Posting problems (1 Viewer)


Apr 22, 2005
Does anyone have problems posting a message in regards to having to log back in after you hit submit thread? I can never safely post a long reply because I always have to log back in and when this happens what I typed is lost.I have had this problem since the beginning. I look at Njja and others long posts and I can never submit anything that long.Is there a time limit I'm not aware of?
Again just curious..
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I've never had that problem. Do you have the remember me thing clicked? I wonder if that's it.
I have had the exact same problem everytime I tried to send a long message. When I click on "submit reply" it tells me I need to long in (again). It is very frustrating. What is the secret? I have high speed and not dial-up which I found to be atrocious in this regard, so it can't be that.
Mike I'm so glad someone else has the exact same problem.I'm going to try Brad's advice.I have high speed to.Very frustrating when you get that great post ready to submit and wham its asking you to sign in and what you just typed is lost....
For the record I'm not happy your having the problem but it makes me feel better that I'm not crazy:p
Clilcking "remember me" when you first log on is the key to not having to log in every few minutes but I have also learned to copy my post before I send it on the off chance of technical difficulties. Learned that one the hard way unfortunately:p .
This maybe a long shot but try changing your password. I remember having the same problem with my email so I changed my password and it stopped.
Thanks for the tip, but I think I will follow Shannon's suggest regarding "Remember Me" first. I had assumed that it was some sort of sign in short cut. The logic of it escapes me; I just hope it works.
Mike if the 'remember me' doesn't fix it, the cause may be a problem with the way your computer is set for the handling of cookies. For example if there is a conflict between the virus protection cookie setup and the cookie setup on the browser and operating systems. Then your computer may not not know what you want it to do with those darn cookies. Web sites, including foums, also need to upgrade cookies from time to time and if a website is not allowed to do so this can also cause short term logins. I'm no computer expert, but this has happened to me and I'm sticking to it :)
Thanks Oz. My idea of cookies are the chocolate chip, made from scratch type that my Mom used to bake. Why what I am sending is confused for some sort of attack on my computer is beyond me. Actually, a lot of this is beyond me since I am from the pre-TV, sit in front of the radio generation. Oh yea, we also had to speak to an operator to place a phone call; when we got those dial phones when I was 16 years old, I thought that was very modern and sophisticated. Cell phones originally reminded me of Dick Tracy's wrist phones in the comics. I could go on, but I will spare you.
Mike, I luv those chock chip cookies myself :) If you do a google search on 'computer cookies' you should find all the information you need. If you go to the 'help' section of your operating system, for example Windows 98 or Windows XP, you can find out how to deal with cookies there.

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