Paratroopers! (1 Viewer)

Hi Guys,
A big “THANKS” to Brad “ Jazzeum” for starting this very interesting thread on U.S. Paras.
Back in the day, when K & C first got interested in producing WW2 figures and fighting vehicles, American Airborne soldiers were among the first items we produced. That was many moons ago but the men of the 82nd and 101st. Airborne are still some of our most popular releases.
In all modesty I would venture to say that NO OTHER TOY SOLDIER COMPANY has produced as many or as varied WW2 U.S. airborne troopers as K&C.
Over the years through doing this I have been fortunate to meet several WW2 veterans of these two great divisions ... It has always been a humbling experience to sit down and talk with these gentlemen and, on occasion, hear of their unique wartime experiences in Normandy and afterwards.
Related to this ... several years ago I met Capt. Dale Dye (as some of you know). Dale was about to go off to the U.K. for a year to work on a major project. He kindly invited me to visit him “on set“ just outside London, where the project was being filmed. Alas, for me, that was the one year when I did not get back to the U.K.
Well, of course, the project was called “Band of Brothers” and I have been kicking myself ever since!
Our latest U.S. paratrooper releases were based on “action/still photographs” from “Band of Brothers” taken around the set during the battle for Carentan.
Thanks again Brad ... and happy collecting to ALL collectors of our U.S. Airborne figures.
Best wishes,
...As I'm fond to saying: "There's a lot of great Americans, but there's only a few All Americans!"
My original photo didn't have my favorite Para set, The Souvenir Hunters, so here it is.

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Yes that is an iconic set, been around for a long time. Still looks good. Robin.

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