free to deal with the general questions in that setting.
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