I agree TD; by the time Figarti comes out with one either FL, JJD or both will have one out and they will probably be better than what Figarti can do. A sad state of affairs IMO. You can only stay in business just so long with only repaints available.
Nice Panther, thanks for the photos. Did you see the much anticipated Figarti Kingtiger?
Very true,
I also think and I don't know this or have any whatsoever inside information from Andy, but it would not surprise me that K&C doesn't revisit a King Tiger from their earlier versions which were under today's scale. K&C is always looking to improve and with the demand for the King Tiger, I would not at all be surprised to see one from them either in addition to JJD.
I agree that it would be in K&C's interest to release a KT. The best KT K&C has done to date is the BBG 016; but for some odd reason it is the same size as the TCS KT's, 1/28 rather than K&C's customary 1/30 scale. K&C has improved its model armor greatly and will have to improve further to compete with the quality of the latest JJD and FL armor IMO. I did a review of competing Jagdpanthers recently on the Forum and the result was; first JJD, second K&C and third TCS based on quality and accuracy. JJD and FL are the quality leaders in 1/30 scale armor IMO and it helps that they are actually a measurable1/30scale!
Andy; why was BBG-016 the same size as the TCS Kingtiger? The model was excellent with the production turret and far superior in detail to the earlier WS-067 Porsche turret version. BBG-016 was released over 10 years ago!
Andy; why was BBG-016 the same size as the TCS Kingtiger? The model was excellent with the production turret and far superior in detail to the earlier WS-067 Porsche turret version. BBG-016 was released over 10 years ago!
Andy; TCS WWII armor is 1/28 scale and is size compatible with K&C and TG figures. I have the TCS Stug III, Jagdpanther and Kingtiger, all measure 1/28 scale.
Andy; I really enjoy my K&C pieces too; especially the early Winter Jagdpanther BBG-072! The scale is a precise 1/30 scale. The crew is very well done IMO.