Patriot Napoleonics are here (1 Viewer)

I think you also need to remember that King & Country originally said they would be making their Napoleonics 1/32 scale to match what was already out there but then they ended up making theirs somewhere in between 1/32 and 1/30 scale, so I don't see why Patriot should have to conform to their neither 1/32 nor 1/30 scale.
Patriot chose the same scale they make all their figures and they will eventually have enough in the line that, as with K&C, there will be no need to mass them with other companies figures.
Just my two cents,
I think you also need to remember that King & Country originally said they would be making their Napoleonics 1/32 scale to match what was already out there but then they ended up making theirs somewhere in between 1/32 and 1/30 scale, so I don't see why Patriot should have to conform to their neither 1/32 nor 1/30 scale.
Patriot chose the same scale they make all their figures and they will eventually have enough in the line that, as with K&C, there will be no need to mass them with other companies figures.
Just my two cents,

Shannon I,m just voicing my two cents also, Its Roberts company and he can do what he wants or what the market calls for but I think sales wise he would sell more if they were more compatable with whats out there already, kind of like what andy did with his alamo and crusade pieces1/32, make them the same size as what was out there already to atract the guys who have large collections already that would not start buying something new that wouldn,t fit with what they have already, but if something new fit in with what they have theres more of a chance that they,ll buy it.
I was just hoping that they were going to be a small 1/30 and fit in better so I was a bit disapointed. If it was me making them I would have shot for a 1/31 size and see if it would have gone with K&C and britains/frontline ect. and get both markets but its not my call, just my two cents. Robert can make them life sized if he likes its his company.

I think they look great and I still may collect them but like I said they seem very large to me and I had hopes of them fitting right in but they look a bit to big for my liking.
Shannon, Its like If you went shopping and bought a new pocket book that looked amazing in the store and took it home and found that it didn,t match any of the clothes that you had already! What do you do? Go out and buy more clothes RIGHT!!!:p
Shannon, Its like If you went shopping and bought a new pocket book that looked amazing in the store and took it home and found that it didn,t match any of the clothes that you had already! What do you do? Go out and buy more clothes RIGHT!!!:p

I think you also need to remember that King & Country originally said they would be making their Napoleonics 1/32 scale to match what was already out there but then they ended up making theirs somewhere in between 1/32 and 1/30 scale, so I don't see why Patriot should have to conform to their neither 1/32 nor 1/30 scale.
Patriot chose the same scale they make all their figures and they will eventually have enough in the line that, as with K&C, there will be no need to mass them with other companies figures.
Just my two cents,

For the reasons set forth in Tim's post, I don't agree with you. Robert can do what he wants (the advantage of being your own boss :) ) but if most collections are 1/32 and 1/30, why not enhance sales by doing something close to that. I think it would behoove them to conform their figures to 1/30 or 1/32, not 1/29 or 1/28.
What you are saying regarding the sales is 120% true, no doubt about it.
If we were to choose 1/32, all our figures would be in the size of the Britain, Conte or Italeri. I am sure we can attract more collectors to add ours into their existing collection. And this would make our life a lot easier. :p
It doesn't mean that we don't care about the 1/32 collectors, but by having too many sizes within a new and small company, I am afraid it'll end up with a lot of confusion.
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Robert, I think there was a case a year or so ago for 1/30 being better because it offered improved detail. However I feel 1/32 is the future as figures in that scale now exhibit detail as good as 1/30 and larger. The added benefit is that 1/32 is the standard scale for figures, most armoured vehicles and aircraft - just my two cents.
Oz, I truly appreciate your (and all others') kind and instructive advice, but at the moment, let's give us a try, at least with those that are in the production process. Perhaps 1/31 might be a good idea :)
Just judging from the pictures, the size difference is not a problem for me. Will see when my figures come in.
Robert, you mentioned some Naps already in the pipeline. Any calvary? Better yet, any pictures you can share?
Hope you'll like them.
Sorry, no pictures nor calvary yet. But yes, we'll need them for sure.
The upcoming ones are the remaining Young Guards.
1st quarter of 2007 will be Old G.
Then we'll have the MIB (no, not those from Hollywoods).
I was just wondering the same thing.
Funny, I immediately thought of SAS in Iranian Embassy siege style counter terrorist gear.
Any clue on what MIB will be?

I definately think it's the right decision to steer away from Hollywood though. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones defending Hougemont doesn't quite cut it for me...

Just judging from the pictures, the size difference is not a problem for me. Will see when my figures come in.
Robert, you mentioned some Naps already in the pipeline. Any calvary? Better yet, any pictures you can share?

I agree with you, the slight size difference isn't a problem. But it would be nice to have a future where all the figure and model manufacturers settle on ONE scale :)
Yes, men in black. Obviously it's not too appropriate here.
This should have been a better choice :) .

I have just received a group of the new Patriot young guard figures. The standing firing figure is a little taller than K&C but I do not think they are out of scale given normal human size differences. They would not work with Britains but in my opinion Britains is also too small for K&C/Del Prado/Miniwelt too. The new Patriots are beautiful figures and as far as I know the only young guard action poses available in this scale. I for one plan to get the whole series as it comes out. And I hope Patriot takes aim at some other Napoleonic niches that have been neglected, such as Prussian infantry and foot artillery of all armies.
Thanks for your support and business.
We'll work harder to offering all of you something different in the coming year.
No, not this one
Thanks for your support and business.
We'll work harder to offering all of you something different in the coming year.
No, not this one

Any chance we will see a command set that matches Napoleon? Wellington? Ney? Blucher?
Not about the Brunswickers first?

Looks like my men in black guess was right!:cool: This is one I been requesting for some one to make for awhile and i,m looking forward to seeing them. I,m sure they,ll look great also!!! but even better in 1/32 scale!!!:rolleyes:

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