Possible simple fact is, KC Tries to make a lot of people happy, They have dabbled on quite a bit of Collections, We have WWII (DD, BoB, Lah, Market Garden/Arnhem, Afika Korp, 8th Army), Warbirds, WWI, American Civil War, Medieval Knights, Ancient Egypt,AWI,Life of Jesus,Napoleonics, The Alamo,the Real west, Sons of the Empire, The Orient, Australian Light Horse, United States Navy,United States Marines. Normandy Villages/ Dioramas. Whew( And of course the world Of Dickens, Romans/Barbarians).
Now Is everything selling the same, Is there enough Demand for every single piece/ Collection?? the simple answer is No.
IMO, what happens is some Collections That really sells well,Will have to carry other Collections that Does not sell as much. Clear across the Board. every Piece has to carry, itself plus others.
Only other Option Is not to make the Collection, that does not sell too well. There would be a lot of people that will get upset if that happens. I doubt if there are a lot of people outside the U.S.A, That cares for The AWI or the ACW. Or others( I am not going to specify any others. But, you can guess). I believe Andy, just does not want to cut any collection out, because of the people that does have that collection.
I do not like the price Increase, as much as everyone. But it does come with the territory of " I wants". Buy What you Can. and Fingers Crossed that there will be Months, That there will be releases. That Fall to "I do not Want" .So you can get the Ones You do.