I don't disagree. But why insist that the person identify themselves? That seems to be his beef. It is Andy asking the question not someone trying to get an answer from him via a PM. I'll take my own advice and move on now.
I don't think it unreasonable to ask someone that insults you or your product
to identify themselves. In the US you have the right to confront your
As I stated eariler, it seem nowdays, that many people feel unable to make a
point unless it is wrapped around an insult.
I hope these people wise up, (and this is not directed at Oberstoskar) though
he should consider the point.
As Americans, we should be able to discuss our differences like civilized
people, have a vote, and let the majority rule.
Many people I speak to are FED UP with all the Hatred, and Animosity, that
has become a part of every discussion.
I blame people like Ward Churchill who used his position as an educator to
poison the minds entrusted to his care.
I am a big fan of King & Country, but I have not hesitated to complain on
occassion when something bothered me. Andy knows who I am, as I have
been fortunate to exchange a couple of late night emails with him.
And I am not the type man that would say anything to anyone I would
hesitate, even for one second to say to their face.
As I did last night when my steak needed salt!
I said to the wife "Did you taste this"?
Ahhhh my head, anyone seen my head?