Photos of the new Sherlock Holmes pieces (1 Viewer)

6th Wisconsin

Sergeant Major
Jul 2, 2008
I received 221 Baker Street, Holmes, and Watson yesterday. I have to say I am very pleased with all three pieces, perhaps most of all with the building façade. Here, we see the detective has a visitor who has brought him a new case. She is not quite your typical Victorian.


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This is such a interesting subject for a a range. The detail on the figures is very well done. I love that you can see Watson's pocket watch chain.

Thanks for sharing!
Neat how you placed the figure on the balcony, gives the facade another dimension. Very nice pickup's. Robin.
Neat how you placed the figure on the balcony, gives the facade another dimension. Very nice pickup's. Robin.
There is enough room on the balcony with a figure with a small base. I doubt I could have fit the Holmes or Watson pieces up there.
Did the detectives suffer from sunburn? Maybe due to photo zoom?

Yes, mostly due to the close-up. I am a photographer and like close-ups. From normal viewing distance, it looks more like lines in the face, not sunburn. And they did not borrow from Trump's makeup case.
I've mentioned this before but the Watson figure just doesn't look like what Watson should look like; he should have a bowler. However, I think Holmes is well done.
Hi Guys,
Thankyou “6th.W” for posting the little set up with Sherlock, Dr. W. and the buxom young lass… very enjoyable.
With apologies to Brad “Jazzeum”… Where does it say that Dr. Watson only ever wears bowler hats…? Surely the venerable Doctor might have had more than one hat perhaps.
Anyway… here’s another little mystery…
With best wishes,


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Forgot about those 2 policeman, they will have to feature in my next diorama.^&grin, Robin.
Hi Guys,
Thankyou “6th.W” for posting the little set up with Sherlock, Dr. W. and the buxom young lass… very enjoyable.
With apologies to Brad “Jazzeum”… Where does it say that Dr. Watson only ever wears bowler hats…? Surely the venerable Doctor might have had more than one hat perhaps.
Anyway… here’s another little mystery…
With best wishes,

Ok, where's the boxom lass!! She is the one that is hooting around in that tardis!!! ^&grin Speaking of the tardis, is that a future release?

I've mentioned this before but the Watson figure just doesn't look like what Watson should look like; he should have a bowler. However, I think Holmes is well done.

I know..I have no life..Michael


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It's not only the bowler but he just doesn't look like Watson. Look at the images posted by Michael. He looks more like a shady character, hardly a doctor who served in Afghanistan. With those hands he looks like he was a surgeon. They're huge!

Moreover, the sign above 221B Baker Street wouldn't have been there in his day. It has been placed there for the tourists.
Agreed that the bowler is probably more typical, but both men in reality would likely have owned multiple hats. As for the sign, I had the same reaction at first, but it has been a while since I read all the books and could not remember if Sherlock had a sign for advertising. At least it doesn't have years on it. I love the mystery with the Tardis from a personal perspective. My own use of thus piece is going to be in a home library with a travel theme, and I am leaning toward it being fun more than realistic. Perhaps a combination if British literature and entertainment, including Dickens characters, a Tardis, bobbies, marching guards, and maybe even a couple of Harry Potter characters. My daughter is a big Doctor Who fan, and both kids love Harry Potter and reading. I already have the new Dodger piece and almost used him on the balcony.
I think its all a bit of fun wrong hats,signs,blah blah nit picking,well done K&C on having a set and doing something original,look forward to this series developing and will enjoy it thoroughly nice to get out of the trenches.
On a toy soldier forum how can it be wrong to discuss pros and cons of figures. Isn't that what we're here for?

With respect to Watson, as he's a fictional character, no interpretation can be wrong (particularly when we now have Lucy Liu playing Watson). Andy sees Watson one way and I the other. Just a difference of opinion.

Regarding the building, not a huge deal, but to have the sign is just not accurate.

I'm hoping we see Moriarty in not too distant future.
What figures are those bobbies? I need them for my diorama too
FOB071 is one -

The other one is from the FOB061 set that is Retired.

Agree on Watson...having watched _The Problem of the Thor Bridge_, just prior to the "Dispatches" showing the Holmes and Watson release, my wife's reaction was that Watson reminded her of Daniel Massey playing J. Neil Gibson in that movie.

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