I miss the line too, I hope they make a comeback of some sort.
You and me both Jason! If Ana Donzino re-opened the tank factory and produce a limited run of Tigers (especially the winter version that was done before) then i would find the money to buy one.
One of my biggest toy soldier 'regrets' is missing out on the HB Tigers. I have been able to pick up some HB items here and there but their Tigers have proven to be so allusive.
Same as me Jason, i have a couple of HB German AFV's but not a Tiger. I wish i could turn back the clock and be aware of them when they were in production.
To be honest, I have never even seen one in person, just photos. However, HB products were so high on my list that I would have purchased them sight-unseen. As a matter of fact I am pretty sure I have never even seen any of them for sale in the aftermarkets. I have been lucky enough to pick up their Jagdpanthers in the aftermarket. However, 'regret' can be very expensive to cure.
Hey Jason
I have seen a couple of HB Tigers on ebay this year, one was a summer tri-camo Tiger earlier this year and another was a winter Tiger which was only last month. In both cases they fetched very high prices which put them out of my reach. Congrat's on picking up the Jagdpanthers, they are another HB product i wouldn't mind having. I own a Summer Bergepanther and a Panther.