Open Email to Oberstoskar (2 Viewers)

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This is a little of Apples and Oranges - isn't it ?

King & Country Promo materials focus on the "FIGURES" for sale - not the history - thats why they are promo materials.

I believe First Legion was answering a question asked on the forum - on a particular figure - if you are interested in history, perhaps history books is what you should be reading - not promotional materials. Just a suggestion.

Ron - well said and my thoughts exactly.
Eight pages to argue over and whine about one person's comment in another section of the forum entirely? Hasn't this discussion gone on long enough?

Yours respectfully,
Bob Andrews
As I said those who hide behind false names make me sick to my core.
William T Wilberforce
Well - Good Morning ! :D

I had to laugh - LOL LOL - that someone called Andy's work (and K&C) amateurish ! If those works on the promotion materials and other printed documents that King & Country is the work of an "amateur" - PLEASE LET THE PROFESSIONAL STEP FORWARD.

I have worked in the communication field for a long time and have received my advance college degrees in the field as well - no where have I even seen a hint of sub-par work. Matter of fact you can go back 10 years looking at K&C Promotional Materials and see that is has held the HIGHEST levels of QUALITY in every issue !!

This forum always has the ability to bring out a laugh.

The only time I laughed more was when some guy said that K and C do not think outside the box. Man I nearly split my sides reading that one.
Going from oberstotskar last post I'm figuring his real name is
Barry D. Hatchett :D:D

If he isnt going to make himself known and emerge from the seedy underbelly of the toy soldier world I,ll get forum sleuth Darius Lesgettham to track him down ;)
Eight pages to argue over and whine about one person's comment in another section of the forum entirely? Hasn't this discussion gone on long enough?

Yours respectfully,
Bob Andrews

Apparently not :eek: It looks like Andy C. is a wee upset about the secret identity situation. I don't see what the problem is as I know the first names of few on the forum and the surnames of less than five. And a good number of them have said some less than complementary things about me at some stage :D It's enough for me to know that I can respond to members posts on the forum without needing to know their name(s).
...Well, I would still love to know a wee bit more about you… And I don’t mean your CV either.

What are you so afraid of? By all means ‘critique’ to your hearts content but have the cojones to put your real name at the end of your post.

Best wishes and happy collecting,
Andy C.
Good lord mate, I am beginning to wonder about you. I thought your original post was a "wee" bit of an over reaction but you would think you could let this go by now. "Cojones" are fine as long as you don't start thinking with them.;):D
PLEASE....PLEASE.....FALSE NAMES , TRUE NAMES......."whose afraid of the big bad wolf".....I believe NO-ONE on this forum is in fear of anyone.............I know let's place a bounty on his head......any takers.....:D:D
None of this directly concerns me, but as a regular poster I do have some concerns about what is going on here. I can only read into this two motives in requesting that an individual identify himself on a public forum discussion. First, there is some reason to believe this person has a bias, for example, he is associated with another company and is posting only to damage KC. If that is the case, then I'm not sure why Andy doesn't just say so and lay out what he believes to be happening. Let everyone judge for themselves. Rather, he appears to be implying some undisclosed sinister motive to undermine the opinions expressed. Second, Andy believes the criticism is "unjust" and wants to retaliate against or publicly embarrass the poster for expressing that opinion. What form that takes in the toy soldier world I'm not sure. Either way it doesn't paint a great picture or promote a frank discussion of KC products. The fact that this discussion is aired on the forum itself rather than by PM should also tell us something. Believe me, I can understand having a thin skin when subject to criticism, but I don't see this being framed as a productive line of discussion for anyone.
I don't think the prior post is quite fair. Notwithstanding what he said in his original post, I don't believe Andy minds if you criticize his products; if you don't like the sculpting or you think an item is historically inaccurate or the like. I believe that comes with the territory, particularly when you're the biggest toy soldier company around.

However, what I think upsets him (and probably Gordon) is the allegation that the brochures (or something else done by K & C) is amateurish done, when Andy prides himself, Gordon and the rest of K & C on the product they put out even though we, as collectors, may not like this or that pose or don't think it's right, etc. (as mentioned above). However, to say your effort is amateurish is to deride what you do and the professionalism and the effort that K & C makes in putting out products. It is in essence saying your body of work that you have put out for 25 years is garbage and I think this is what bothers him.

You can say that that should have been handled through pm but first, he never responds to pms (I have sent him a few), and secondly, the criticisms made were the kind of disparagement that people may start to believe if you don't respond or say something.
I don't think the prior post is quite fair. Notwithstanding what he said in his original post, I don't believe Andy minds if you criticize his products; if you don't like the sculpting or you think an item is historically inaccurate or the like. I believe that comes with the territory, particularly when you're the biggest toy soldier company around.

