Whats the story about this ??
Whats the story about this ??
I heard you can buy new stuff on eBay China but i can't find any.
Do you have a English link ?You can buy it by this link : https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-2953434122.44.kbT4Sn&id=36663404796
If I put this link in here isn't lawful,delete it piease。
Whats the story about this ??
Yes what is the story about this ???. Pre-order today and Receive 2 years later !!!!
Neil :rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
Exactly mate or if at all,really going to risk paying on Chinese EBay ^&confuse^&confuse when you can't even read it ^&grin
Try Ebay; its safer!
Does not make you right ! Only time will tellI call it realistic; based on 70 years of business experience.