Patriot WWII German Wehrmacht (1 Viewer)

That's too bad if so. This company seems to have a lot of promise. I finally received my pikeman from Treefrog and it's very nice.
That's too bad if so. This company seems to have a lot of promise. I finally received my pikeman from Treefrog and it's very nice.

How did those pikemen fit in size wise with K & C figures? Maybe they are closer than the image below indicates. For example, the K & C figure with the map seems a lot bigger, but then it is also closer to the camera. In anycase I feel some collectors make to much of a big deal about figure sizes because soldiers vary a great deal in size in real life. And any size differences are even less noticeable in dioramas when the figures are placed correctly.
I don't have any other figures like this one so it's a bit hard to compare but I agree with you that collectors do make too much of a big deal about the size differences. I just don't see it as a big deal.
Jazzeum, glad that you like the pikeman.
As for the size, they are a fraction shorter. The reason is, in general, asians are a bit smaller that westerners. From the ground to the eyes, it's 55 mm.
I recieved a set of the Wehrmacht figs. About the same hieght as K&C really well painted, noticably leaner and most noticable of all is Tiny Heads, They look small even for there own bodies and it's really noticable next the the K&C Wehrmacht.
Ray :confused:
My 2 cents worth.........It seems to me that some have a real hang up with near incremental misses in size and scale. The diorama guys mix them up in real look environments and you end up not being able to see a difference. For the bare shelf guys, if you keep the different mfg. segregated into their own space, then what is the beef. I have to believe that these new mfg. get a little tired at always being compared to K/C's look, size ,and now heads.......when K/C themselves ,at times been inconsistent in scale and size and heads. It is not a big deal. Buy what you like ,from who you want, and quit picking on anyone not K/C. The Patriot figures look very and I like the brighter paint scheme. More action poses, please.........Michael
I think Patriot is an upcoming company and there will be some hiccups along the way, which I think they will probably handle. All in all, this company looks very promising.
I think Patriot is an upcoming company and there will be some hiccups along the way, which I think they will probably handle. All in all, this company looks very promising.

I agree Brad, I really like what Patriot is doing, outstanding figures for a first foray into the WWII Wehrmacht and I look forward to there next offering. The paint work and sculpting are outstanding with the exception of the head proportion. I am not really complaining about the scale that would have been perfectly acceptable, the head size is another issue. I simply think it distracts from a really great initial offering.I am also looking forward to purchaing the Napoleonic set. Please you folks at Patriot, continue with your great work, you have my support!
Ray ;)
Thanks gentlemen,
From the above discussions and comments and support, I can tell you that these are our biggest rewards as of to date. Yes, for the larger or long established companies, these are nothing because they've gone through these many many years ago, or many many times already to get to where they are now. But for us, coming out from nowhere, this is very encouraging, and we'll keep on heading toward this direction, "offering you the best we can".
And of course, we should thanks all the dealers who make our products available to collectors overseas, and this site to offering us a page to communicate with you.
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I just received this set from George at Minute Man and I want to let everyone know that I think that this set is really very well done:cool: While the heads may be a little bit smaller than K&C's, the painting, detailing and scuplting is extremely well done. In real life not everyone has the same size head. I personally have a very large pumpkin sized head:D

I encourage everyone who collects WWII Germans to take a look at these and seriously think about get a set. They match-up well with my K&C WWII German Wehrmacht Infantry sets. I am looking forward to seeing the rocket launcher set in a few weeks from Patriot. Keep up the great work. I see a bright future for your products.
I just received this set from George at Minute Man and I want to let everyone know that I think that this set is really very well done:cool: While the heads may be a little bit smaller than K&C's, the painting, detailing and scuplting is extremely well done. In real life not everyone has the same size head. I personally have a very large pumpkin sized head:D

I encourage everyone who collects WWII Germans to take a look at these and seriously think about get a set. They match-up well with my K&C WWII German Wehrmacht Infantry sets. I am looking forward to seeing the rocket launcher set in a few weeks from Patriot. Keep up the great work. I see a bright future for your products.

I love them too Michael.

I received my Wehrmacht set today. I like them, nice sculpts and paint jobs. I also have the US airborne set. I'm looking forward to more releases from this company.
TSB, thanks for your supports.
I am sure you'll like the new German set too.

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