However, what I think upsets him (and probably Gordon) is the allegation that the brochures (or something else done by K & C) is amateurish done, when Andy prides himself, Gordon and the rest of K & C on the product they put out even though we, as collectors, may not like this or that pose or don't think it's right, etc. (as mentioned above). However, to say your effort is amateurish is to deride what you do and the professionalism and the effort that K & C makes in putting out products. It is in essence saying your body of work that you have put out for 25 years is garbage and I think this is what bothers him.

You can say that that should have been handled through pm but first, he never responds to pms (I have sent him a few), and secondly, the criticisms made were the kind of disparagement that people may start to believe if you don't respond or say something.

I don't disagree. But why insist that the person identify themselves? That seems to be his beef. It is Andy asking the question not someone trying to get an answer from him via a PM. I'll take my own advice and move on now.
What a sad post. When the owner of a company is criticised, fairly or not, it just puts the agitator in a great advantageous position. It pulls the business owner out in an agressive way and adds scrutiny to said owner in ways which never show well.

I have had similar experiences on this board and have had my feathers ruffled.

Sadly, I very much regret my public reaction as all it did was keep a pointless thread at the top of the page showing my temper and not the best side of me.

Any business owner takes an occasional beating from someone who hides behind a user name and a password. That is just our lot in life and we need to move on.

Andy, this doesn't show you in the best light. It's just best to move on. This Ober... what ever he calls himself is probably taken seriously by a few people and the majority don't care.

Just my 2 cents worth.
I don't think the prior post is quite fair. Notwithstanding what he said in his original post, I don't believe Andy minds if you criticize his products; if you don't like the sculpting or you think an item is historically inaccurate or the like. I believe that comes with the territory, particularly when you're the biggest toy soldier company around.
I read Combat's post to impart the view shared by many of us that the initial post was ill advised and it has gone down hill from there. If it's true that product criticism goes with the territory than why the excess reaction to the criticism of the brochure? It was in fact just an observation by the poster that he did not care for that aspect of K&C's production.
However, what I think upsets him (and probably Gordon) is the allegation that the brochures (or something else done by K & C) is amateurish done, when Andy prides himself, Gordon and the rest of K & C on the product they put out even though we, as collectors, may not like this or that pose or don't think it's right, etc. (as mentioned above). However, to say your effort is amateurish is to deride what you do and the professionalism and the effort that K & C makes in putting out products. It is in essence saying your body of work that you have put out for 25 years is garbage and I think this is what bothers him.
I don't see how that follows. Again, it was a criticism of one small aspect of K&C's production; in fact one that is immaterial to the vast majority of K&C's consuming public. As I understand it, very little of K&C's revenue derives from its editorial operations. In fact, I think the intent of the use of the term was reasonably explained by the critic but even without that, the word amateurish is hardly an observation that something is garbage.

...secondly, the criticisms made were the kind of disparagement that people may start to believe if you don't respond or say something.
I would think that anyone of us would have the right to respond to any criticism by another and certainly that would include any figure producer. However, there are many more appropriate and constructive ways of doing that than to question the virility of the critic or demand that he reveal his identity to the full forum. I am not sure how either of those things is necessary to refute the validity of any disparagement. Frankly I remain amazed that this part of the initial post was allowed to survive. I guess it is one of those double standard things. In any event, this thread deserves a burial, without honors.
I don't disagree. But why insist that the person identify themselves? That seems to be his beef. It is Andy asking the question not someone trying to get an answer from him via a PM. I'll take my own advice and move on now.

I don't think it unreasonable to ask someone that insults you or your product

to identify themselves. In the US you have the right to confront your


As I stated eariler, it seem nowdays, that many people feel unable to make a

point unless it is wrapped around an insult.

I hope these people wise up, (and this is not directed at Oberstoskar) though

he should consider the point.

As Americans, we should be able to discuss our differences like civilized

people, have a vote, and let the majority rule.

Many people I speak to are FED UP with all the Hatred, and Animosity, that

has become a part of every discussion.

I blame people like Ward Churchill who used his position as an educator to

poison the minds entrusted to his care.

I am a big fan of King & Country, but I have not hesitated to complain on

occassion when something bothered me. Andy knows who I am, as I have

been fortunate to exchange a couple of late night emails with him.

And I am not the type man that would say anything to anyone I would

hesitate, even for one second to say to their face.

As I did last night when my steak needed salt!

I said to the wife "Did you taste this"?

Ahhhh my head, anyone seen my head?:eek::D


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