Operation Market Garden 1,2,3 (2 Viewers)

Re: Operation Market Garden 1

Great overview shot, you have captured the scene. Having a little trouble accepting the lady in the red jacket, looks a little out of place to me, but minor of course. Thank you to you and your son for posting photos. Cheers, Robin.
Re: Operation Market Garden 1

Nice dio and pics is this scratch built or is that a rail bridge from a train set or similar?? The woman in red has put on her best thinking liberation. Not yet pet.. later
Re: Operation Market Garden 3 ( Photos by taken by my son Josh )

Very nice pictures and nice Horch.
Re: Operation Market Garden 2

Great shots. The civillians just add something else to a battle scene
Re: Operation Market Garden 1

Very nice dio. The bridge is really quite a piece of work. A lot going on and a lot of great figures. Good job. -- Al
Re: Operation Market Garden 3 ( Photos by taken by my son Josh )

Nice pictures and display of your diorama. PS.could you tell me
where you purchased your HORCH I have been looking for one.
Re: Operation Market Garden 1

Nice dio and pics is this scratch built or is that a rail bridge from a train set or similar?? The woman in red has put on her best thinking liberation. Not yet pet.. later

Mitch thanks all built from scratch .
Re: Operation Market Garden 1

Great diorama. Really like the bridge.
Re: Operation Market Garden 3 ( Photos by taken by my son Josh )

Nice pictures and display of your diorama. PS.could you tell me
where you purchased your HORCH I have been looking for one.

I bought the Horch 1 a few years ago at Sierra Toy soldier ( Los Gatos Ca ) .

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