Outdoor Dio 1/6 scale "Counterattack", Normandy July 1944 (1 Viewer)


Oct 10, 2009
Wanted to share as I had not done one of these for a long time. For the last 20 years 1/6 has consumed most of my hobby time, until recently. Figures are approximately 11 inches tall, vehicles are from various makes, from rotomould, to fiberglass, to scratchbuilt with styrene etc. All have been painted or repainted by me. Part of the hobby for me, is having the garden pass for a 1/6th scale setting. This takes a lot of time! Hope you enjoy!

Counterattack Around Caen; July 1944


Various units from 1st and 12th SS Pz Divisions Counter attack Canadian troops near Caen in Early July 1944. Included in the set up a SdKfz 234/2 "Puma", a Kubelwagen and a SdKfz250 Neu bringing reconnaissance to a spearhead led by a JadgpanzerIV, a Marder III , a group of Panzergrenadiers in their SdKfz251 with a SdKfz 138/1 "Grille" (150mm armoured artillery) in support.






So awesome! I don’t have much, but truly love some of the 1/6 stuff!
I seldom comment on people's diorama, although everyone does a great job and I enjoy viewing them. But I got to say, this is impressive. The AFVs must be huge.
Awesome !
You've made a superb set up with these big boys ! :salute::

Brilliant mate must be impressive to actually see and fun to set up thanks for sharing.
WOW. I can’t imagine the work you’ve put into this. And to me there is something special about toy soldiers in the dirt.
Well done.
I keep coming back to look at this garden setup, must be amazing to have all those models and figures in your own yard complete with actual roads, trees and bushes etc.
Super outdoor diorama. The armor vehicles must be huge. I thought that my 1/16 RC tanks are too big {eek3}
Thanks for all the comments. The amount of time I spent in this hobby over the last 19 years, make set up like these possible. Always try to have the vehicles and figures as chronologically consistent as possible. A challenge.
It might have been 2004 when I took a Start tank for images to the yard and realuzed a little work woukd imorove the images. So the madness began. Adding features through the years. Naturally growing as I went aling. Managing the damage after major hurricane in 2017, when I was lucky only about 20 of the "trees" went down. Next day I was raising them up with spikes and rooes. All were saved... And even worse, battlung white fly pest fir 10 years. Have not put together a major vehicle in about two years, but have plenty made and many figure groupings to do more outdoir set ups. I can't work the hours I used to work on the hobby, so the 5-6 major vehicles I have still pending to build, should last me a loooong time.

Again thanks for the feedback. I have made many like this one, not all as large, but some even larger, so keep an eye on this area for some more! But getting the area ready for many angles and the light conditions that day, make this one one of my favorites. It is best, when cliyds are blocking the sun from time to time and you take images in various different types of light. Early morning sun, with a small cloud blicking the sun is best. But simetimes bright sunlight is interesting. For this set up, I took about 350 images. It took a while( easily 5-6 hours!) to select these 30 or so...
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