Paragon's Latest CW figures. (2 Viewers)

First photos of the painted figures. Sculpted details vary. The running man with the upraised leg in not well balanced The sculptor didn't know exactly where all the straps went. Rifles are off in some cases and were replaced with spare X-Force arms. Heads are pretty good. Hands , not so much. Paragon is a California based company (from what I can see on-line) and should have access to period images of the uniform and gear.

First photos of the painted figures. Sculpted details vary. The running man with the upraised leg in not well balanced The sculptor didn't know exactly where all the straps went. Rifles are off in some cases and were replaced with spare X-Force arms. Heads are pretty good. Hands , not so much. Paragon is a California based company (from what I can see on-line) and should have access to period images of the uniform and gear.

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The batch I bought in Chicago had one running man leaning to the side and one that looked like it was falling backwards. But I dropped them both into hot water and they went back to the original pose immediately. I don't find it off balance at all. I find it a very exciting pose. As a matter of fact, they all are exciting poses. I'm only disappointed in one thing - that Paragon didn't make them sooner. Seems like he spent too much time on the Cavalry/Apache genre. Although, having grown up with the John Ford Cavalry trilogy, I'm a fan of that time period, too.

And whether or not he got the straps completely right or if the hands on one figure are bigger than another, to that I say, I've seen some inconsistent arm-lengths or hand sizes by other manufacturers as well. Last time I looked these were toy soldiers we're talking about. Yes? TOY soldiers. I, for one, am enjoying my new Paragon ACW figures. They work really well with my Conte and TSSD figures.
I expect to pick mine up next week.
My intention is to swap legs and arms
to make additional melee figures.

Good job with these Gene !
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And whether or not he got the straps completely right or if the hands on one figure are bigger than another, to that I say, I've seen some inconsistent arm-lengths or hand sizes by other manufacturers as well. Last time I looked these were toy soldiers we're talking about. Yes? TOY soldiers. I, for one, am enjoying my new Paragon ACW figures. They work really well with my Conte and TSSD figures.

Nice print. That's a New York State jacket isn't it?

I did the hot water trick too but that figure still has balance issues. I'm painting a few Contes to blend in with these figures and do a 16 to 24 man unit as I do with other brands. These Paragons , as is and unpainted, would go well mixed in with other brands strictly a "toys". If I get more I'm going to try to make some casualties out of some poses and redo the over the head bayonet-er, swinging a rifle as a club. I'll take any kepi heads anyone doesn't want in trade for the hat heads. ;)
They look even better with your paint job. I showed my wife and she thought they were metals, high praise indeed from her.

Is that first picture with Ex Force's 2nd issue of ACW? If so, they aren't as small as I feared. Gives me a second thoughts on them. Thanks for sharing the pix.
They look even better with your paint job. I showed my wife and she thought they were metals, high praise indeed from her.

Is that first picture with Ex Force's 2nd issue of ACW? If so, they aren't as small as I feared. Gives me a second thoughts on them. Thanks for sharing the pix.

Yes Sir. That's the X Force set. They are nice and versatile.
Yes Sir. That's the X Force set. They are nice and versatile.

I've always liked X Force sculpting - even if their posing is a bit formal for my tastes; one can mix them with other figures. They are beautiful figures - after I went all in on their first sets of ACW and found them to be so small I've been a bit wary of buying them. But looking at your pix makes me feel a lot better about them. Again, thanks for sharing both your paint jobs and the comparisons - for me it worked for two sets of figures.
Nice figs and conversions. Very neat paint jobs. The figures from the different manufacturers mix quite well in my opinion. There's an odd maybe a bit big thing here or there but they would look great in a diorama and I think anyone would really notice. In real life humans are not the same size anyway so I guess the occassional differences would sometimes make them more realistic. :D

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