Panther ws072 (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Jan 5, 2009
I recently bought a (like) new in box ws072 from ebay. It was in mint condition.

But I am disappointed. This is the worst paint job I have seen on a K&C piece of the last several years.

I hate to say it, but its on par with Del Prado. The painting is just sloppy.

The wheel yellow drools into the mud.

The bedroll on the left of the tank has yellow slopped over onto it.

The weathering job on the skirts is just lousy.

I think its a great mold, and a great model... but the paint is just not up to K&C standards, including many of the other WS pieces I own.

Thanks for being my gripe sounding board. You will probably see this one go up for sale on ebay soon!

On the bright side, this is only the second serious complaint I have ever had on K&C. The other being the white painted windows on the Soviet Katuysa Rocket Launcher Truck.

I feel much better now that I have that off my chest.

I guess they all can't be winners, but most of K&C is.
I recently bought a (like) new in box ws072 from ebay. It was in mint condition.

But I am disappointed. This is the worst paint job I have seen on a K&C piece of the last several years.

I hate to say it, but its on par with Del Prado. The painting is just sloppy.

The wheel yellow drools into the mud.

The bedroll on the left of the tank has yellow slopped over onto it.

The weathering job on the skirts is just lousy.

I think its a great mold, and a great model... but the paint is just not up to K&C standards, including many of the other WS pieces I own.

Thanks for being my gripe sounding board. You will probably see this one go up for sale on ebay soon!

On the bright side, this is only the second serious complaint I have ever had on K&C. The other being the white painted windows on the Soviet Katuysa Rocket Launcher Truck.

I feel much better now that I have that off my chest.

I guess they all can't be winners, but most of K&C is.

Another Panther tank needs to be done IMO:D It was a better tank in many regards to the Tiger, we have enought Tigers already:) A winter version or an ambush scheme would be a winner for sure, I do agree about the gunk and mud on the tank, leave it off and get a better paint job for sure, the Summer Panther looks cartoonish IMO again. Alex did a repaint of one of these awhile back and it was striking!! Hey Andy give him a job!!!!
... The other being the white painted windows on the Soviet Katuysa Rocket Launcher Truck ...
Would you prefer blue painted windows?:D;):D Early K&C DD and WS polystone vehicles had blue painted windows. These vehicles did not have the driving compartments hollowed out with clear windows, just solid blocks of polystone with the windshields painted blue to simulate windows. Some collectors did not like this but the original list price of those vehicles certainly reflected the lower production costs of just painting the windshields.:)
This paint job complaint is interesting. My WS72 is painted very exactly with almost no bleed over at all. My only complaint was that the paint was a little too bright. I like the Panther very well and it is just as good as my HB Panthers. The HB paint is a much more subdued tone than the KC paint, though. Edge to HB only on paint brightness. IMHO. -- lancer
Haven't there also been complaints that the tank is not true 1/30th? I thought I read that awhile back.
Haven't there also been complaints that the tank is not true 1/30th? I thought I read that awhile back.
The dimensions of the KC and HB Panthers are almost identical. I do not believe they are underscale because that would mean both manufacturers missed and I know Kc had been working on upsizing it's vehicles to 1/30 and HB was 1/30 to begin with. -- lancer
Would you prefer blue painted windows?:D;):D Early K&C DD and WS polystone vehicles had blue painted windows. These vehicles did not have the driving compartments hollowed out with clear windows, just solid blocks of polystone with the windshields painted blue to simulate windows. Some collectors did not like this but the original list price of those vehicles certainly reflected the lower production costs of just painting the windshields.:)

I do not mind the painted windows. I also like the Panther WS 072 no issues with the one I have.
Haven't there also been complaints that the tank is not true 1/30th? I thought I read that awhile back.

