Ostfront 1944 (3 Viewers)

Absolutely stunning photo Frank, as of this moment or at least until First Legion attempts a Tiger this Honor Bound Tiger is the standard bearer in the 1:30th scale world, no one has done it better (yet :)) I'm hoping that changes before 2016 comes to a end with a First Legion version, thanks again for posting...Sammy
The Honor Bound Tiger I is very nice; but given the large number of Tiger Is made by Figarti it would be a poor business decision. FL needs to produce a medium or heavy Panzer not over produced by other companies. A Panther D has not yet been produced in 1/30 scale and would be a good investment. Figarti dominated the field of heavy Russian armor . A possibilty would be the JS-1; which is the KV hull with the T34-85 turret. A very interesting vehicle not previously done in 1/30 scale. The ISU-122 is another that has not yet been done in 1/30 scale; but it is a late war AFV.
The Honor Bound Tiger I is very nice; but given the large number of Tiger Is made by Figarti it would be a poor business decision. FL needs to produce a medium or heavy Panzer not over produced by other companies. A Panther D has not yet been produced in 1/30 scale and would be a good investment. Figarti dominated the field of heavy Russian armor . A possibilty would be the JS-1; which is the KV hull with the T34-85 turret. A very interesting vehicle not previously done in 1/30 scale. The ISU-122 is another that has not yet been done in 1/30 scale; but it is a late war AFV.

A poor business decision???? if First Legion did a run on Tigers today they would sell out by tommorow morning!!!! but agree with the Panther D. would love to see First Legion do that as well...Sammy
I don't think we should turn Frank's thread into one of these threads you are so fond of posting lately Katana. Why don't you start another one instead. Suffice it to say, I agree with Sammy.
I don't think we should turn Frank's thread into one of these threads you are so fond of posting lately Katana. Why don't you start another one instead. Suffice it to say, I agree with Sammy.

I agree; ecconomics are boreing and I would not wish to hijack Frank's excellent new thread. I would prefer to discuss his photographic techniques in great and insufferable detail!
FL artillery and assault gun figures with HB's Sturmtiger

Everything about this scene is excellent. Does not get any better than this.:salute::, Robin.
Yeah, it's a beaut alright Robin, that's for sure.

By 1944 the situation on the Eastern front was one crisis after another. Zhitomir, Cherkassy, Kovel and Tarnopol occurred between Dec. 1943 - Apr. 1944.

This scene represents Panthers from II./SS-Panzer-Regiment 5 "Wiking" breaking through to the surrounded garrison located in the city of Kovel. The Panther is stopped and taking on a load of weary defenders.

That Panther would be straining under the weight. Everyone is getting on board, anything to get out of walking in the snow it seems. Great scene. Robin.
Another nice scene Frank, this time at a different angle. Did you also put more mud in the tracks just like you did on the armoured cars? It enhances the vehicle and the realism of the scene if you did.

Thanks guys.

Another nice scene Frank, this time at a different angle. Did you also put more mud in the tracks just like you did on the armoured cars? It enhances the vehicle and the realism of the scene if you did.


Yes, I added lots of mud to the generic winter Honour Bound Panther.

Bergepanther arrives to recover a precious Panther before the Soviets arrive.

It is amazing how well the HB tanks held up over time. I wonder whether ANA knows this. I do not think she ventures into these threads.

Frank, I think that the weathering of the tanks adds another layer of quality. I think as Alex I said, you recently raised the bar again.

Your photos really are a highlight in this hobby for me.
Looks a little eerie, that sky does look threatening. I would be doing the recovery as soon as possible and getting back to a safer position. Excellent Frank, you are working with great models. Robin.
It's been a while since I've posted to this thread.

January, 1945.

s.H.Pz.Abt.509 was subordinated to 3.SS-Panzerdivision "Totenkopf", part of IV.SS-Panzerkorps, during operation Konrad III, the last attempt to free the trapped units in Budapest.


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