Pike & Musket (1 Viewer)

Makes for a colorful series. Good point about the multiplies needed for a good scene. If the same poses stay around for awhile then it would be ok with buying "slowly." I may be in, I like the gunners and perhaps future artillery sets. Again my compliments on the fortified house.

The more you look at the figures and what is to come in cavalry, artillery and buildings the series will have appeal to collector.

As Wayne said you will need multiples and this will make it an expensive series.

However if as Terry suggested use of plastics for fill ins would make the series more attractive and in my case would make me a buyer rather then a watcher.

With so many new releases by the manufacturers and what re release Andy has planned for K & C they need to look at different approaches so plastics & metal a good idea.

The more you look at the figures and what is to come in cavalry, artillery and buildings the series will have appeal to collector.

As Wayne said you will need multiples and this will make it an expensive series.

However if as Terry suggested use of plastics for fill ins would make the series more attractive and in my case would make me a buyer rather then a watcher.

With so many new releases by the manufacturers and what re release Andy has planned for K & C they need to look at different approaches so plastics & metal a good idea.



An impressive looking series. Go on ... you know you want to!

I think your wrong mate just like people are interested in the American civil war outside of America,just my opinion.

Do agree with this Wayne , ACW is a fascinating conflict.


I don't need additional encouragement I can do okay on my own.

You are right it is an impressive series with what is being said is to come.

Congratulations K & C for exploring new historical eras, - especially one with a British theme. Particularly delighted to see that you are starting with the forces of Parliament. Look forward to seeing these "in the flesh" in due course.
STRONGLY SUGGEST that the head gear on pike and musket men be mixed between helmets and slouch hats.
For example you have four positions of pike men in helmets and the "horizontal" pike position in slouch hats, not very realistic.
Love the basic positions but the mixed head gear would greatly increase my multiple purchasing for dioramas.

Thanks for listening.
Andy -

What a great video presentation.
I look forward to seeing it in Chicago next week/
Man, ya gotta love the flexible manner of that manor...nice work Andy and Gordon:salute::
Very nice! Sculpting and painting looks great!

My kind of era for collecting... I can definitely see myself getting some of these for a diorama. Have to see the cavalry and artillery sets.

Thanks to Andy and K&C for taking the plunge into something different. :salute::
What is the range they are going to be revisiting from 15 years ago. Any chance it might be the Dickens range I would love to collect that range.
Pike and musket eh............^&cool
With all the massed ranks and multiples required this would be a good series to do in plastic to keep the cost down or has the plastic idea been shelved now?
A couple of people have asked me the resin/metal question. They are all metal.

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