I have also been reluctant to join this conversasion because if you search Treefrogs I think you'll know my point of view on theft of other peoples work.
Jonny, no offence meant but that's a very simplistic way to look at it.
As Andrea (or who ever) Have invested in professional equipment(it 'aint cheap because they don't sell many!) They then have to spend the time designing, sculpting, making a master mould, making a production mould, packaging, advertising etc. It is up to them to work out how much they need to sell the figure for.
Because they are trying to produce the best possible casting, to be sold in limited numbers, to collectors who then spend anything up to months painting the said casting.
Obviously if you need to get a return of £100.00 and you only sell 10.00 then you have to sell each casting for £10. If you sell 100 then you can sell them for £1.00
Then along comes a scumbag and sticks a casting of your work in silicone mould that cost him a few quid. Said scumbag (notice how polite I'm being

) hasn't invested any time or money he just knocks the castings out, He won't care whether the castings a made of a good quality metal or whether the cheap mould is wearing out. So lets say he's selling these knock offs at £2.00, that's £2.00 the the original maker won't see so why would he reduce the price? Even if the figure is painted to cover up the defects, non of the money goes back to the owner of the work.
In the long run if the original maker doesn't make any money, he will stop making figures. Then what happens to the hobby? Will it just scrape by on the recycled products of the older makers? (Some of whom went bust because their figures were being pirated!)
There is one well known person that sells castings of old manufacturers on ebay, that I have had to tell more than once to stop selling copies of my work!!
p.s. even if the prices were reduced pirates (theives) would still steal the work because they'd they be saving postage etc.