K&C Panther is 1/32 scale.
i believe K&C had about start addressing the issue properly with the King Tiger.
Are all pre-BoB King Tiger vehicles from KC underscale then? -- lancer

Hi lancer,

before i answer i have to mention that i'm very particular about accuracy and scale, though i don't think i'm diligent enough to be titled a rivet counter.

but from my observations, the K&C pieces are a mixed bunch -

pieces like the AK/FOB Stugs/ Schwimmwagen/ raupen Schlepper are closer to 1/32.

whilst pieces like AK Tiger/ Panzer IV/ Kettenkrad are closer to 1/30 length, BUT width wise, they are not proportional to 1/30.

You can see the pieces and judge for yourself.

What i do is that i felt as K&C usually tends to remake a better version of the particular vehicle, eg. King Tiger, i will then willingly sell the older one for the new better, and more up to scale version.

my 2 cents.

This Panther Ausf.G is interesting. It is a steel wheel version which is extremely rare. In September 1944 M.A.N. outfitted a limited number of Panthers (Fgst.Nr. 121032 to 121055) with gummigefederten Stahllaufrollen (steel roadwheels with internal rubber cushioning). The spare road wheels are the regular version. It has zimmerit which was discontinued by mid September.


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Isn't it a little odd to complain about a vehicle that old? King and Country has already made improvements to their tanks since this release. Yet, I still think its a great tank. Like most, I wish it didn't have the muddy tracks, but that was an artistic choice not a quality deficiency.
I really have no complaints about this piece. Not my favorite but by far not the worst.
Hmmm, I manged to pick one of these up from Toysoldiers Paris last September as my first (and so far only) K&C AFV.

I have to say that a few months on, I'm still enormously impressed with it - even if as mentioned I don't currently have much to contrast it with.
At the moment, I have it displayed in a small-scale Caen diorama with the Normandy Kübelwagen and one of the marching Waffen SS sets. All told, I think it looks extremely well and fits in very nicely.

I really can't make a proper call on the scaling issue, but it certainly appears more or less ok when parked alongside standing K&C infantry. As far the "battle-worn" paint job, I can definitely appreciate how that won't end up being to everyone' taste, but once again, I can certainly live with it.


I never really noticed or payed attention. Sometimes I just miss stuff. I just acked up a bunch of the Armor pieces that I have had on display in anticipation of an upcoming move. Still have a lot to do.;):rolleyes:
I think this is the best Panther K&C have done to date and I like it. Having said that I'm eager to see a new version that is retooled, upscaled and perhaps in an ambush camoflage those polka dots!
Hi Guys,

A few points on the original post…
1. If Alxrus was so disappointed by the WS072 he bought why did he not contact K&C direct?

2. Different folks like different styles… Some people did not like either our paint job or our carving style… others did. For the record, that particular Panther sold close to 2,000 models. So, a whole bunch of people must have liked something about it!

3. Scale.
On this one I have to strongly disagree with both GJB22 and my friend Nasirkasmani… that Panther is 1:30 scale not 1:32 as he states.

4. Now, at this point, I will “come clean” a bunch of our earlier models were under-scale and definitely closer to 1:32. however for quite some time (well before our latest King Tiger) we have addressed and corrected that issue.

Again, I have to correct Nasir’s statement about the following:
Both the AK and the FoB Stugs are 1:30 scale!
As is the Raupen Schlepper…

He is also very wrong on the AK Tiger, Panzer IV and Kettenkrad being OK for length but not ok in proportion width wise. You are wrong my friend… This forum contains many, many vehicle experts…if K&C had made all of the recent errors you are suggesting there would have been an uproar!

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to the exact differences and supply the correct dimensions that you are stating that K&C has got wrong.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.
Sorry haven't had a chance to followup in a while.

First, let me re-emphasize I am a big K&C fan, I just wanted to get my gripe out. But K&C is second to none in my opinion.

I am not complaining about scale on the ws072, just the paint. The sculpt itself is also fantastic, just the paint is substandard (by K&C standards).

As far as the Katsuya goes, I bought it for the Happy Russian and Berlin sign "extras". I intend on selling back the Truck for high bidder on ebay.

And I like the recent Russian line (on the whole), no matter how much people condemn it, the first K&C model I bought new was the T-34/85 from that line!

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