Price Increases (5 Viewers)

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Lieutenant Colonel
Mar 27, 2009
I know this subject has been brought up before and discussed, but I'm doing it again (maybe it'll just make me feel better to get it off my chest:eek:). When I began collecting K&C back in 2006, some of my first purchases were the AK Panzer III, the DD Sherman with 105 gun, and the British Churchill. Now these sets have either 2 or 3 crewman and all cost $89. I actually thought that was high back then, but that was before I collected metal soldiers at all so what did I know really?:) Now believe me I know that over time most things do increase in price, but not necessarily. The house I lived in 5 years ago is actually worth a good bit less today than it was in 2006. Also, the product that the company I work for sells for less today than 5 years ago. I know there may be good reasons that metal/polystone soldiers and tanks have gone up in the last 5 years and have probably been explained by Andy many times, but the new Grant costing $199 and the new Snow Tiger even more makes these sets hard for me to buy. If I do buy one, I can't buy anything else for a while due to my restricted budget. I know this sounds like complaining and maybe it is, but the new Grant (with 2 crew) which is basically the same type of set as the 3 early ones mentioned above, how can it cost over double than what it would have 5 years ago? I know the detail may be a little better and mainly in the tracks, but that's about it. Those old sets have just as good detail except for the wheels/tracks. Anyway there I've said my peace and still love K&C products, but don't like the fact that I can't buy as many as I used to could.
Duke you are right on. Even the individual soldiers have exceded my budget. Andy will soon realize this along with the dealers when people stop buying. As the U.S. Congress wants to do with the budget, he should go back to the 2008 prices. Larry.
Good points all. Everyone knows prices go up, but if my food and shelter had more than doubled in the last few years, like TS have, I'd be out on the street, living in a condo made of TS boxes. I still buy, but my purchases are far fewer than they used to be and I expect they will shrink further. I can still purchase at the present price level but I see the day when it will no longer be possible. Figures at $35-$40 apiece and vehicles and planes at $200+ is just too much money. It is a hobby and that is all. -- Al
Valid points and concerns of many. I recall some said it was all the fault of HB when they did the gold range but, IMO I think that is very arguable as they were one off items not general releases for one.

I think this is the place to get what you feel of your chest and, I wonder how long it will be before we get the ''don't buy if you don't like'' routine defence from certain sections of the forum.

My concern, is as always, that we are constantly told that its a small hobby and, we seem willing to allow collectors to reduce their buying a fair bit or, leave the hobby altogether which, as we are also constantly reminded is very small and a niche market.

Only time will tell where it all ends up
Unfortunately, I agree. I have been collecting T.S. for close to four years, and have purchsed a good share of K&C product. Although, in my opinion, the drastic price increaes for K&C has limited my purchaes and from here forward I will need to be very selcetive in what I purchase. It's too bad, I also understand that prices do eventualy increase, but $229.00 for a tank, it's a bit to much for me. I still think K&C products are great, but logical thinking has ruled the day for me, my purchases will continue to shrink, since I cannot keep up with the cost of these items any longer.
I know what you guys mean, the prices are becoming unaffordable. Also i only buy what i like, but i would also like to think my models would keep their value if i ever had to sell on. But this isnt the case, ive seen items go on ebay for less than what the person had paid for them originally from k&c. I will be cutting down this year, its nothing personal against k&c.
Valid points and concerns of many. I recall some said it was all the fault of HB when they did the gold range but, IMO I think that is very arguable as they were one off items not general releases for one.

I think this is the place to get what you feel of your chest and, I wonder how long it will be before we get the ''don't buy if you don't like'' routine defence from certain sections of the forum.

My concern, is as always, that we are constantly told that its a small hobby and, we seem willing to allow collectors to reduce their buying a fair bit or, leave the hobby altogether which, as we are also constantly reminded is very small and a niche market.

Only time will tell where it all ends up

Mitch, I don't think the term ' don't like don't buy' is used in connection with prices, I think its more to do with if you like the look of a product or not, and in that scenario can be valid.

The set i bought last was the flak41
But i have been selling all my old trophy tommyatkins and little legion for all the newer k+c sets becuase i cant afford the prices anymore i used buy from k+cuk nearly every week now it is once every few months:(
Ithink there stuff is excellent especially the Bulge MG WS and warbids:cool:

I have seen that argument used in so many discussions from price and quality that I felt it was a valid point in the post. Its, as I have said before, at its crux valid as who buys things they don't like??? but, it has been twisted and used against such discussions quite a lot in the time I have been on here.
As has been said before on this forum, there is a tipping point where the hobby will cross over to an elitist hobby. With prices on the rise and fewer items able to be purchased for the dollar, I think we are not far from many collectors being forced out of the hobby or having to make far fewer purchases to stay in. If a collector is forced, time after time, to make a decision to pass on this in order to afford that, frustation sets in (for me anyway), and how long will said collector then stay with a hobby that is supposed to be fun and provide enjoyment? A collector that could once buy 3 or 4 figures or a vehicle on his budget, that is now restricted to 1 or 2 figures, and has to save for 3 months to buy a vehicle, might soon find another outlet for his money. A small hobby then loses it's base collectors and becomes elitist. JMO. -- Al
Just by the few who has posted on this thread saying they have cut down is costing the companies quite a bit.And for everyone on the forum cutting down you know it's the same for non forum members.

Thats the acid test but, it must have some similarities to the general picture thats on here. Either way you have it quite right it must have an effect on sales.
Well, we certainly have'nt had anyone say that they are buying a lot more TS because of the price increases, have we? -- Al
I wish i could buy most of the ww2 stuff thats out just now some of the sculpts are amazing:cool:especially the new Bulge German and Americans as well as WS sets
And to think that most companies are coming out with
new ranges this year.
I'm very anxious to see that.
So far din't buy nothing this year
Waiting for new ranges to see if it's worth it
The higher prices are cutting on the desire.
Mitch do you think the prices will increase with the next despatches and the forthcoming jagdtiger
I agree with you 100% Duke. The new prices have sent my $'s to other makers. I'm not giving up on K&C, just slowing way down.
As for added detail in the new products, specifically the Grant, I think the tracks and wheels are a big step backwards in detail.:(
For me the price issue is not a new one, ever since I started collecting K&C I've never thrown money around in great abundance, I've always had to have some self discipline and now is no different. Price rises are I'm afraid a fact of life across the board, food,petrol, clothes etc, so its no shock prices are going up. For me the quality,range and depth of K&C's releases every single month is what keeps me a loyal and happy customer.

And another thing!
Has anybody else noticed that the BBG016 Henschel turret KT is $239 compared to $229 for the Snow Tiger?:eek:
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